Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue | Page 6

Alexander Hume
sound it generallie lyke the voual e, without sound of the a, q_uhi_lk, notwithstanding is the principal voual in this diphthong sound. Questionles at the first it semes to have had sum differing sound from a, sik as we pronunce in stean, or the south in stain. But this corruption is caryed with a stronger tyde then reason can resist, and we wil not stryve with the stream.
14. E followes, q_uhi_lk in reason sould have but ane sound, for without doubt the first intent was to geve everie sound the awn symbol, and everie symbol the awn sound. But as now we sound it in quies and quiesco, the judiciouse ear may discern tuae soundes. But because heer we differ not, I wil acquiess. My purpose is not to deal with impossibilities, nor to mend al crookes, but to conform (if reason wil conform us) the south and north beath in latine and in English.
15. Af this voual ryseth tuae diphthonges, ei and eu, quhilk beath standes wel with the definition, sect. 11.
16. Of the next, i, we differ farder, and the knot harder to louse, for nether syde wantes sum reason. Thei in mihi, tibi, and sik otheres, pronunce it as it soundes in bide, manere; we as it soundes in bid, jubere.
17. Among the ancientes I fynd sum groundes for their sound. Cic. epist. fam. lib. 9, epis. 22, avoues that bini, in latin, and +binei+ in Greek, had ane sound. And Varro, with sundrie ancientes, wrytes domineis and serveis, for dominis and servis, quhilk is more lyke the sound of bide then bid. If this argument reached as wel to i short as i lang, and if we wer sure how +ei+ was pronunced in those dayes, this auctoritie wald over-weegh our reason; but seing i, in mihi, _et_c., in the first is short, and in the last co_m_mon, and the sound of ei uncertan, I stand at my reason, sect. 9, q_uhi_lk is as powerful heer for i as ther for a. They pronunce not i in is and quis, id and quid, in and quin, as they pronunce it in mihi, tibi, sibi, ibi, _et_c., and therfoer not right.
18. As for o, in latin, we differ not; u, the south pronu_n_ces quhen the syllab beginnes or endes at it, as eu, teu for tu, and eunum meunus for unum munus, q_uhi_lk, because it is a diphthong sound, and because they them selfes, quhen a consonant followes it, pronunce it other wayes, I hoep I sal not need argumentes to prove it wrang, and not be a pure voual.

Cap. 3.
1. Of a, in our tongue we have four soundes, al so differing ane from an other, that they distinguish the verie signification of wordes, as, a tal man, a gud tal, a horse tal.
2. Quherfoer in this case I wald co_m_mend to our men the imitation of the greek and latin, quho, to mend this crook, devysed diphthongs. Let the simplest of these four soundes, or that q_uhi_lk is now in use, stand with the voual, and supplie the rest with diphthonges; as, for exemple, I wald wryte the king's hal with the voual a; a shour of hael, with ae; hail marie, with ai; and a heal head, as we cal it, quhilk the English cales a whole head, with ea. And so, besydes the voual, we have of this thre diphthonges, tuae with a befoer, ae and ai, and ane w_i_th the e befoer, ea. Ad to them au, howbeit of a distinct sound; as, knaulege with us, in the south knowlege.
3. These and al other diphthonges I wald counsel the teacheres not to name be the vouales quherof they are maed, but be the sound q_uhi_lk they maek, for learneres wil far maer easelie take the sound from the mouth of the teacher, then maek it them selves of the vouales ingredient.
4. Of e, we have tuae soundes, q_uhi_lk it is hard to judge q_uhi_lk is simplest; as, an el, ulna; and an el, anguilla; hel, infernus; and an hel, calx pedis. Heer I wald com_m_end to our men quhae confoundes these the imitation of the south, q_uhi_lk doth wel distinguish these soundes, wryting the el, ulna, with the voual e, and eel, anguilla, with the diphthong ee. I am not ignorant that sum symbolizes this sound w_i_th a diphthong made of ie; eie, oculus; hiel, fiel, miel, _et_c. Here I am indifferent, and onelie wishes that the ane be used; let the advysed judge make choise of q_uhi_lk, for my awne paert I lyke the last best; 1. becaus eie, oculus, can not wel be symbolized ee; 2. because the greekes expresse eta be +ee+, q_uhi_lk, as appeares be the Ioneanes and Doreanes, drawes neerar to alpha, than epsilon.
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