Orthography | Page 3

Elmer W. Cavins
This is not easy, but it should not be neglected, for it is the most practical feature of word analysis. Pupils should help each other, and the teacher may contribute when his help is needed. One good illustration for a difficult word might suffice the entire class.

Word Analysis.
#a, ab, abs# = from, away.
1. a vert, turn 2. ab brevi ate, short 3. ab duct, lead 4. ab ject, cast 5. ab lut ion, wash 6. ab origin es, beginning 7. ab rupt, break 8. ab sorb, suck in 9. ab solve, loosen 10. ab use, use.
2. To shorten, to take from; to make briefer.
3. To lead away; to carry off by force; to kidnap.
4. An abject person is one sunk to low condition (as if cast from the society of others).
5. An ablution is a washing or cleansing; especially a religious rite.
6. The inhabitants of a country from the beginning. The earliest inhabitants of which anything is known.
7. Broken or appearing as if broken away or off; as an abrupt cliff.
8. To suck up; to drink in. A brick will absorb a pint of water.
9. To loosen or set free, as from some duty or obligation
10. To divert from the proper use; to misuse.
#ambi, (amphi)# = both, on both sides, around.
1. ambi dextr ous, right hand 2. ambi ti on, go 3. amphi bi ous, life 4. amphi theatre, view.
1. Having skill with both hands (as if both were right hands).
2. A going around or about, as of a candidate soliciting votes; eager for favors; strongly desirous.
3. Living both on land and in water. Frogs, turtles, crocodiles, seals, otters, and beavers are amphibious.
4. An amphitheatre is a building built circular so that spectators may view a performance from both sides or from all around.
#bene# = well, good.
1. bene dict ion, speak 2. bene fact ion, do 3. bene fact or, one who 4. bene fic ent, do 5. bene fic ial, pertaining to 6. bene fit, do 7. bene vol ent, will 8. beni gn, (genus) kind 9. beni gn ant, being 10. nota bene, note
1. The act of speaking well to or of; a blessing pronounced at the close of divine service.
2. The act of doing good; making a charitable donation.
4. Doing or effecting good; performing acts of kindness.
5. Pertaining to what does good, is useful or profitable.
6. A good deed done; an act of kindness.
7. Willing to do good; well-wishing; charitable.
8. Good and kind of heart; expressive of gentleness or kindness. Literally, of a good kind.
9. Being kind and gracious.
10. Note well; observe carefully; take notice. Usually abbreviated to N. B.
#circum# = around.
1. circum fer ence, carry 2. circum flex, bend 3. circum locut ion, speak 4. circum navig ate, sail 5. circum scribe, write, draw 6. circum spect, look 7. circum sta nce, stand 8. circum vent, come.
1. Think the circumference in the process of making; carry the crayon around the circle to produce the circumference.
2. A bending around; a wave or bend of the voice embracing both a rise and a fall on the same syllable.
3. The act of speaking in a round about way; particularly a studied indirectness or evasiveness of speech.
4. The act of sailing around; especially the earth or globe.
5. To draw a bounding line round; hence to mark out the limits of.
6. Looking around on all sides; examining carefully.
7. That which attends or relates to (stands around, as it were,) an event, a person or a thing.
8. To circumvent one in any enterprise is to come around in an unexpected way for the purpose of gaining an advantage.
#contra, (contro, counter)# = against
1. contra dict, speak 2. contra vene, come 3. contra st, stand 4. counter act, do 5. counter balance, scales 6. contro versy, turn
1. To speak against; to assert the opposite of.
2. To come against; to oppose.
3. To stand against; to set in opposition to, as two or more objects of a like kind with a view to showing their difference.
4. To act against; to do what hinders.
5. To weigh against with equal weight; equal weight, power or influence acting in opposition to.
6. A turning against; debate, contention.
#ann# = year.
1. annu al, relating to 2. anni vers ary, turn 3. annu ity, that which 4. bi ennial, two 5. cent ennial, hundred 6. mille nnium, thousand 7. per ennial, through 8. super annuate, beyond
1. Relating to a year; yearly.
2. That day which returns once a year commemorating some event.
3. A stated sum of money payable yearly.
4. Happening once in two years; lasting two years.
5. Consisting of or lasting a hundred years. Happening every hundred years.
6. A period or interval of a thousand years.
7. Throughout the year; lasting, perpetual.
8. Condition of being beyond the years of active service; impaired or disabled by length of years.
#art# = skill.
1. art ist,
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