W. M. W.
Bartolus' "Learned Man Defended and Reformed."--Can any one
inform the applicant in what modern author this excellent (and he
believes rare) book in his possession, translated from the Italian of
Daniel Bartolus, G. J., by (Sir) Thomas Salusbury, 1660, is spoken of
in terms of high approval? The passage passed before him not long ago,
but having made no note, he is unable to recover it.--Query, Is it in Mr.
Hallam's Literary History, which he has not at hand?
U. Q.
Odour from the Rainbow.--What English poet is it that embodies the
idea contained in the following passage of Bacon's Sylva? I had noted it
on a loose scrap of paper which I left in my copy of the Sylva, but have
lost it:--
"It hath been observed by the Ancients, that when a Raine Bow
seemeth to hang over or to touch, there breaketh forth a sweet smell.
The cause is, for that this happenth but in certain matters which have in
themselves some sweetnesse, which the Gentle Dew of the Raine Bow
doth draw forth. And the like doe soft showers; for they also make the
ground sweet. But none are so delicate as the Dew of the Raine Bow,
where it falleth. It may be also that the water itself hath some
sweetnesse: for the Raine Bow consisteth of a glomeration of small
drops which cannot possibly fall but from the Aire that is very low.
And therefore may hold giving sweetnesse of the herbs and flowers, as
a distilled water," &c.--Bacon's Sylva, by Rawley, 6th ed. 1651, p. 176.
Tradesmen's Signs.--A CITIZEN wishes to be informed in what year or
reign the signs that used to hang over the tradesmen's shop-doors were
abolished, and whether it was accomplished by "act of parliament," or
only "by the authority of the Lord Mayor." Also, whether there is any
law now in existence that prevents the tradesmen putting the signs up
again, if they were so disposed.
* * * * *
Minor Queries Answered.
Supporters borne by Commoners.--Can any of your readers state why
some commoners bear supporters, and whether the representatives of
Bannerets are entitled to do so? I find in Burke's Dictionary of Landed
Gentry, that several gentlemen in England, Scotland, and Ireland
continue to use them. See Fulford, p. 452.; Wyse, p. 1661.;
Hay-Newton, p. 552., &c. &c.
The late Mr. Portman, father of Lord Portman, used supporters, as do
Sir W. Carew, Bart., and some other baronets.
[Baronets are not entitled, as such, to bear supporters, which are the
privilege of the peerage and the knights of the orders.
There are many baronets who by virtue of especial warrants from the
sovereign have, as acts of grace and favour, in consideration of services
rendered to the state, received such grants; and in these instances they
are limited to descend with the dignity only. No doubt there are some
private families who assume and improperly bear supporters, but whose
right to do so, even under their own statements as to origin and descent,
has no legal foundation. "NOTES AND QUERIES" afford neither
space nor place for the discussion of such questions, or for the remarks
upon a correction of statements in the works quoted.]
Answer to Fisher's Relation.--I have a work published at London by
Adam Islip, an. 1620, the title-page of which bears--
"An Answere to Mr. Fisher's Relation of a Third {225} Conference
betweene a certaine B. (as he stiles him) and himselfe. The conference
was very private till Mr. Fisher spread certaine papers of it, which in
many respects deserved an Answere. Which is here given by R. B.,
Chapleine to the B. that was employed in the conference."
Pray, who was the chaplain? I have heard he was the after-famous
Archbishop Laud.
I pray your assistance in the resolution of this Query.
J. M.
[This famous conference was the third held by divines of the Church of
England with the Jesuit Fisher (or Perse, as his name really was: see
Dodd's Church History, vol. iii. p. 394.). The first two were conducted
by Dr. Francis White: the latter by Bishop Laud, was held in May, 1622,
and the account of it published by R. B. (i.e. Dr. Richard Baylie, who
married Laud's niece, and was at that time his chaplain, and afterwards
president of St. John's College, Oxford). Should J. M. possess a copy
printed in 1620, it would be a literary curiosity. Laud says himself, that
"his Discourse was not printed till April, 1624."]
Drink up Eisell (Vol. iii., p. 119.).--Here is a passage in Troilus and
Cressida, in which drink up occurs (Act IV. Sc. 1.):
"He, like a puling cuckold, would drink up The lees and dregs of a
flat-tamed piece."
The meaning is
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