Observations on the Causes, Symptoms, and Nature of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Scurvy, and Cancer | Page 7

John Kent
add, that since the
introduction of vaccination, I think cutaneous cases have increased in
number. The scurvy, by neglect or improper treatment, may advance to
such an alarming degree, in some constitutions, as to endanger the
patient's life; and I have seen and treated other cutaneous diseases
which were very closely allied to leprosy--the legs, arms, thighs, and,
in fact, the whole body, being covered with scales, and the necessary
movements of the patient would cause the diseased parts to crack, and
discharge blood, or a thin, acrid, and burning ichor; yet, under all these
circumstances, I have been particularly successful in the treatment of
these cases; a great variety of them having yielded to the mode which I
have suggested to the sufferers, after many other means had been tried
in vain.

"Facts are stubborn things."

Mr. WILLIAM WELHAM, of Culford, Suffolk, about 47 years of age,
was afflicted for several years with a violent scorbutic eruption, which
covered the whole face, accompanied with redness and chronic
inflammation; white scales or thin scabs frequently formed, and after
they had dropped off others formed successively. He had had the
advice of several respectable practitioners, and had used the
preparations of two chemists, without producing any good effect. In
this state he applied to J. Kent, Stanton, under whose treatment Mr.
Welham perfectly recovered. It is now ELEVEN YEARS since, and he
has had no return of the disease.
In consequence of the benefit which Mr. Welham had received from
the treatment adopted by J. Kent, he placed his son Joseph under his
care. He was about 19 years of age, and had a scrofulous tumour in the
left arm-pit; it had been about twelve months standing before he
discovered the nature of the complaint; and time had thus been allowed
for the arm to become considerably affected. However, under the
system pursued by J. Kent a perfect cure took place; and Mr. Welham
and his son are still living at Culford in good health, and free from any
remains of the disease.
Mr. JOSEPH ADAMS GODFREY, of the Ferry House, West Row,
Mildenhall, Suffolk, from an hereditary taint had been subject to
scrofula about the face and glands of the neck for a considerable time;
and, from the unabated progress of the disease, his health was
materially affected. All the usual means had been resorted to in order to
check its progress; but the disease still increased, and became more and
more formidable. He then applied to J. Kent; the progress of the
complaint was soon arrested; and a permanent cure was accomplished.
This was 20 years ago, and Mr. G. has had no relapse. Mr. G. resides as
above; and from his own sufferings, and from observation of the
disease in others, he has acquired some little judgment in
discriminating scrofulous cases.

JAMES BENNETT was placed under the care of J. Kent, by the
churchwardens and overseers of Buxhall, Suffolk. He was afflicted
with scrofulous disease of the left side of the lower jaw, neck, and face.
The jaw was rendered immoveable, so that he could not take any solid
food; and the liquid nourishment he was compelled to suck through an
opening left from the extraction of a tooth. He had become remarkably
weak and low, and his constitution was daily giving way under the
severity of the attack. However, by attending to the rules recommended
by J. Kent, the jaw was soon set at liberty, and he perfectly recovered.
This was twelve years ago, and he is still living at Buxhall in the
enjoyment of good health.
Upwards of two years since the friends of a young Lady, about 13 years
of age, became exceedingly alarmed in consequence of her left breast
having become very much enlarged, with an ulcer of considerable size
situated in the centre. She suffered much from darting, piercing pains in
the part affected, and which extended into the arm-pit; and from its
continuance and gradually getting worse, her friends were afraid it was
of a cancerous nature. They then applied to J. Kent, who dispelled their
fears by candidly telling them it was not cancer, although the symptoms
were sufficiently alarming. She strictly attended to the system
prescribed by J. Kent, and in less than three months was perfectly well,
and is still enjoying good health, and free from any vestige of the
complaint--Any person wishing for further information may have the
name and address of the patient on application to J. Kent.
ELIZABETH TAYLOR, of Haveningham, Suffolk, about 30 years of
age, was severely afflicted with scrofulous disease of the left side of the
face; the eye was completely closed--the jaw set fast--and the whole
side of the face much discoloured. She had been suffering
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