Notes and Queries, Number 58, December 7, 1850 | Page 5

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permitted to extract this entry:
"Mr. George Herbert, Esq., Parson, of Ffoughlston and Bemerton, was buried 3 day of March, 1632."
The locus in quo is by this still left doubtful. May I, in conclusion, add a quotation from Isaac Walton:
"He lived and died like a saint, unspotted from the world, full of alms deeds, full of humility, and all the examples of a virtuous life. 'I wish (if God shall be so pleased) that I may be so happy as to die like him.'"
Clyst St. George, Nov. 25. 1850.
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Lord Mayor's Show in 1701.--Among the varieties which at different times have graced the procession of the City on Lord Mayor's day, be pleased to take the following from the Post-boy, Oct. 30. to Nov. 1. 1701:
"The Maiden Queen who rid on the Lord Mayor's day in the pageant, in imitation of the Patroness of the Mercer's Company, had a fine suit of cloaths given her, valued at ninety guineas, a present of fifty guineas, four guineas for a smock, and a guinea for a pair of gloves."
Y. S.
Sir Thomas Phillipps's Manuscripts.--Many inquiries are made in your useful publication after books and authors, which may easily be answered by the querist referring to the Catalogue of Sir Thomas Phillipps's Manuscripts in the British Museum, the Society of Antiquaries, the Athen?um, or the Bodleian Library.
Translation from Owen, &c.--I do not remember seeing in a subsequent number of "NOTES AND QUERIES" any version of Owen's epigram, quoted by DR. MAITLAND in No. 17. I had hoped RUFUS would have tried his hand upon it; but as he has not, I send you a translation by an old friend of the Doctor's, which has at least the merit of being a close one, and catching, perhaps, not a little of the spirit of the original.
"Owen de Libro suo.
"Oxoni? salsus (juvenis tum) more vetusto Wintoni?que (puer tum) piperatus eram. Si quid inest nostro piperisve salisve libello, Oxoniense sal est, Wintoniense piper."
"Owen on his Book.
"When fresh at Oxon I a salting got; At Winton I'd been pepper'd piping hot; If aught herein you find that's sharp and nice, 'Tis Oxon's seasoning, and Winton's spice."
I subjoin also an epitaph[1] from the chapel of Our Ladye in Gloucester Cathedral, translated by the same hand.
"Elizabetha loquitur.
"Conjugis effigiem sculpsisti in marmore conjux Sic me immortalem te statuisse putas; Sed Christus fuerat viventi spesque fidesque Sic me mortalem non sinit esse Deus."
"Say, didst thou think within this sculptured stone Thy faithful partner should immortal be? Fix'd was her faith and hope on Christ alone, And thus God gave her immortality."
F. T. J. B.
Deanery of Gloucester.
Epigram on the late Bull.--Pray preserve the following admirable epigram, written, it is said, by one of the most accomplished scholars of the university of Oxford:--
"Cum Sapiente Pius nostras juravit in aras: Impius heu Sapiens, desipiensque Pius."
Thus translated:
"The wise man and the Pius have laid us under bann; Oh Pious man unwise! oh impious Wise-man!"
S. M. H.
Bailie Nicol Jarvie (Vol. ii., p. 421.).--When we spoke recently of Charles Mackay, the inimitable Bailie Nicol Jarvie of one of the Terryfications (though not by Terry) of Scott's Rob Roy having made a formal affidavit that he was a real "Edinburgh Gutter Bluid," we suspect some of our readers themselves suspected a joke. The affidavit itself has, however, been printed in the Athen?um, accompanied by an amusing commentary, in which the document is justly pronounced "a very curious one." Here it is:
"At Edinburgh, the Fourteenth day of November, One thousand eight hundred and fifty years.
"In presence of John Stoddart, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the City of Edinburgh, appeared Charles Mackay, lately Theatre Royal, residing at number eleven Drummond Street, Edinburgh; who being solemnly sworn and examined depones, that he is a native of Edinburgh, having been born in one of the houses on the north side of the High Street of said city, in the month of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven. That the deponent left Edinburgh for Glasgow when only about nine years of age, where he sojourned for five years; thence he became a wanderer in many lands, and finally settled once more in Edinburgh a few months before February eighteen hundred and nineteen years, when the drama of Rob Roy was first produced in the Theatre Royal here. That the deponent by his own industry having realised a small competency, he is now residing in Edinburgh; and although upwards of threescore years old he finds himself 'hale and hearty,' and is one of the same class whom King Jamie denominates 'a real Edinburgh Gutter Bluid.' All which is truth, as the deponent shall answer to God.
Hogs not Pigs (Vol.
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