Notes and Queries, Number 180, April 9, 1853 | Page 5

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her a mechall prostitute." Dilke's
Old English Plays, vol. vi. p. 421.
In his "Rape of Lucrece:"
"... that done, straight murder One of thy basest grooms, and lay you
both Grasp'd arm in arm in thy adulterate bed, Men call in witness of
that mechall sin." Old English Drama, vol. i. p. 71.
--where the editor's note is--"probably derived from the French word
méchant, wicked." In his "English Traveller:"

"... Yet whore you may; And that's no breach of any vow to heaven:
Pollute the nuptial bed with michall sin." Dilke's Old English Plays, vol.
i. p. 161.
This misprint the editor corrects to mickle: professing, however, as he
well might, distrust of his amendment. Nares discards Dilke's guess,
and says, "If a right reading, it must be derived from mich, truant,
adulterous." Whereby to correct one error he commits another,
assigning to mich a sense that it never bears. If haply any doubt should
remain as to what the true reading in the above passage is, a reference
to Heywood's Various History concerninge Women will at once assoil
it. In that part of his fourth book which treats of adulteresses (p. 195.),
reciting the very story on which his play was founded, and calling it "a
moderne historie lately happening, and in mine owne knowledge," he
continues his narrative thus:
"With this purpose, stealing, softly vp the stayres, and listening at the
doore, before hee would presume to knocke, hee might heare a soft
whispering, which sometimes growing lowder, hee might plainely
distinguish two voyces (hers, and that gentleman's his supposed friend,
whom the maide had before nominated), where hee might euidently
vnderstand more than protestations passe betwixt them, namely, the
mechall sinne itselfe."
Mr. Halliwell, in his compilation of Archaic and Provincial Words,
gives Mechall, wicked, adulterous, with a note of admiration at Dilke's
conjecture; and a reference to Nares, in v. Michall. Mr. H. neither
adduces any authority for his first sense, "wicked," nor can adduce one.
To lowt, to mock or contemn. A verb of very common occurrence, but,
as might be expected, quite unknown to the commentators on
Shakspeare, though its meaning was guessed from the context. As it
would be tedious and unnecessary to write all the instances that occur,
let the following suffice:
"To the holy bloud of Hayles, With your fyngers and nayles, All that ye
may scratche and wynne; Yet it woulde not be seen, Except you were
shryven, And clene from all deadly synne. There, were we flocked,

Lowted and mocked; For, now, it is knownen to be But the bloud of a
ducke, That long did sucke The thrifte, from every degre."
"The Fantassie of Idolatrie," Foxe's Acts and Monuments, vol. v. p. 406.
(Cattley's edition.)
"Pride is it, to vaunt princely robes, not princely virtues. Pride is it to
lowte men of lower sort or pore {353} lasers, as is some men's
guise."--The Third Booke of Nobilitye; writte in Latine by Laurence
Humfrey, late Englished, 1563.
"Among serving men also, above all other, what wicked and detestable
oaths are there heard! If there be any of that sort which fear God, and
love his word, and therefore abstain from vain oaths, how doth his
company lout him! Look what an ass is among a sort of apes, even the
very same is he among his fellows."--The Invective against Swearing, p.
361.; Works of Thomas Becon (Parker Society).
Samson was accounted of the Philistines for a fool, but he would rather
die than suffer that opprobry unrevenged (Judic. xvi.).
"David was lowted of Michol Saul's daughter, but she was made
therefore barren all her life."--2 Reg. vi.
And same page, a little above:
"He that calleth his brother fool, that is to say, contemn him, mock him,
or, as men call it now-a-days, lowting of a man, committeth such
murder as is worthy hell-fire and eternal damnation."--A Declaration of
the Ten Commandments, ch. ix. p. 373.; Early Writings of Bishop
Hooper (Parker Society).
"Renowned Talbot doth expect my ayde, And I am lowted by a traitor
villaine And cannot help the noble Cheualier."
The First Part of Henry VI., Actus Quartus, Scena Prima (First Folio

Where I would note, by the way, that in three copies of the folio 1632,
now by me, it is printed "at traitor," although two of these folios have
different title-pages; that which appears to be the later impression bears
under the portrait these words: "London, printed by Thos. Cotes, for
Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Blacke
Beare, in Paul's Church-yard, 1632." The other wants the words "at his
shop," as described in MR. COLLIER'S edition.
The mention of MR. COLLIER'S name is a hint that reminds me to
advertise him of a mistake he
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