Notes and Queries, Number 24, April 13, 1850 | Page 5

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the almost as unfortunate, and nearly as celebrated, second Duke of Ormonde. Many scraps of traditionary lore relative to the latter nobleman must linger in and about London, where he was the idol of the populace, as well as the leader of what we should now call the "legitimist" party.
With your leave. I shall therefore propose the following Queries, viz.:--
1. Who was the author of the anonymous life of the second Duke of Ormonde, published in one volume octavo, some years after his attainder?
2. Was the ballad, of which the above is a fragment, printed at the time; and if so, does it exist?
3. What pamphlets, ballads, or fugitive pieces, were issued from the press, or privately printed, on the occasion of the Duke's flight and subsequent attainder?
4. Does any contemporary writer mention facts or incidents relative to the matter in question, between the period of the accession of George I., and the Duke's final departure from his residence at Richmond?
5. Does any traditionary or unpublished information on the subject exist in or about London or Richmond.
* * * * *
I wish to ask, of any of your numerous readers, what may be considered the most proper official prefix for Mayors, whether Right Worshipful or Worshipful? Opinions, I find, differ upon the subject. In the _Secretary's Guide_, 5th ed. p. 95. it is said that Mayors are Right Worshipful; the late Mr. Beltz, Lancaster Herald, was of opinion that they were Worshipful only; and Mr. Dod, the author of a work on Precedence, &c., in answer to an inquiry on the point, thought that Mayors of cities were Right Worshipful, and those of towns were only Worshipful. With due deference, however, I am rather inclined to think that all Mayors, whether of cities, or of towns, ought properly to be styled "the Right Worshipful" for the following reason:--all Magistrates are Worshipful, I believe, although not always in these days so designated, and a mayor being the chief magistrate ought to have the distinctive "_Right_" appended to his style. And this view of the subject derives some support from the fact of a difference being made with regard to the Aldermen of London (who are all of them magistrates), those who have passed the chair being distinguished as the Right Worshipful, whilst those below the chair are styled the worshipful only; thus showing that the circumstance of being Mayor is considered worthy of an especial distinction. Probably it may be said that custom is the proper guide in a case like this, but I believe that there is no particular custom in some towns, both prefixes being sometimes used, and more frequently none at all. It seems desirable, however, that some rule should be laid down, if possible, by common consent, that it may be understood in future what the appropriate Prefix is. I shall be glad if some of your heraldic or antiquarian readers will give their opinions, and if they know of any authorities, to quote them.
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The clear and satisfactory reply that "MELANION" received in No. 11. to his query on the contradictions in Don Quixote, tempts me to ask for some information respecting another standard work of Spanish literature, written by a cotemporary of the great Cervantes.
How is it, that in the Visions of Don Quevedo, a work which passes in review every amusement and occupation of the Spanish people, _the national sport of bull-fighting_ remains _entirely unnoticed_?
The amusement was, I presume, in vogue during the 16th and 17th centuries; and the assignations made, and the intrugues carried on, within the walls of the amphitheatre would have supplied many an amusing, moralising penitent, male and female, to the shades below--the "fabul? manes" with whom Quevedo held converse. As my copy of the Visions is an anonymous translation, and evidently far from being a first-rate one, I shall not be surprised if I receive as an answer,--"_Mistaken as to your fact, read a better translation_:" but as in spite of its manifold, glaring defects, I have no reason to suspect that the text is garbled, I think I may venture to send the query.
In "Vision 7." I find Nero accusing Seneca of having had the insolence to use the words, "I and my king." I have often heard of Henry VIII., Wolsey, and "Ego et rex meus;" but as I never heard Quevedo quoted as an illustration, I look upon this as one of the suspicious passages in my copy of his work.
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Gilbert Browne.--"G.C.B." is desirous of information respecting the family from which was descended Gilbert Browne of the Inner Temple, who died about a century ago, and was buried in North Mymms Church, Herts, where there is a monument to him (vide
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