Arnoux et de S. Cunibert. Il se livra �� cette passion avec tant de scandale, qu'il eut jusqu'�� trois femmes �� la fois qui portoient le nom de reines, sans parler d'un grand nombre de concubines ...
"Amand, apr��s un assez long exil, 'refusa d'abord l'honneur de baptiser' l'enfant de son ma?tre: 'mais les instances que le roi lui fit faire par Ouen et Eloi firent c��der sa modestie �� l'ob��issance. L'enfant fut aussit?t apport�� le saint ��v��que l'ayant pris entre ses bras, lui donna sa b��n��diction, et r��cita les pri��res pour le faire cat��chum��ne. L'oraison ��tant finie, comme personne ne r��pondoit, Dieu d��lia la langue du jeune prince, qui n'avoit pas plus de quarante jours, et il r��pondit distinctement amen.'"
This happened in 630 at Orleans, and the holy abbot who attests the miracle was present when it occurred. Had St. Amand learnt ventriloquism during his missionary excursions?
And now permit me to tell your correspondent CH. that Abp. Bramhall's Dutch is quite correct. "Mevrouw" is still the title of empresses, queens duchesses, Countesses, noble ladies, ministers of state's and other great men's wives.
_A Hint for Publishers._--Many, like myself, have no doubt experienced the inconvenience of possessing early impressions of books, of which later editions exist with numerous emendations and errata.
Would it not be practicable for publishers to issue these emendations and errata in a separate form and at a fair price, for the benefit of the purchasers of the preceding editions?
Were this plan generally adopted, the value of most books would be materially enhanced, and people would not object, as they now do, to order new publications.
"_He who runs may read._"--There appeared in Vol. ii., p. 374., a new, and, in my opinion, an erroneous, interpretation of part of ver. 2., chap. ii. Habakkuk. It appears to me probable that a person reading the vision might be struck with awe, and so "alarmed by it" as not to be able "to fly from the impending calamity" in the way which your correspondent imagines. I prefer Archbishop Newcome's explanation:--"Let the characters be so legible that one who hastily passeth on may read them. This may have been a proverbial expression."
If you be pleased to insert this, readers may judge for themselves which is the right interpretation.
_The Rolliad._--The following memoranda relative to this word were given to me by one who lived during the period of its publication, and was, it is believed, himself a contributor. Wraxall, in his _Memoirs_, states that the work was nearly all written by Richardson; this is not true. The principal writers were Gen. Fitzpatrick, Lord John Townshend, Dr. Lawrence--he had the chief control. They met in a room at Becket's, the bookseller; they had a secretary and copyist.
None of the contributions went to the newspaper in the original handwriting. The Morning Herald was the paper it is believed, in which they first appeared, although that journal was on the eve of going over to the opposite party. The "ode" to Wraxall, was written by Tickell, author of "Anticipation.".
November, 23. 1850.
_The Rolliad._--
From _The Times_, about 1784.
_Political Eclogues._
Line 21. ed. 1795.
"Mr. Rose, Mr. Rose, How can you suppose I'll be led by the nose, In voting for those You mean to propose, Mr. Rose, Mr. Rose?"
The above epigram is inserted in my copy of the Rolliad.
Can any of your readers give the names of the {440} authors of the numerous pieces in the second part of "Political Miscellanies."
_The Conquest._--Permit me to point out the erroneous historical idea which obtains in the use of this phrase. Acquisition out of the common course of inheritance is by our legists called _perquisitio_, by the feudists _conquisitio_, and the first purchaser (he who brought the estate into the current family) the conquereur. The charters and chronicles of the age thus rightly style William the Norman _conquisitor_, and his accession _conqu?stus_; but now, from disuse of the foedal sense, with the notion of the forcible method of acquisition, we annex the idea of victory to conquisition,--a title to which William never pretended.
* * * * *
(_Continued from page 421._)
(18.) What could have induced the accurate and learned Saxius (_Catal. Lib. Mediol., edit._ p. DXC.) to give the name Elucidarium to the first part of the Mariale of Bernardinus de Bustis? This writer, who has sometimes erroneously been reputed a Dominican, and who is commemorated in the Franciscan Martyrology on the 8th of May (p. 178.), derived his denomination from his family, and not "from a place in the country of Milan," as Mr. Tyler has supposed. (_Worship of the Virgin_, p. 41. Lond. 1846.) Elsewhere Saxius had said (_Hist. Typog.-Liter. Mediol._, col. ccclii.) that the Mariale was printed for the first time in 1493, and dedicated to Pope Alexander VI.; and Argelati was led by him to consider the Elucidarium to be

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