Orange and Green | Page 9

G. A. Henty
was soon pulled ashore and firmly fixed. A light line was attached to it, and the sailors at once began to pass along.
"Shall we turn back now, Master Walter?"
"We will keep near the wreck for a few minutes longer, Larry. She can't hold together long, and maybe we can pick somebody up."
The vessel was indeed breaking up fast. Her stern was burst in, and the waves, as they poured in at the opening, smashed up the deck. Many of the crew had been washed overboard, and had instantly disappeared.
As the boat approached the wreck, an officer, who had climbed the shrouds, shouted out:
"Will your boat hold another?"
"Yes," Walter shouted back. "She will hold two more."
"I will try and swim to you," the officer said.
He threw off the long cloak, in which he was wrapped, and unbuckled his sword and let it drop, unbuttoned and took off his military coat, and, with some difficulty, got rid of his high boots.
"Can you come a bit nearer?" he shouted.
"We daren't," Walter said. "A touch from one of those floating timbers would send us to the bottom."
The officer waved his hand, and then sprang head foremost into the sea. So long was he in the water, that Walter began to think he must have struck against something, and was not coming up again; when suddenly he appeared, within twenty yards of the boat. They rowed towards him, instantly.
"You must get in over the stern," Walter said.
The officer was perfectly cool, and, placing his hands on the stern, drew himself partly over it, and Walter, grasping his hand, dragged him in. No sooner was he in, than Walter again hailed the wreck.
"We can carry one more."
But those who were still on board were huddled up in the bow, waiting their turn for the rope.
"There is a big un coming now," Larry exclaimed. "That will finish her."
A wave, towering far above its fellows, was indeed approaching. Higher and higher it rose. There was a wild cry from the wreck as it surged over it. When it had passed, the sea was covered with floating timbers, but the vessel was gone.
"We can do nothing now," Walter said. "We daren't go in among that wreckage, and any who get hold of floating planks will drift ashore.
"Now, Larry, back quietly, and let her drift down round the Nose. We must keep her head to the waves."
Ten minutes, and they were abreast of the reef. As soon as they were past it, Walter gave the word, and they rowed along, under its shelter, to the point where they had embarked.
"Now, sir," Walter said, "we will back her up to that rock. When we are close enough, you must jump."
This was safely accomplished.
"Now, Larry, row alongside when the next wave comes. We must both scramble out as well as we can."
But by this time help was at hand. The boat had been anxiously watched from the shore, and when, on the disappearance of the wreck, she was seen to be making her way back to the Nose, Mr. Davenant, with Considine and the priest, and the boys who had assisted in getting her afloat, hurried along the shore to meet her, the rest of the fishermen remaining behind, to aid any who might be washed up from the wreck.
As soon as it was seen that they intended to land at the spot where they had started, Considine and Mr. Davenant made their way along the rock, and joined the officer just as he leapt ashore. The boat came alongside on the top of the wave, and as this sank it grazed the rock and capsized, but Walter and Larry grasped the hands stretched out to them, and were hauled on to the rock, while the next wave dashed the curragh in fragments on the beach.
Chapter 2
: For James Or William.
"My dear Walter," his father exclaimed as he embraced his son, as he scrambled on shore, "you have behaved like a hero, indeed, but you oughtn't to have done it.
"And you too, Larry. You both deserve a sound thrashing for the fright you have given us."
"They may have frightened you, sir," the officer said; "but assuredly, I owe my life to these brave lads. I have scarcely thanked them yet, for indeed, until I felt my foot on the rock, I had but small hopes of reaching shore safely in that cock boat of theirs. After feeling that great ship so helpless against the waves, it seemed impossible that a mere eggshell could float over them.
"My name, sir, is Colonel L'Estrange, at your service."
"My name is Davenant, colonel, and I am truly glad that my son has rescued you; but the sooner you are up at my place, the better, sir. This is no weather for standing talking in shirtsleeves."
They now made
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