was the anonymous
author of these letters; and, secondly, in what collection of manuscripts
this "Dialogue" is to be found.
Ballad Editing.--The "Outlandish Knight" (Vol. iii.,p. 49.).--I was
exceedingly glad to see Mr. F. Sheldon's "valuable contribution to our
stock of ballad literature" in the hands of Mr. Rimbault, and thought the
treatment it received no better than it deserved. Blackwood, May, 1847,
reviewed Mr. Sheldon's book, and pointed out several instances of his
"godfathership;" among others, his ballad of the "Outlandish Knight,"
which he obtained from "a copy in the possession of a gentleman at
Newcastle," was condemned by the reviewer as "a vamped version of
the Scotch ballad of 'May Collean.'" It may be as the reviewer states,
but the question I would wish answered is one affecting the reviewer
himself; for, if I mistake not, the Southron "Outlandish Knight" is the
original of "May Collean" itself. I have by me a copy, in black letter, of
the "Outlandish Knight," English in every respect, and as such differing
considerably from Mr. Sheldon's border edition, and from "May
Collean;" and, with some slight alterations, the ballad I have is yet
popularly known through the midland counties. If any of your
correspondents can oblige me with a reference to the first appearance of
"May Collean," sheet or book, I shall esteem it a favour.
Latin Epigram on the Duchess of Eboli.--In his controversy with
Bowles touching the poetry of Pope, Byron states that it was upon the
Princess of Eboli, mistress of Philip II. of Spain, and Mangirow, the
minion of Henry III. of France, that the famous Latin epigram, so well
known to classic readers, was composed, concluding with the couplet:
"Blande puer lumen quod habes concede parenti, Sic tu cæcus Amor,
sic erit illa Venus."
Can any contributor to the "NOTES AND QUERIES" suggest what
authority his lordship has for his statement? Many years since, a
curious paragraph appeared in one of the public journals, extracted
apparently from an historical work, specifying the extraordinary
political embroglios which the one-eyed duchess occasioned, eliciting
from one of the statesmen of her times the complimentary declaration,
that if she had had two eyes instead of only one, she would have set the
universe on fire. A reference to this work--I fancy one of
Roscoe's--would be of material service to an historical inquirer.
C. R. H.
Engraved Portrait.--
"All that thou see'st and readest is divine, Learning thus us'd is water
turn'd to wine; Well may wee then despaire to draw his minde, View
here the case; i'th Booke the Jewell finde."
The above quatrain is placed beneath a portrait characteristically
engraved by Cross. Above the head is the following inscription:--
"Ætatis Suæ 50º. Octob. 10. 1649."
Of whom is this a portrait? It is no doubt well known to collectors, and
is of course a frontispiece; but having never yet seen it vis-à-vis with a
title-page, I am at a loss as to the author of whom it is the vera effigies.
Possibly some of your readers will be kind enough to enlighten me
upon the matter, and favour me with the name of the British worthy
thus handed down to posterity by Cross's admirable burin.
Blackstone's Commentaries and Table of Precedence.--The first edition
of Blackstone was published at Oxford in 4to., in the year 1765; and
the Table of Precedence, in the 12th chapter of the First Book, found in
subsequent editions edited by Mr. Christian, does not occur in
Blackstone's first edition. Can any of your readers, having access to
good legal theories, inform me in which of Blackstone's own editions
the Table of Precedence was first inserted?
The Two Drs. Abercromby.--In the latter half of the seventeenth century,
there were two physicians of the name of Abercromby, who both
graduated at the university of Leyden, and were afterwards the authors
of various published works. The first work of David Abercromby
mentioned in Watt's Bibliotheca is dated in 1684, and the first written
by Patrick Abercromby in 1707. As it was usual to compose an
inaugural dissertation at obtaining the doctorate, and such productions
were ordinarily printed (in small quarto), J. K. would feel obliged by
the titles and dates of the inaugural dissertations of either or both of the
physicians above mentioned.
Witte van Haemstede.--Can any of your readers inform me whether
there still exist any descendants of Witte van Haemstede, an illegitimate
scion of the ancient house of Holland? Willem de Water, in his Adelijke
Zeeland, written in the seventeenth century, says that in his youth he
knew a Witte van Haemstede of this family, one of whose sons became
pastor of the Dutch congregation in London.--Navorscher, Jan. 1851, p.
J. Bruckner--Dutch Church in Norwich.--In the Gentleman's Magazine
for 1804 is

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