Notes and Queries, Number 45, September 7, 1850 | Page 5

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in Plato.
The motto from Seneca, prefixed to the Aphorisms on Spiritual
Religion, is from the fourty-first Epistle of that writer.
The question from Tertullian in the Comment on the eight of those
"Certum est quia impossibile est."--p. 199.
is from the _De Carne Christi_, cap. v.
Aphorism iv., p. 227.:
"In wonder all philosophy began."
See Plato's _Theætetus_ § 32., p. 155. Gataker on Antonin, i. 15.
Plutarch de EI Delph. cap. 2. p. 385 B. Sympos, v. 7., p. 680 C. Aristot.
Metaph. 1. 2. 9.
In the "Sequelæ" annexed to this Aphorism, it is said of Simonides (p.
230.), that
"In the fortieth day of his mediation the sage and philosophic poet
abandoned the problem [of the nature of God] in despair."
Cicero (_de nat. Deor._ i. 22. § 60.) and Minucius Felix (_Octav._ 13.)
do not specify the number of days during which Simonides deferred his
answer to Hiero.
Aphorism x. On Original Sin. (note, p. 252.) [Greek: sunetois phonun],
&c., from Pindar, _Olymp._ ii. 85. (152.)
Conclusion, p. 399.:
"Evidences of Christianity! I am weary of this word," &c.
See the remarks on this passage in Archbishop Whately's _Logic_,
Appendix III., near the end.
The quotation from Apuleius, at the end of the book (p. 403.), is from
the _Metamorphos._, i. 3.
J.E.B. Mayor
Marlborough College.
* * * * *
_Capture of Henry VI._ (Vol. ii., p. 181.).--There are several errors in
this historical note. The name of the Dean of Windsor was Manning,

not {229} "Manting;" "Brungerly" should be Bungerley. One of the
Talbots, of Bashall Hall, could never be "High Sheriff for the West
Riding," as the Ridings of Yorkshire never had distinct sheriffs; neither
was he sheriff of the county. The particulars of the king's capture are
thus related in the chronicle called Warksworth's _Chronicle_, which
has been printed by the Camden Society:--
"Also, the same yere, kynge Henry was takene byside a howse of
religione [i.e. Whalley] in Lancashyre, by the mene of a blacke monke
of Abyngtone [Abingdon] in a wode called Cletherwode [the wood of
Clitheroe], besyde Bungerly hyppyngstones, by Thomas Talbott, sonne
and heyre to sere Edmunde Talbot of Basshalle, and Jhon Talbott, his
cosyne, of Colebry [i.e. Salebury, in Blackburn], withe other moo;
which discryvide [him] beynge at his dynere at Wadyngton halle: and
[he was] carryed to London on horsebake, and his leges bownde to the
I have substituted the word "discryvide" for "disseyvide," as it is
printed in the Camden Society's book, where the editor, Mr. Halliwell,
understood the passage as meaning that the king was deceived or
betrayed. I take the meaning to be that the black monk of Abingdon had
descried, or discovered, the king as he was eating his dinner at
Waddington Hall; whereupon the Talbots, and some other parties in the
neighbourhood, formed plans for his apprehension, and arrested him on
the first convenient opportunity, as he was crossing the ford across the
river Ribble, formed by the hyppyngstones at Bungerley. Waddington
belonged to Sir John Tempest, of Bracewell, who was the father-in-law
of Thomas Talbot. Both Sir John Tempest and Sir James Harrington of
Brierley, near Barnsley, were concerned in the king's capture, and each
received one hundred marks reward; but the fact of Sir Thomas Talbot
being the chief actor, is shown by his having received the larger reward
of 100£. Further particulars respecting these and other parties
concerned, will be found in the notes to Warksworth's Chronicle. The
chief residence of the unhappy monarch during his retreat was at
Bolton Hall, where his boots, his gloves, and a spoon, are still
preserved, and are engraved in Whitaker's Craven. An interior view of
the ancient hall at Bolton, which is still remaining, is engraved in the
_Gentleman's Magazine_ for May, 1841. Sir Ralph Pudsay, of Bolton,
had married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Tunstal, who attended

the king as esquire of the body.
_Mentmore, Bucks, Notes from Register of._--Having recently had
occasion to go through the entire registers of the parish of Mentmore,
Bucks, I send you three extracts, not noticed by Lipscombe, the two
first relating to an extinct branch of the house of Hamilton, the third
illustrating the "Manners and Customs of the English" at the end of the
seventeenth century.
"1732, William Hamilton, an infant son of Lord Viscount Limerick,
Feb. 28."
"1741. The Honourable Charles Hamilton, son of Lord Viscount
Limerick, Jan. 4."
"Memorand. A beggar woman of Slapton, whipt at Mentmoir, July 5th,
* * * * *
I am very desirous to be informed in what French author I can find any
account of John Jokyn (Joachim?), who was ambassador to England
from France during the time
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