Old Age and Death | Page 8

Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
second--no one in their
employ could have been in a better position to give it than Casanova;
third--Casanova was morally and economically bound, as an employee
of the Tribunal, to furnish the information ordered, whatever his
personal distaste for the undertaking may have been. We may even
assume that he permitted himself to express his feelings in some
indiscreet way, and his break with the Tribunal followed, for, at the end
of 1781, his commission was withdrawn. Certainly, Casanova's almost
absolute dependence on his salary, influenced the letter he wrote the
Inquisitors at this time.
"To the Illustrious and Most Excellent Lords, the Inquisitors of State:
"Filled with confusion, overwhelmed with sorrow and repentance,
recognizing myself absolutely unworthy of addressing my vile letter to
Your Excellencies confessing that I have failed in my duty in the
opportunities which presented themselves, I, Jacques Casanova, invoke,
on my knees, the mercy of the Prince; I beg that, in compassion and
grace, there may be accorded me that which, in all justice and on
reflection, may be refused me.
"I ask the Sovereign Munificence to come to my aid, so that, with the
means of subsistence, I may apply myself vigorously, in the future, to
the service to which I have been privileged.
"After this respectful supplication, the wisdom of Your Excellencies
may judge the disposition of my spirit and of my intentions."
The Inquisitors decided to award Casanova one month's pay, but
specified that thereafter he would receive salary only when he rendered
important services.
In 1782 Casanova made a few more Reports to the Tribunal, for one of
which, regarding the failure of an insurance and commercial house at
Trieste, he received six sequins. But the part of a guardian of the public
morals, even through necessity, was undoubtedly unpleasant to him;

and, in spite of the financial loss, it may be that his release was a relief.

Intimately connected with Casanova's life at this period was a girl
named Francesca Buschini. This name does not appear in any of the
literary, artistic or theatrical records of the period, and, of the girl,
nothing is known other than that which she herself tells us in her letters
to Casanova. From these very human letters, however, we may obtain,
not only certain facts, but also, a very excellent idea of her character.
Thirty-two of her letters, dated between July 1779 and October 1787,
written in the Venetian dialect, were preserved in the library at Dux.
She was a seamstress, although often without work, and had a brother,
a younger sister and also a mother living with her. The probabilities are
that she was a girl of the most usual sort, but greatly attached to
Casanova who, even in his poverty, must have dazzled her as a being
from another world. She was his last Venetian love, and remained a
faithful correspondent until 1787; and it is chiefly from her letters, in
which she comments on news contained in Casanova's letters to her,
that light is thrown on the Vienna-Paris period, particularly, of
Casanova's life. For this, Francesca has placed us greatly in her debt.
With this girl, at least between 1779 and 1782, Casanova rented a small
house at Barbaria delle Tole, near S. Giustina, from the noble Pesaro at
S. Stae. Casanova, always in demand for his wit and learning, often
took dinner in the city. He knew that a place always awaited him at the
house of Memmo and at that of Zaguri and that, at the table of these
patricians, who were distinguished by their intellectual superiority, he
would meet men notable in science and letters. Being so long and so
closely connected with theatrical circles, he was often seen at the
theater, with Francesca. Thus, the 9th August 1786, the poor girl, in an
excess of chagrin writes: "Where are all the pleasures which formerly
you procured me? Where are the theatres, the comedies which we once
saw together?"
On the 28th July 1779, Francesca wrote:
"Dearest and best beloved,
" . . . In the way of novelties, I find nothing except that S. E. Pietro
Zaguri has arrived at Venice; his servant has been twice to ask for you,
and I have said you were still at the Baths of Abano . . ."

The Casanova-Buschini establishment kept up relations, more or less
frequent and intimate, with a few persons, most of whom are
mentioned in Francesca's letters; the Signora Anzoletta Rizzotti; the
Signora Elisabeth Catrolli, an ancient comedienne; the Signora Bepa
Pezzana; the Signora Zenobia de Monti, possibly the mother of that
Carlo de Monti, Venetian Consul at Trieste, who was a friend to
Casanova and certainly contributed toward obtaining his pardon from
the Inquisitors; a M. Lunel, master of languages, and his
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