Other Things Being Equal | Page 4

Emma Wolf
after night."
"Mamma likes it."
"Cela va sans dire. But, Ruth, --stop fanning a minute, please, --I want
to know, candidly and seriously, would you mind giving it up?"
"Candidly and seriously, I would do so to-day forever."
"Ye-es; your father's daughter," said Mrs. Lewis, speaking more slowly,
her bright eyes noting the perfect repose of the young girl's person;
"and yet you are having some quiet little conquests, --the golden apples
of your mother's Utopia. But to come to the point, do you realize that

your mother is very ill?"
"Ill--my mother?" The sudden look of consternation that scattered the
soft tranquillity of her face must have fully repaid Mrs. Lewis if she
was aiming at a sensation.
"There, sit down. Don't be alarmed; you know she is out and apparently
"What do you mean?"
I mean that Aunt Esther is nervous and hysterical. The other day at our
house she had such an attack of hysteria that I was obliged to call in a
neighboring doctor. She begged us not to mention it to either of you,
and then insisted on attending a meeting of some sort. However, I
thought it over and decided to let you know, as I consider it serious. I
was afraid to alarm Uncle, so I thought of telling you."
"Thank you, Jennie; I shall speak to Father about it." The young girl's
tone was quite unagitated; but two pink spots on her usually colorless
cheeks betrayed her emotion.
"That is right, dear. I hope you will forgive me if I seem meddlesome,
but Jo and I have noticed it for some time; and your father, by allowing
this continual gayety, seems to have overlooked what we find so sadly
apparent. Of course you have an engagement for to-night?"
"Yes; we are going to a reception at the Merrills'."
"Merrill? Christians?" was the sharp reply.
"The name speaks for itself."
"What does possess your parents to mix so much with Christians?"
"Fellow-feeling, I suppose. We all dance and talk alike; and as we do
not hold services at receptions, wherein lies the difference?"
"There is a difference; and the Christians know it as well as we Jewish

people. Not only do they know it, but they show it in countless ways;
and the difference, they think, is all to their credit. For my part, I
always feel as if they looked down on us, and I should like to prove to
them how we differ on that point. I have enough courage to let them
know I consider myself as good as the best of them."
"Is that why you wear diamonds and silk on the street, Jennie?" asked
Ruth, her serious tones implying no impudence, but carrying a refined
"Hardly. I wear them because I have them and like them. I see no harm
in wearing what is becoming."
"But don't you think they look aggressive on the street? They attract
attention; and one hates to be conspicuous. I think they are only in
place at a gathering of friends of one's own social standing, where they
do not proclaim one's moneyed value."
"Perhaps," replied Mrs. Lewis, her rosy face a little rosier than before.
"I suppose you mean to say it is vulgar; well, maybe so. But I scarcely
think a little outward show of riches should make others feel they are
better because they do not care to make a display. Besides, to be less
personal, I don't think any Christian would care to put himself out to
meet a Jew of any description."
"Don't you think it would depend a great deal both on Jew and
Christian? I always have been led to believe that every broad-minded
man of whatever sect will recognize and honor the same quality in any
other man. And why should I not move on an equality with my
Christian friends? We have had the same schooling, speak the same
language, read the same books, are surrounded by the same elements of
home refinement. Probably if they had not been congenial, my father
would long ago have ceased to associate with them. I think the secret of
it all is in the fact that it never occurred to us that the most fastidious
could think we were anything but the most fastidious; and so we always
met any one we desired to meet on a level footing. I have a great many
pleasant friends in the court of your Philistines."

"Possibly. But not having been brought up by your father, I think
differently, and perhaps am different. Their ways are not my ways; and
what good can you expect from such association?"
"Why, pleasant companionship. What wouldst thou more?"
"I? Not even that. But tell me, can't you dissuade Aunt Esther from
going to-night? Tell your
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