Diwan, chief agent, manager.
[3] p. 208.
[4] p. 182.
[5] p. 290.
[6] p. 227.
[7] Calcutta Review, ii. 387.
[8] pp. 80, 422.
[9] Vol. i, pp. 230, 453.
[10] i. 391.
[11] i. 450.
[12] ii. 215.
Introductory Remarks.--The characteristic simplicity of manners exhibited in Native families.--Their munificent charity.--The Syaads. Their descent, and the veneration paid to them.--Their pride of birth.--Fast of Mahurrum.--Its origin.--The Sheahs and Soonies.--Memorandum of distances.--Mount Judee (Judea), the attributed burying-place of Adam and Noah.--Mausoleum of Ali.--Tomb of Eve.--Meer Hadjee Shah.
Celebration of Mahurrum.--The Tazia.--Mussulmaun Cemeteries.--An Emaum-baarah.--Piety of the ladies.--Self-inflicted abstinence and privations endured by each sex.--Instances of the devotional zeal of the Mussulmauns.--Attempted infringement on their religious formalities.--The Resident at Lucknow.--Enthusiastic ardour of the poor.--Manner of celebrating the Mahurrum in opposition to the precepts of the Khoraun.--Mosque and Emaum-baarah contrasted.--The supposition of Mussulmauns practising idolatry confuted.
Continuation of Mahurrum.--Consecration of Banners.--Durgah at Lucknow.--Its origin explained.--Regarded with peculiar veneration.--The Nuwaub vows to build a new one.--Its description.--Procession to the Durgah.--Najoomies.--Influence possessed and practised by them.--Eunuchs.--Anecdotes of some having attained great honours and wealth.--Presents bestowed upon them generally revert to the donor.--Rich attire of male and female slaves...Page 32
Mahurrum concluded.--Night of Mayndhie.--Emaum-baarah of the King of Oude.--Procession to Shaah Nudghiff.--Last day of Mahurrum.--Chattahs.--Musical instruments.--Zeal of the Native gentlemen.--Funeral obsequies over the Tazia at Kraabaallah.--Sentiments of devout Mussulmauns.--The fast followed by acts of charity.--Remarks on the observance of Mahurrum...Page 42
Time.--How divided in Hindoostaun.--Observances after Mahurrum--Luxuries and enjoyments resumed.--Black dye used by the ladies.--Their nose-ring.--Number of rings worn in their ears.--Mode of dressing their hair.--Aversion to our tooth-brushes.--Toilet of the ladies.--The Pyjaamahs.--The Ungeeah (bodice).--The Courtie.--The Deputtah.--Reception of a superior or elder amongst the ladies.--Their fondness for jewels.--Their shoes.--The state of society amongst the Mussulmaun ladies.--Their conversational endowments.--Remark upon the fashion and duty of beards...Page 55
The Mussulmaun religion.--Sectarians.--Their difference of faith.--History of the Soonies.--The Caliphas Omir, Osman, Aboubuker, &c.--Mahumud's parting charge to Ali.--Omir's jealousy of Ali.--The Khoraun.--How compiled.--The Calipha Omir held in detestation.--Creed of the Sheahs.--Funeral service.--Opinions of the Mussulmauns respecting the Millennium.--The foundation of their faith exhibited.--Sentiments of the most devout followers of Mahumud.--Bridge of Sirraat, the Scales, &c., explained.--Emaum Mhidhie.--Prophecy of his reappearance.--Its early fulfilment anticipated.--Discourse with Meer Hadjee Shaah on this subject...Page 66
Namaaz (daily prayer).--The Mussulmaun prayers.--Their different names and times.--Extra prayer-service.--The Mosque.--Ablutions requisite previous to devotion.--Prostrations at prayers.--Mosque described.--The Mussulmaun's Sabbath.--Its partial observance.--The amusements of this life not discontinued on the Sabbath.--Employment of domestics undiminished on this day.--Works of importance then commenced.--Reasons for appropriating Friday to the Sabbath.--The Jews opposed to Mahumud.--The Prophet receives instructions from the angel Gabriel.--Their import and definition.--Remarks of a Commentator on the Khoraun.--Prayer of intercession.--Pious observance of Christmas day by a Native Lady.--Opinions entertained of our Saviour.--Additional motives for prayer.--David's Mother's prayer.--Anecdote of Moses and a Woodcutter.--Remarks upon the piety and devotion of the female Mussulmauns...Page 82
The Fast of Rumzaun.--Motives for its strict observance.--Its commencement and duration.--Sentiments of Meer Hadjee Shaah on the day of fasting.--Adherence of the females to the observing this fast.--How first broken.--Devout persons extend the term to forty days.--Children permitted to try their zeal.--Calamitous effects of the experiment.--Exemptions from this duty.--Joyful termination of the fast.--Celebration of Eade on the last day.--The Nuzza.--Nautchwomen and Domenie.--Surprise of the Natives at European dancing.--Remarks on their Music.--Anecdotes of Fatima.--The Chuckee...Page 98
The Hadje (Pilgrimage to Mecca).--Commanded to be performed by Mahumud.--Eagerness of both, sexes to visit the Prophet's tomb.--Qualifications requisite for the undertaking.--Different routes from India to Mecca.--Duties of the pilgrims at the Holy House.--Mecca and its environs.--Place of Abraham.--The Bedouins.--Anecdote of a devotee and two pilgrims.--A Bedouin Arab and the travellers to Mecca.--The Kaabah (Holy House).--Superstitious regard to a chain suspended there.--Account of the gold water-spout.--Tax levied on pilgrims visiting the tomb of Mahumud by the Sheruff of Mecca.--Sacred visit to the tombs of Ali, Hasan, and Hosein.--The importance attached to this duty.--Travellers annoyed by the Arabs.--An instance recorded.--The Nudghiff Usheruff.--Anecdotes of Syaad Harshim...Page 112
The Zuckhaut (God's portion).--Syaads restricted the benefit of this charity.--The Sutkah.--The Emaum's Zaumunee (protection).--The Tenths, or Syaads' Due.--Mussulmauns attribute thanks to God only, for all benefits conferred.--Extracts from the 'Hyaatool Kaaloob'.--Mahumud's advice.--His precepts tend to inculcate and encourage charity.--Remarks on the benevolence of Mussulmauns...Page 135
Mussulmaun festivals.--Buckrah Eade.--Ishmael believed to have been offered in sacrifice by Abraham and not Isaac.--Descent of the Mussulmauns from Abraham.--The Eade-gaarh.--Presentation of Nuzzas.--Elephants.--Description of the Khillaut (robe of honour).--Customs on the day of Buckrah Eade.--Nou-Roze (New Year's Day).--Manner of its celebration.--The Bussund (Spring-colour).--The Sah-bund.--Observances during this month.--Festival of the New Moon.--Superstition of the Natives respecting the influence of the Moon.--Their practices during an eclipse.--Supposed effects of the Moon on a wound.--Medicinal application of lime in Hindoostaun.--Observance of Shubh-burraat.
The Zeenahnah.--Its interior described.--Furniture, decorations, &c.--The Purdah (curtains).--Bedstead.--The Musnud (seat of honour).--Mirrors and ornamental furniture disused.--Display on occasions of festivity.--Observations on the Mussulmaun Ladies.--Happiness in their state of seclusion.--Origin of secluding females by Mahumud.--Anecdote.--Tamerlane's

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