5. tri enni al, year 6. tri gam ist, marriage. 7. tri gon ometry, measure 8. tri later al, side 9. tri nomi al, term 10. trio 11. tri pod, foot 12. tri sect, cut 13. tri syllable, syllable 14. trium vir, man 15. tri une, one 16. tri via l, way
2. A tricuspid tooth has three points.
4. A three-toothed or three-pronged spear. Specifically, a fishing spear.
"His nature is too noble for the world; He would not flatter Neptune for his trident, Or Jove for his power to thunder."
6. A trigamist is one who has been three times married; especially one who has three wives or three husbands at the same time.
7. Trigonometry literally means three angle measure. That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations of sides and angles of triangles, and applies them to other figures.
9. A trinomial in algebra is a quantity consisting of three terms.
10. A trio is a musical composition in three parts.
11. A tripod has three feet or legs; as a three-legged table or stool, a three-footed kettle or vase.
14. A triumvir is one of three men united in office; specifically in ancient Rome.
15. The triune is three in one; the three-fold personality of one divine being,--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
16. Trivial formerly meant, pertaining to three ways; where three ways or roads cross; of the cross roads; hence, common, commonplace, such as may be picked up anywhere; ordinary; trifling; of little worth.
#due# = lead, draw.
1. ab duct, away 2 ad duce, to 3. aque duct, water 4. con duct, with 5. de duct, from 6. duct ile, capable of 7. duke, a leader 8. e duc ate, out 9. in duce, into 10. in duce ment, that which 11. intro duce, into 12. pro duce, forth 13. se duce, aside 14. re duce, back
1. To lead or carry away wrongfully and usually by force; to kidnap; as, to abduct a child.
2. To lead or bring to; to bring forward or offer as an argument in a case. "I too prize facts and shall adduce nothing else."
3. An aqueduct is a leadway or artificial channel for conveying water.
4. A guide conducts a traveler when he goes with him and, in a sense, leads him along a safe route.
5. To deduct is to take from; to draw away.
6. A ductile metal is one capable of being drawn into wire; as, copper, platinum, steel, etc.
8. To develop mentally and morally by instruction. Educate literally means to lead forth, to draw out.
11. An introduction is the initial step which leads people into one another's acquaintance.
14. (1) To lead or bring back to a former state; as,
"It were but right And equal to reduce me to my dust."
(2) To bring to any specific state or form.
#fac, fact# = do, make.
(fec, fic, fy, fea, fash are variations.)
1. fact 2. fact ory, place where 3. facil ity, quality of 4. bene fact or, good 5. manu fact ure, hand 6. ef fect, (ex.) out 7. per fect, thoroughly 8. im perfect, not 9. arti ficial, skill 10. bene ficial, good 11. sacri fice, sacred 12. paci fic, peace 13. feat 14. de feat, un 15. feas ible, capable of 16. fashion.
1. A fact is something done or brought to pass.
3. Quality of being easily done.
5. Manufacture formerly meant to make by hand.
6. An effect is something worked out, or done.
7. A thing is perfect when thoroughly made, or finished.
11. Sacrifice literally means to make sacred; to set apart as sacred.
12. Pacific means pertaining to peace; suited to make or restore peace.
13. A feat is an act, a deed, an exploit; something done.
14. To defeat means to overcome or vanquish. Literally to un do.
16. The fashion of a thing is, in a sense, the make of it.
NOTE.--fy, meaning to make, is found as a suffix in derivatives too numerous to mention; as, purify (to make pure), rarefy (to make rare), classify (to make or put into a class), etc.
#fer, ferr# = carry, bear, bring.
1. circum fer ence, around 2. con fer, together 3. dif fer, apart 4. fert ile, capable of 5. of fer, (ob) near. 6. pro (f)fer, forth 7. re fer, back 8. re fer ee, one who 9. suf fer, (sub) under 10. trans fer, across
1. See first month, page 10.
2. When two or more persons confer they bring together opinions and facts on some special subject.
3. See second month, page 13.
5. To bring near to; to present for acceptance; as, to offer one's services.
6. To bring or put forward; to hold forth so that a person may take; as, to proffer a gift.
7. To direct for information. Literally, to carry back; as, "Mahomet referred his new laws to the angel Gabriel, by whose direction he gave out they were made."
9. To suffer is to bear under;
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