Notes and Queries, Number 24, April 13, 1850 | Page 7

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the other being
mentally supplied by the hearer. There must, of course, be some legend
of Ludlum and his dog, or they must have been a pair of well-known
characters, to give piquancy to the phrase. Will any of your readers
who are familiar with the district favour me with an explanation?
Anecdote of a Peal of Bells.--There is a story, that a person had long
been absent from the land of his nativity, where in early life, he had
assisted in setting up a singularly fine peal of bells. On his return home,
after a lapse of many years, he had to be rowed over some water, when
it happened that the bells struck out in peal; the sound of which so
affected him, that he fell back in the boat and died! Can any of your
readers give a reference where the account is to be met with?

_Sir Robert Long._--"ROSH." inquires the date of the death of
_Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Long_, who founded, in 1760, a Free School
at Burnt-Yates, in the Parish of Ripley, co. Yorks., and is said to have
died in Wigmore Street, London, it is supposed some years after that
_Dr. Whichcot and Lord Shaftesbury._--It is stated in Mr. Martyn's Life
of the First Lord Shaftesbury, that Dr. Whichcot was one of
Shaftesbury's most constant companions, and preached most of his
sermons before him; and that the third Earl of Shaftesbury, the author
of the Characteristics, is said to have published a volume of Whichcot's
sermons from a manuscript copy of the first Lord Shaftesbury's wife.
Can any of your readers give any further information as to the intimacy
between Whichcot and Shaftesbury, of which no mention is made in
any memoir of Whichcot that I have seen?
_Lines attributed to Henry Viscount Palmerston._--Permit me to
inquire whether there is any better authority than the common
conjecture that the beautiful verses, commencing,--
"Whoe'er, like me, with trembling anguish brings His heart's whole
treasure to fair Bristol's springs,"
were written by Henry Viscount Palmerston, on the death of his lady at
the Hot-wells, June 1 or 2, 1769. They first appeared p. 240. of the 47th
vol. of the _Gentleman's Magazine_, 1777.
They also have been attributed to Dr. Hawkeworth, but his wife
survived him. There is a mural tablet under the west window of
Romsey Church, containing some lines to the memory of Lady
Palmerston, but they are not the same. Perhaps some of your
correspondents are competent to discover the truth.
_Gray's Alcaic Ode_.--Can any of your readers say whether Gray's

celebrated Latin ode is actually to be found entered at the Grande
Chartreuse? A friend of mine informs me that he could not find it there
on searching.
_Abbey of St. Wandrille_.--Will "GASTROS" kindly allow me to ask
him a question? Does the _Chronicle of the Abbey of St. Wandrille_,
which he mentions (No. 21. p. 338.), include notices of any of the
branches of that establishment which settled in England about the time
of the Conquest; and one of which, the subject of my query, formed a
colony at Ecclesfield, near Sheffield?
I feel an interest in this little colony, because my early predecessors in
this vicarage were elected from its monks. Moreover, some remains of
their convent, now incorporated into what is called "the hall," and
forming an abutment which overlooks my garden, are affording an
appropriate domicile to the curate of the parish.
Ecclesfield, March 26. 1850.
_Queries as to "Lines on London Dissenting Ministers" of a former
Day_.--Not having made Notes of the verses so entitled, I beg to submit
the following _Queries_:--
1. Does there exist any printed or manuscript copy of lines of the above
description, in the course of which Pope's "Modest Foster" is thus
introduced and apostrophised:--
"But see the accomplish'd orator appear, Refined in judgment, and in
language clear: Thou only, Foster, hast the pleasing art At once to
charm the ear and mend the heart!"
Other conspicuous portraits are those of THOMAS BRADBURY,
composition must be placed between 1704 and 1748, but I have to

solicit information as to who was its author.
2. Has there been preserved, in print or manuscript, verses which
circulated from about 1782-1784, on the same body of men, as
characterised, severally, by productions of the vegetable world, and, in
particular, by _flowers_? The bouquet is curious, nor ill-selected and
arranged. One individual, for example, finds his emblem in a
_sweet-briar_; another, in a _hollyhock_; and a third, in a tulip.
parts of the fragrant, yet somewhat thorny and flaunting nosegay. These
intimations of it may perhaps aid recollection, and lead to the
wished-for disclosure.
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