Notes and Queries, Number 58, December 7, 1850 | Page 4

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jar, which was alleged to contain some such preparation, in
the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, as mentioned when he
was a pupil in London." Of the question, or the fact, of so marvellous a
gestation and survivorship in the history of human nature should strike
the editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES" as forcibly as his
correspondent, the former, should he publish this article, may perhaps
be kind enough to accompany it with the result of at least an inquiry, as

to whether or not the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons does
contain anything like corroborative evidence of so strange, and, if true,
surely so unprecedented a phenomenon.
N. D.
[We are enabled by the courtesy of Professor Owen to state that there
exists no corroboration of this remarkable statement in the Museum of
the College of Surgeons. The largest number at a birth, of which any
authentic record appears, is five, and the Museum contains, in case No.
3681, five children, of about five months, all females, which were born
at the same time. Three were still-born, two were born alive, and
survived their birth but a short time. The mother, Margaret Waddington,
aged twenty-one, was a poor woman of the township of Lower Darling,
near Blackburn in Lancashire. This remarkable birth took place on the
24th April, 1786, and was the subject of a communication to the Royal
Society, which contained also the result of an investigation into similar
cases which could be well authenticated, and which may be seen in a
note in the admirable Catalogue of the College Museum, vol. v. pp.
177-185. As the remarkable birth described by our correspondent N. D.
took place five years previously to these inquiries, and is not mentioned,
it is scarcely possible to doubt that his informant must be labouring
under some great mistake. If such a birth took place, it is probable that
the parish register will contain some record of the fact. Our
correspondent will, perhaps, take the trouble to make some further
investigations, so as to trace the source of the error, for error there must
be, in the statement of his informant.]
* * * * *
It is gratifying to see that some of your correspondents are taking, an
interest in the "worthy, lowly, and lovely" (as Isaac Walton called him)
Mr. George Herbert (Vol. ii., pp. 103. 414.). It may tend to increase that
interest, if I send you a note I made a few years ago, when I visited

Bemerton, and had the pleasure of officiating within the walls of that
celebrated little church. The rector kindly showed me the whole
Parsonage House; the parts rebuilt by Herbert were traceable; but the
inscription set up by him on that occasion is not there, nor had it been
found, viz.:
"If thou chance for to find, A new house to thy mind, And built without
thy cost; Be good to the poor, As God gives the store, And then my
labour's not lost."
It may truly be said to stand near the chapel (as his biographer calls it),
being distant only the width of the road, thirty-four feet, which in
Herbert's time was forty feet, as the building shows. On the south is a
grass-plat sloping down to the river, whence is a beautiful view of
Sarum Cathedral in the distance. A very aged fig-tree grows against the
end of the house, and a medlar in the garden, both, traditionally,
planted by Herbert.
The whole length and breadth of the church is forty-five feet by
eighteen. The south and west windows are of the date called Decorated,
say 1300. They are two-light windows, and worthy of imitation. The
east window is modern. The walls have much new brickwork and brick
buttresses, after the manner recommended in certain Hints to
Churchwardens, Lond. 1825. A little square western turret contains an
ancient bell of the fourteenth century (diameter, twenty-four inches),
the daily sound of which used to charm the ploughmen from their work,
that they "might offer their devotions to God with him."
"Note, it was a saying of his 'That his time spent in prayer and cathedral
music elevated his soul, and was his heaven upon earth.'"--WALTON.
The doorway is Jacobean, as is the chest or parish coffer, and also the
pulpit canopy; the old sittings had long been removed. The font is
circular, of early English date, lined with lead, seventeen inches
diameter, by ten inches deep. The walls were (1841) very dilapidated.

It cannot but be a surprise to every admirer of George Herbert and to all
visitors to this highly favoured spot, to find no monument whatever to
the memory of that bright example of an English parish priest. This fact
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