Old Indian Days | Page 4

Charles A. Eastman
and shrank back motionless in a crouching at- titude, still steadily keeping an eye upon a moving object. It was soon evident that some one was stealthily eying him from behind cover, and he was outwitted by the enemy! Still stooping, he glided down a little ravine, and as he reached the bed of the creek there emerged from it a large gray wolf.
This was very opportune for Antelope. He gave the gray wolf's danger-call with all his might; waited an instant and gave it a sec- ond time; then he turned and ran fleetly down the stream. At the same moment the wolf ap- peared upon the top of the bank, in full view of the enemy.
"Here he comes!" they whispered, and had their arrows on the string as the wolf trotted leisurely along, exposing only his head, for this was a common disguise among the plains In- dians. But when he came out into the open, behold! it was only a gray wolf!
"Ugh!" the Utes grunted, as they looked at each other in much chagrin.
"Surely he was a man, and coming directly into our trap! We sang and prayed to the gods of war when our war chief sent us ahead to scout the Sioux people, to find their camp. This is a mystery, a magic! Either he is a Sioux in disguise, or we don't know their tricks!" exclaimed the leader.
Now they gave the war-whoop, and their arrows flew through the air. The wolf gave a yelp of distress, staggered and fell dead. In- stantly they ran to examine the body, and found it to be truly that of a wolf.
"Either this is a wonderful medicine-man, or we are shamefully fooled by a Sioux war- rior," they muttered.
They lost several minutes before they caught sight of Antelope, who had followed the bed of the creek as far as it lay in his direction and then came out of it at full speed. It would be safer for him to remain in concealment until dark; but in the meantime the Ute war- riors would reach the camp, and his people were unprepared! It was necessary to expose himself to the enemy. He knew that it would be chiefly a contest of speed and he had an ex- cellent start; but on the other hand, the Utes doubtless had their horses.
"The Sioux who played this trick on us must die to-day!" exclaimed their leader. "Come, friends, we cannot afford to let him tell this joke on us at the camp-fires of his people!"
Antelope was headed directly for Eagle Scout Butte, for the camp was in plain view from the top of this hill. He had run pretty much all day, but then, that was nothing!
"I shall reach the summit first, unless the Ute horses have wings!" he said to him- self.
Looking over his shoulder, he saw five horse- men approaching, so he examined his bow and arrows as he ran.
"All is well," he muttered. "One of their spirits at the least must guide mine to the spirit land!" where, it was believed by them, there was no fighting.
Now he was within hearing of their whoops, but he was already at the foot of the butte. Their horses could not run up the steep ascent, and they were obliged to dismount. Like a deer the Sioux leaped from rock to rock, and almost within arrow-shot came his pursuers, wildly whooping and yelling.
When he had achieved the summit, he took his stand between two great rocks, and flashed his tiny looking-glass for a distress signal into the distant camp of his people.
For a long time no reply came, and many arrows flew over his head, as the Utes ap- proached gradually from rock to rock. He, too, sent down a swift arrow now and then, to show them that he was no child or woman in fight, but brave as a bear when it is brought to bay.
"Ho, ho!" he shouted to the enemy, in token of a brave man's welcome to danger and death.
They replied with yells of triumph, as they pressed more and more closely upon him. One of their number had been dispatched to notify the main war-party when they first saw Ante- lope, but he did not know this, and his courage was undiminished. From time to time he con- tinued to flash his signal, and at last like light- ning the little white flash came in reply.
The sun was low when the besieged warrior discovered a large body of horsemen approach- ing from the northwest. It was the Ute war- party! He looked earnestly once more toward the Sioux camp, shading his eyes with his right palm. There, too, were many moving specks upon the plain, drawing toward the foot of the hill!
At the middle of
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