Cattie.--I find these words (Gaelic, I believe, from _Tom John Gattie_) in an old Diary, followed by certain hieroglyphics, wherewith I was wont to express "recommended for perusal." I have lost all trace of the recommender, and have hunted in vain through many a circulating library list for the name, which I believe to be that of some book or song illustrating the domestic life of our Western Highlanders. Can any of your readers assist me in deciphering my own note?
_Love's Last Shift_.--In the first edition of Peignot's Manuel du Biblioplide, published in 1800, the title of Congreve's "Mourning Bride" is rendered "L'Epouse du Matin." Can any of your readers inform me whether it is in the same work that the title of "Love's Last Shift" is translated by "Le dernier Chemise de l'Amour?" if not, in what other book is it?
_Cheshire-round_.--"W.P.A." asks the meaning of the above phrase, and where it is described.
_Why is an Earwig called a "Coach-bell?"_--Your correspondents, although both kind and learned, do not appear to have given any satisfactory answer to my former query--why a lady-bird is called Bishop Barnaby? Probably there will be less difficulty in answering another entomological question--Why do the country-people in the south of Scotland call an earwig a "coach-bell?" The name "earwig" itself is sufficiently puzzling, but "coach-bell" seems, if possible, still more utterly unintelligible.
Chrysopolis.--Chrysopolis is the Latin name for the town of Parma, also for that of Scutari, in Turkey. Is the etymological connection of the two names accidental? and how did either of them come to be called the "Golden City?"
Pimlico.--In Aubrey's Surrey, he mentions that he went to a Pimlico Garden, somewhere on Bankside. Can any of your correspondents inform me of the derivation of the word "Pimlico," and why that portion of land now built on near to Buckingham House, through which the road now runs to Chelsea, is called Pimlico?
April 1. 1850.
Zenobia.--I have read somewhere that Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was of Jewish origin, but am now at a loss to retrace it. Could any of your correspondents inform me where I have read it?
_Henry Ryder, Bishop of Killaloe_.--"W.D.R." requests information in reference to the paternity of Henry Ryder, D.D., who was born in Paris, and consecrated Bishop of Killaloe in 1692.
_Belvoir Castle._--In the Harleian Miscellany, vol. iv. p. 527., is a Pindaric Ode upon Belvoir Castle, which Mr. Nichols reprinted in his _History of the Hundred of Framland._ Can any of your readers inform me who was the author of this very singular production?
T.R. Potter.
_St. Winifreda._--Can any of your readers refer me to any history or recent discoveries relative to St. Winifreda?
_Savile, Marquis of Halifax._--It is stated in Tyers's Political Conferences (1781), that a Diary of his was supposed to be among the Duke of Shrewsbury's MSS.; and when Mr. Tyers wrote, in the hands of Dr. Robertson. Can any of your readers give information about this Diary?
_Salt at Montem._--Will you allow me, as an old Etonian, to ask the derivation of "salt," as it used to be applied to the money collected at Eton Montem for the Captain of the Colleges? Towards investigating the subject, I can only get as far as Salt Hill, near Slough, where there was a mount, on which, if I remember rightly, the Captain waved a flag on Montem day. A brief account of the origin of Montem would be interesting; and it is especially worth noting now that the pageant is suppressed.
Ecclesfield, March 14, 1850.
_Ludlow's Memoirs._--"C." is anxious to learn if the manuscript of Ludlow's Memoirs is known to exist, or to receive any information as to where it might probably be found.
Ludlow died at Vevay, in Switzerland, in 1693, and the Memoirs were published at Vevay shortly after.
There is no will of Ludlow's in Doctor's Commons.
_Finkle or Finkel._--I should be glad if any of your numerous correspondents could give me the derivation and meaning of the word Finkle, or Finkel, as applied to the name of a street. There is a street so designated in Carlisle, York, Richmond in Yorkshire, Kendal, Sedberg, Norwich (in 1508 spelt Fenkyl, and in 1702 Fenkel), and, I believe, in many other of our more ancient cities and towns. In the township of Gildersome, a village some few miles from Leeds, there is an ancient way, till lately wholly unbuilt upon, called Finkle Lane; and in London we have the parish of St. Benedict Finck, though I do not imagine that the latter is any way synonymous with the word in question. The appellation of Finkle is, without doubt, a descriptive one; but the character of the lane so styled in Gildersome seems to negative the idea that it has any reference to the peculiarity of trade or class of persons carried on or inhabiting the locality
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