Notes and Queries, Number 48,
September 28, 1850
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Title: Notes and Queries, Number 48, Saturday, September 28, 1850
Author: Various
Release Date: September 15, 2004 [EBook #13463]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by The Internet Library of Early Journals, Jon Ingram, David
King, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team
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"When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
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No. 48.] SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1850 [Price Threepence.
Stamped Edition 4d.
* * * * * {273}
NOTES:-- Riots in London. 273 Satirical Poems on William III. 275
Shakspeare's Grief and Frenzy, by C. Forbes. 275 Etymological Notes.
276 Mistakes in Gibbon. by Rev. J.E.B. Mayor. 276 Minor Notes.
History of Saracens--Hippopotamus--America--Pascal's
Letters--Parson's Epigram. 277
QUERIES:-- "Orkneyinga Saga". 278 Minor Queries:--Incumbents of
Church Livings--York Buildings Company--Saying ascribed to
Montaigne--"Modum Promissionis"--Roman Catholic Theology--Wife
of Edward the Outlaw--Conde's "Arabs in Spain". 278
REPLIES:-- Cave's Historia Literaria, by Rev. Dr. Maitland. 279 Sir
Garamer Vans. 280 Collar of SS., by Dr. Rock. 280 Joachin, the French
Ambassador, by S.W. Singer. 280 Remains of James II. 281
Handfasting. 282 Adam of Bremen's Julin, by Dr. Bell. 282 Replies to
Minor Queries:--Bess of Hardwick--Bishop Andrewes--The Sun
Feminine--Carpatio--Character "&"--Walrond
Family--Blackguard--Scala Coeli--Sitting during the
Lessons--Aërostation--Pole Money--Wormwood Wine--Darvon
Gatherall--Angels' Visits--Antiquity of Smoking--"Noli me
tangere"--Partrige Family--City Offices--Harvey and the Circulation of
the Blood. 283
MISCELLANEOUS:-- Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 287
Books and Odd Volumes Wanted. 287 Notices to Correspondents. 287
Advertisements. 288
* * * * *
Seventy years having passed away since the riots of London, there
cannot be many living who remember them, and still fewer who were
personally in contact with the tumultuous throng. Under such
circumstances, I venture to offer for introduction into your useful and
entertaining miscellany some incidents connected with that event in
which I was either personally an actor or spectator--things not in
themselves important, yet which may be to some of your readers
acceptable and interesting as records of bygone days.
The events of 1780, in themselves so terrific, were well adapted to be
written indelibly on the memory of a young, and ardent boy. At any age
they would have been engraved as with an iron pen; but their
occurrence at the first age of my early boyhood, when no previous
event had claimed particular attention, fixed them as a lasting
The awful conflagrations had not taken place when I arrived in London
from a large school in one of the midland counties in England, for the
Midsummer vacation. So many of my school-fellows resided in the
metropolis, or in a part of the country requiring a passage through
London, that three or four closely-packed post-chaises were necessary;
and to accomplish the journey in good time for the youngsters to be
met by their friends, the journey was begun as near to four o'clock A.M.
as was possible.
The chaises, well crowned with boxes, and filled with joyous youth,
were received at the Castle and Falcon, then kept by a Mr. Dupont, a
celebrated wine merchant, and the friend of our estimable tutor. The
whole of my schoolmates had been met by their respective friends, and
my brother and I alone remained at the inn, when at length my mother
arrived in a hackney-coach to fetch us, and from her we learned that the
streets were so crowded that she could hardly make her way to us. No
time was lost, and we were soon on our way homewards. We passed
through Newgate Street and the Old Bailey without interruption or
delay; but when we came into Ludgate Hill the case was far different;
the street was full and the people noisy, permitting no carriage to pass
unless the coachman took off his hat and acknowledged his respect for
them and the object for which they had congregated. "Hat off,
coachee!" was their cry. Our coachman would not obey their noisy calls,
and there we were fixed. Long might we have remained in that
unpleasant predicament had not my foreseeing parent sagaciously
provided herself with a piece of ribbon of the popular colour, which she
used to good effect by making it up into a bow with a long, streamer
and pinning it to a white handkerchief, which

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