Notes and Queries, Number 45, September 7, 1850 | Page 7

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any subsequent decision has deprived of this right a
commoner marrying a peeress and having issue male by her?
_The Character "&."_--What is the correct name of the character "&?" I
have heard it called _ample-se-and_, _ampuzzánd_, _empuzád_,
_ampássy_, and _apples-and_,--all evident corruptions of one and the
same word. What is that word?
_Combs buried with the Dead._--When the corpse of St. Cuthbert was
disinterred in the cathedral of Durham, there was found upon his breast
a plain simple Saxon comb. A similar relique has been also discovered
in other sepulchres of the same sanctuary.
Can any of your learned contributors inform me (for I am totally

ignorant) the origin and intent of this strange accompaniment of the
burial of the ancient dead. The comb of St. Cuthbert is, I believe,
carefully preserved by the Dean and
Chapter of
Morwenstow, Cornwall.
_Cave's Historia Literaria._--My present Queries arise out of a Note
which I took of a passage in Adam Clarke's _Bibliography_, under the
article "W. Cave" (vol. ii. p. 161.).
1. Has not the bibliographer assigned a wrong date to the publication of
Cave's _Historia Literaria_, viz. 1740, instead of 1688-1698?
2. Will some of your readers do me the favour of mentioning the
successive editions of the _Historia Literaria_, together with the year
and the place of appearance of each of them?
According to the Biographia Britannica (ed. 2., "Cave, W."), this
learned work came out in the year above stated, and there were two
impressions printed at Geneva in 1705 and 1720 respectively.
_Julin._--Will DR. BELL, who adverts to the tradition of the doomed
city, _Julin_, in your last number (Vol. ii. p. 178.), oblige me by a
"Note" of the story as it is told by Adam of Bremen, whose work I am
not within reach of? I have long wanted to trace this legend.
Belgravia, Aug. 17. 1850.
_Richardson Family._--Can of your correspondents inform me who
"Mr. John Richardson, of the Market Place, Leeds," was? he was living
1681 to 1700 and after, and he made entries of the births of eleven
children on the leaves of an old book, and also an entry of the death of
his wife, named Lydea, who died 20th December, 1700. These entries
are now in possession of one of his daughters' descendants, who is
desirous to know {231} of what family Mr. Richardson was, who he
married, and what was his profession or business.
_Tobacco--its Arabic Name._--One of your correspondents, A.C.M.

(Vol. ii., p. 155.), wishes to know what is the Arabic word for tobacco
used in Sale's _Koran_, ed. 8vo. p. 169. Perhaps, if he will refer to the
chapter and verse, or even specify which is the 8vo. edition which he
quotes, some of your correspondents may be able to answer his Query.
_Pole Money._--Some time ago I made a copy of
"A particular of all the names of the several persons within the
Lordship of Marston Montgomery (in Derbyshire), and of their estates,
according to the acts of parliament, for payment of pole money assessed
by William Hall, constable, and others."
This was some time between 1660 and 1681. And also of a like
"Particular of names of the several persons within the same lordship
under the sum of _5l._, to pole for according to the acts of parliament."
Can any of your correspondents inform me to what tax the above lists
applied, and what were the acts of parliament under which this tax (or
pole-money) was payable.
_Welsh Money._--I have never seen in any work on coins the slightest
allusion to the money of the native princes of Wales before the
subjugation of their country by Edward I. Is any such in existence? and,
if not, how is its disappearance to be accounted for? I read that
Athelstan imposed on the Welsh an annual tribute _in money_, which
was paid for many years. Query, In what sort of coin?
J.C. Witton.
_A skeleton in every House._--Can you or any of your correspondents
explain the origin of that most significant saying "There is a skeleton in
every house?" Does it originate in some ghastly legend?
[Our correspondent is right in his conjecture. The saying is derived
from an Italian story, which is translated in the _Italian Tales of
Humour, Gallantry, and Romance_, published some few years ago,
with illustrations by Cruikshank.]
_Whetstone of Reproof._--Can any of your readers inform me who was
the author of the book with the following title?
"The Whetstone of Reproofe, or a Reproving Censvre of the misintitled
Safe Way: declaring it by Discourie of the Authors fraudulent

Proceeding, and captious Cauilling, to be a miere By-way, drawing
pore Trauellers out of the royalle and common Streete, and leading
them deceitfully
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