Notes and Queries, Number 41,
August 10, 1850
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Title: Notes & Queries, No. 41, Saturday, August 10, 1850 A Medium
Of Inter-Communication For Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries,
Genealogists, Etc.
Author: Various
Release Date: September 7, 2004 [EBook #13393]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
QUERIES, NO. 41, ***
Produced by Jon Ingram, David King, the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team and The Internet Library of Early Journals
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"When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
* * * * *
No. 41.] SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1850. [Price Threepence.
Stamped Edition 4d.
* * * * *{161}
NOTES: Sir William Gascoigne, by Edward Foss An old Guy, by Dr.
Bell Folk Lore:--Folk Lore of South Northamptonshire, No. 2 Mice,
Snakes, Poultry, Crows, Owls, Cuckoos, &c. Minor Notes:--Hon. A.
Erskine--Gloves--Punishment of Death by Burning--India Rubber
QUERIES: The "Bar" of Michael Angelo, by S.W. Singer Annotated
Copies of Bishop Andrewes' Works Minor Queries:--Robert Innes, a
Grub Street Poet--Sicilian Vespers--One Bell--Treasure Trove--Poeta
Anglicus--Hornbooks--Ben Jonson, or Ben Johnson--MS. Book of
Prayers belonging to Queen Catherine Parr--Waltheolf--De Combre
Family--Ilda--"De Male quæsitis"--Westminster
Abbey--Haberdasher--Martinet-- "Querela Cantabrigiensis"--Long
REPLIES: Treatise of Equivocation Boethius' Consolations of
Philosophy, by C.H. Cooper Etymological Queries answered, by Albert
Way Replies to Minor Queries:--Solingen--Blackguard--The Three
Dukes--Bonny Dundee--Was Quarles pensioned?--Collar of Esses--The
Story of the Three Men and their Bag of Money--Will. Robertson of
Murton--Long Meg of Westminster--Churchwardens' Accounts of St.
Antholin's--The Plant "Hæmony"--Mildew in Books--The Carpenter's
Maggot--Martello Towers--Highland Kilts--Derivation of
Penny--Scarf--Smoke-money--Common, Mutual, and Reciprocal--Juice
Cups--Curfew--Derivation of Totnes, &c.
MISCELLANEOUS: Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c Books
and Odd Volumes Wanted Notices to Correspondents Advertisements
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Although you and I no doubt unite in the admiration, which all our
fellow-countrymen profess, and some of them feel, for our immortal
bard, yet I do not think that our zeal as Shakspearians will extend so far
as to receive him as an unquestionable authority for the facts introduced
into his historical plays. The utmost, I apprehend, that we should admit
is, that they represent the tradition of the time in which he wrote, and
even that admission we should modify by the allowance, to which
every poet is entitled, of certain changes adopted for dramatic effect,
and with the object of enhancing our interest in the character he is
Two facts in his Second Part of _Henry IV_, always referred to in
connection with each other, notwithstanding the ingenious remarks on
them made by Mr. Tyler in his _History of Henry V._, are still accepted,
and principally by general readers, on Shakspeare's authority, as
undoubtedly true. The one is the incident of Prince Henry's committal
to prison by Chief Justice Gascoigne; and the other is the magnanimous
conduct of the Prince on his accession to the throne, in continuing the
Chief Justice in the office, which he had shown himself so well able to
The first I have no desire to controvert, especially as it has been
selected as one of the illustrations of our history in the House of Lords.
Frequent allusion is made to it in the play. Falstaff's page says to his
master, on seeing the Chief Justice:
"Sir, here comes the nobleman that committed the prince for striking
him about Bardolph."
And Falstaff in the same scene thus addresses Gascoigne:
"For the box of the ear that the prince gave you,--he gave it like a rude
prince, and you took it like a sensible lord. I have checked him for it,
and the young lion repents."
And Gascoigne, when Henry refers to the incident in these words:
"How might a prince of my great hopes forget So great indignities you
laid upon me? What! rate, rebuke, and roughly send to prison The
immediate heir of England! Was this easy? May this be wash'd in Lethe,
and forgotten?"
thus justifies himself to the king:
"I then did use the person of your father; The image of his power lay
then in me: And in the administration of his law, Whiles I was busy for
the commonwealth, Your highness pleased to forget my place,-- The
majesty and power of law and justice, The image of the king whom I
presented,-- And, struck me in my very seat of judgment; Whereon, as
an offender to your father, I

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