Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue | Page 3

Alexander Hume
his wishes after many reverses, by the help of Alexander Seton, Earl of Dunfermline, Chancellor of Scotland, and by authority both of Parliament and of the Privy Council his grammar was enjoined to be used in all the schools of the kingdom. But through the interest of the bishops, and the steady opposition of Ray, his successor at the High School, the injunction was rendered of no effect. He would not, however, be beaten, and we find that in 1623 he was again actively engaged in adopting measures to secure the introduction of his grammar into every school in North Britain where the Latin language was taught.
The following is a list of our author's works:--
A Reioynder to Doctor Hil concerning the Descense of Christ into Hell. By Alexander Hume Maister of Artes. 4o.
No place of printing, printer's name, or date, but apparently printed at London in 1592 or 1593. Dedicated to Robert Earl of Essex. Although this is the first work that I can find attributed to Alexander Hume, yet there is no doubt that there must have been a former one of which we have no record, and the title and contents of Dr. Hill's book would lead us to this conclusion--"The Defence of the Article. Christ descended into Hell. With arguments obiected against the truth of the same doctrine of one Alexander Humes. By Adam Hyll, D of Divinity. London 1592. 4o. This little volume consists of two parts; 1st, the original sermon preached by Hill 28th February, 1589; 2nd, the reply to Hume. At p. 33, the end of the sermon, is this note, "This sermon ... was answered by one Alexander Huns, Schoolemaester of Bath, whose answere wholy foloweth, with a replye of the author" ... At p. 33, "The reply of Adam Hill to the answere made by Alexander Humes to a sermon," etc.
A Diduction of the true and Catholik meaning of our Sauiour his words, this is my bodie, in the institution of his laste Supper through the ages of the Church from Christ to our owne dayis. Whereunto is annexed a Reply to M. William Reynolds in defence of M. Robert Bruce his arguments on this subject: displaying M. John Hammilton's ignorance and contradictions: with sundry absurdities following upon the Romane interpretation of these words. Compiled by Alexander Hume, Maister of the high Schoole of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Waldegrave, Printer to the King's Maiestie, 1602. Cum Privilegio Regis. 8o.
Prima Elementa Grammatic? in usum juventutis Scotic? digesta. Edinburgi, 1612. 8o.
Grammatica Nova in usum juventutis Scotic? ad methodum revocata. Edinburgi, 1612. 8o.
Bellum Grammaticale, ad exemplar Mri. Alexandri Humii. Edinburgi, excud. Gideon Lithgo, Anno Dom. 1658 8o. Several later editions.
This humorous Grammatical Tragi-Comedy was not written by Hume, but only revised by him.
King James's Progresses, collected and Published by John Adamson afterwards Principal of the University of Edinburgh, entitled-- +TA T?N MOUS?N EISODIA+: The Muses Welcome to the High and Mighty Prince James &c. At his Majesties happie Returne to Scotland In Anno 1617. Edinburgh 1618, folio.
At page 1: "His Majestie came from Bervik to Dunglas the xiij day of Maye, where was delivered this [latin] speach following by A. Hume."--At page 16, there is also a couple of Latin verses signed "Alexander Humius."
MS. in the British Museum. The present work.
MS. in the Advocates' Library:--
Rerum Scoticarum Compendium, in usum Scholarum. Per Alexandrum Humium ex antiqua et nobili gente Humiorum in Scotia, a prima stirpe quinta sobole oriundum. This work is dated October 1660, and is therefore merely a transcript. It is an epitome of Buchanan's History, and Chr. Irvine in Histor. Scot. Nomenclatura, calls it Clavis in Buchananum, and Bishop Nicholson (Scottish Hist. Lib.) praises its Latin style.
The following three works are inserted by Dr. Steven in his list of Hume's writings, and have been supposed to be his by M'Crie and others; but Mr. D. Laing believes "there can be no doubt, from internal evidence, that the true author was Alexander Hume, the poet, who became minister of Logie, near Stirling, in 1597, and who died in December, 1609." In Wood's Athen? Oxonienses, by Bliss, i., 624, it is stated that all three of them "were printed in London in 1594, in October," but this must, I think, be a mistake.
Ane Treatise of Conscience, quhairin divers secreits concerning that subject are discovered. At Edinburgh, printed by Robert Walde-grave, Printer to the King's Maiestie 1594. 8o.
Of the Felicitie of the world to come, unsavorie to the obstinate, alluring to such as are gone astray, and to the faithfull full of consolation. Edinb. 1594. 8o.
Four Discourses, of Praises unto God, to wit, 1 in Praise of the Mercy and Goodness of God. 2 of his justice. 3 of his Power. 4 of his Providence. Edinb. 1594. 8o.
In conclusion, my acknowledgments are due to David Laing,
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