Odd Craft | Page 3

W.W. Jacobs
ses, sharply.
It was a silly thing to say, seeing that that was just wot 'ad 'appened,
and Ginger told 'im wot 'e'd do for 'im when 'e'd finished with Isaac. He
went at the old man agin, but 'e never 'ad a chance, and in about three
minutes 'e was very glad to let Peter 'elp 'im into bed.
"It's your turn to fight him now, Peter," he ses. "Just move this piller so
as I can see."
"Come on, lad," ses the old man.
Peter shook 'is 'ead. "I have no wish to 'urt you, Isaac," he ses, kindly;
"excitement like fighting is dangerous for an old man. Give us our
money and we'll say no more about it."
"No, my lads," ses Isaac. "I've undertook to take charge o' this money
and I'm going to do it; and I 'ope that when we all sign on aboard the
Planet there'll be a matter o' twelve pounds each left. Now, I don't want
to be 'arsh with you, but I'm going back to bed, and if I 'ave to get up
and dress agin you'll wish yourselves dead."
He went back to bed agin, and Peter, taking no notice of Ginger Dick,
who kept calling 'im a coward, got into bed alongside of Ginger and fell
fast asleep.
They all 'ad breakfast in a coffee-shop next morning, and arter it was
over Ginger, who 'adn't spoke a word till then, said that 'e and Peter
Russet wanted a little money to go on with. He said they preferred to
get their meals alone, as Isaac's face took their appetite away.
"Very good," ses the old man. "I don't want to force my company on

nobody," and after thinking 'ard for a minute or two he put 'is 'and in 'is
trouser-pocket and gave them eighteen-pence each.
[Illustration: "'Wot's this for?' ses Ginger."]
"Wot's this for?" ses Ginger, staring at the money. "Matches?"
"That's your day's allowance," ses Isaac, "and it's plenty. There's
ninepence for your dinner, fourpence for your tea, and twopence for a
crust o' bread and cheese for supper. And if you must go and drown
yourselves in beer, that leaves threepence each to go and do it with."
Ginger tried to speak to 'im, but 'is feelings was too much for 'im, and 'e
couldn't. Then Peter Russet swallered something 'e was going to say
and asked old Isaac very perlite to make it a quid for 'im because he
was going down to Colchester to see 'is mother, and 'e didn't want to go
"You're a good son, Peter," ses old Isaac, "and I wish there was more
like you. I'll come down with you, if you like; I've got nothing to do."
Peter said it was very kind of 'im, but 'e'd sooner go alone, owing to his
mother being very shy afore strangers.
"Well, I'll come down to the station and take a ticket for you," ses
Then Peter lost 'is temper altogether, and banged 'is fist on the table and
smashed 'arf the crockery. He asked Isaac whether 'e thought 'im and
Ginger Dick was a couple o' children, and 'e said if 'e didn't give 'em all
their money right away 'e'd give 'im in charge to the first policeman
they met.
"I'm afraid you didn't intend for to go and see your mother, Peter," ses
the old man.
"Look 'ere," ses Peter, "are you going to give us that money?"
"Not if you went down on your bended knees," ses the old man.

"Very good," says Peter, getting up and walking outside; "then come
along o' me to find a police-man."
"I'm agreeable," ses Isaac, "but I've got the paper you signed."
Peter said 'e didn't care twopence if 'e'd got fifty papers, and they
walked along looking for a police-man, which was a very unusual thing
for them to do.
"I 'ope for your sakes it won't be the same police-man that you and
Ginger Dick set on in Gun Alley the night afore you shipped on the
Planet," ses Isaac, pursing up 'is lips.
"'Tain't likely to be," ses Peter, beginning to wish 'e 'adn't been so free
with 'is tongue.
"Still, if I tell 'im, I dessay he'll soon find 'im," ses Isaac; "there's one
coming along now, Peter; shall I stop 'im?"
Peter Russet looked at 'im and then he looked at Ginger, and they
walked by grinding their teeth. They stuck to Isaac all day, trying to get
their money out of 'im, and the names they called 'im was a surprise
even to themselves. And at night they turned the room topsy-turvy agin
looking for their money and 'ad more unpleasantness when they wanted
Isaac to get up and let 'em search the
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