Other Tongues -- Other Flesh | Page 7

George Hunt Williamson
automobile, the airplane, etc.
What actually took place in the 1800's was the first large public demonstration of spacecraft in the modern, industrial age. After the Industrial Revolution there had to be an influx of certain Universal truths in order to create a semblance between highly advanced technical skill and undeveloped spiritually. The space ships or "airships" of the nineteenth century were the physical manifestation of that Great Influx!
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligences also began at the same time. The father of wireless, Marconi, in 1921 believed he had intercepted messages from Mars or some point in outer space. The theory that the waves were produced by electrical disturbances was disproved by the regularity of the impulses.
Marconi conducted highly secret experiments before 1921 and knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was in direct contact with beings of other worlds! A woman in California writes: "During World War II was teaching in Scotland. In 1918, headquarters of the Y.W.C.A. in London wrote offering me the position of head of their branch office in Chelmsford near London. The main station of the Marconi World-Wide Wireless was also there. Many men from Britain died in World War I and it was my job to look out for many young girls away from home. I took room and board with a couple somewhat older than I. The husband was a very intelligent person and had a responsible position with the Marconi Wireless Company. One day, he asked me if I would like to go through the Marconi Station. I was delighted to go. During my tour through the laboratories I was startled and almost petrified when we arrived in front of a huge, ten-foot square, transparent case inside of which seemed to be a flaming mass . . . flames revolving like a wheel! I asked my friend what this was and he said that they had been receiving wireless messages somewhere outside of Earth! I asked him to be more specific. And he said: 'My dear girl, we have stations all over the Earth, but certain code is not coming from any of them! We are receiving signals from intelligent beings on other inhabited worlds!' My friend then told me that Marconi at that moment was in Australia conducting experiment and trying to discover more about this momentous happening. They believed the signals were coming from the planet Mars. I have never mentioned this experience before, and I believe Marconi kept his work secret because he knew what the world would say."
The lady who had the above experience lives in Santa Barbara, California and is a respectable citizen of that city.
Later in the 1920's and 1930's more strange messages were received throughout the world as radio was developed. And radiotelegraphic messages from Saucers are being received today! The first radio contact with space visitors was reported by our research group in Arizona in 1952, and now contact is being made in Ohio, Iowa, Canada, California, Detroit, Michigan, and other places. The contact is in both code and voice.
Space intelligences have said: "God provided--Man divided. Man has taken this true thing and added to it his own ring."
After the period of The Great Influx, science went a long way toward abolishing age-old theological dogma, but it went too far to the extreme and man became bathed in the new glories of the materialistic scientific world. Man on Earth had always de-lighted in dividing everything; there are continents, nations, states and commonwealths, counties and townships, cities and villages, wards and blocks, churches, cults, sects and isms, races and creeds, classes and clubs, societies and shrines, cathedrals and temples. But the Infinite Father is ONE!
Earth has been divided up so that instead of man being a brother to his fellowman, he has set up artificial lines to separate and segregate others different than himself. Man made boundaries, man made creeds and ideals, man made religious groups, man made doctrine and dogma, man made, man made. There is nothing wrong with religion, it's what man has done to and with it that's so pitiful. Science is the twin-sister of religion . . . truth cannot contradict truth, and there is no religion higher than Truth. The worship of the Creator and the study of His laws, causes and effects; of nature and the great powers waiting for discovery within her bosom . . . all these should be massed into ONE. Hence, science and religion are one, just as everything in the Omniverse is ONE!
When Van Tassel said: "We must present to science, the religion of science; and to religion, the science of religion," he gave the key for understanding between the two great fields of human endeavor.
To many people today, science is the modern savior or "messiah". They look to scientists and their discoveries for
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