Personal Experiences of S.O. Susag | Page 4

S.O. Susag
time in our own home, and called us into the
ministry. He brought us out of darkness through three visions and
showed us the evil of all sectarian division. All this was giving us light
on the beautiful Church of God without our having heard any preaching
on the subject, nor did we know anyone who believed as we did.
We commenced preaching at once and our first convert was a lady who
was saved in our home. (Sister Hendricks, now Myhre, who is a
minister). Our first case of healing was when the Lord healed me of
blood poisoning in my left arm, caused from the scratch of a rusty nail.
I caught cold in it and it swelled so fast that when I got into the house I
could not get my clothes off and they had to be cut off with scissors.
My wife and a young brother prayed for me, but I did not get
immediate relief. My entire arm turned blue and yellow and soon my
sides began to turn the same way. I had read in the Bible that the sick
were to be anointed with oil. The young brother anointed me
accordingly, and the swelling began to go down immediately,
insomuch that the next morning there was no symptom of any thing
wrong whatever.
* * * * *
The next experience of healing was of the restoring of my hearing to
my right ear. My wife had gone to services and I stayed home to take
care of the children. I had laid down beside them to get them to sleep
and had dropped off to sleep myself, and dreamed that I saw Jesus
standing beside the bed. He said to me, "Do you know John Pederson?"
"Yes," I replied, "he is my neighbor." And Jesus said, "Isn't he a
blacksmith and does he not make sleighs? And," he continued, "if he

were to make one for you and you were to break it, wouldn't he fix it
for you?" "Why, certainly," I replied. "Well," Jesus continued, "I made
your ear in the first place and don't you think I can fix it?" "Yes," I said.
Then He stepped up to me and touched my ear with two fingers and I
jumped out of bed and MY HEARING WAS PERFECT! I shouted
glory to God.
* * * * *
The youngest of our twin boys, who was nearly five years of age, was
taken with double pneumonia and suddenly passed away. My
mother-in-law prepared him for burial. As I was preparing to drive to
town to get a permit from the doctor to bury the little one, the Lord said
to me as I was on my way to the barn to get the team, "Why do you not
go back and pray again?" I immediately turned around and went to the
little corpse and laying my hands on him prayed and wept, and after a
little while he came to life. He was not only alive, but also perfectly
well. When I knelt down to pray my family did not dare to speak to me;
they thought I had lost my mind.
About three years later our baby daughter, some ten months old, was
sick and I was planning to leave home on Friday expecting to be gone
over Sunday. The little one grew steadily worse and at eleven o'clock
on Sunday night she passed away. There was great consternation in the
family. The oldest boy fainted when his grandmother laid her out. After
everything had quieted down and all had retired, except my wife who
remained up, she went to the little body, held it in her arms as she knelt
beside the bed until she was tired, then, laying the baby on the bed and
laying her hands on it, prayed until life came back into it. When I
returned Monday the child was as well as ever. In both cases
grandmother prepared them for burial.
A little while after this experience the twins were out in the barn
feeding the horses. Somehow in their actions one boy accidently stuck
the tine of the pitchfork right into the eyeball of the other boy. Wife
hearing their screams, ran out and brought them into the house. She
washed the blood from the injured eye and laid the boy on the bed; then
she and the twin brother laid their hands on him and prayed the prayer
of faith. He went to sleep and slept untill morning, and all that
remained on the eyeball was a small white spot in the center which
disappeared after a day or two, and his sight was not in the least

* * * * *
A similar case happened at Bruce, South Dakota, while
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