Notes and Queries, Number 04,
November 24, 1849
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Title: Notes & Queries, No. 4, Saturday, November 24, 1849 A
Medium Of Inter-Communication For Literary Men, Artists,
Antiquaries, Genealogists, Etc.
Author: Various
Release Date: September 23, 2004 [EBook #13513]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
QUERIES, NO. 4, ***
Produced by Jon Ingram, David King, the Online Distributed
Proofreading Team, and The Internet Library of Early Journals
* * * * *
"When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
* * * * *
No. 4.] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1849 [Price Threepence.
Stamped Edition 4d.
* * * * * {49}
Our Progress and Prospects. 49
NOTES:-- Luther and Erasmus, by John Bruce. 50 Hallam's Middle
Ages. 51 Adversaria I.--Writers of Notes on Fly-leaves. 51 Origin of
Grog and Ancient Alms-Basins. 52 Dyce v. Warburton and Collier. 53
Food of the People, by J.T. Hammack. 54 Bishop Barnaby. 55 Trade
Editions. 55 Dibdin's Typograph Antiquities, by Rev. Dr. Maitland. 56
Queries answered, II., by Bolton Corney. 56 Madoc's Expedition to
America. 57
QUERIES:-- "Clouds" or Shrouds, in Shakspeare. 58 Medal of
Pretender, by B. Nightingale. 58 Roger de Coverley. 59 Landed and
Commercial Policy of England. 59 The Rev. Thomas Leman. 59
Gothic Architecture. 59 Katherine Pegg. 59 Queries on Mediæval
Geography. 60 Myles Bloomfylde and William Bloomfield on
Alchymy. 60 Thynne's Collection of Chancellors. 60 Cold Harbour. 60
Statistics of the Roman Catholic Church. 61 Incumbents of Church
Livings. 61 Curse of Scotland, by Edward Hawkins. 61
MISCELLANEOUS:-- Notes of Book-Sales, Catalogues, &c. 61 Books
and Odd Volumes wanted. 63 Notices to Correspondents. 63
* * * * *
When we consulted our literary friends as to the form and manner in
which it would be most expedient to put forth our "NOTES AND
QUERIES," more than one suggested to us that our paper should
appear only once a month, or at all events not more frequently than
once a fortnight, on the ground that a difficulty would be experienced
in procuring materials for more frequent publication. We felt, however,
that if such a medium of Inter-communication, as we proposed to
establish was, as we believed, really wanted, frequency of publication
was indispensable. Nothing but a weekly publication would meet what
we believed to be the requirements of literary men. We determined,
therefore, to publish a Number every Saturday; and the result has so far
justified our decision, that the object of our now addressing our readers
is to apologise to the many friends whose communications we are again
unavoidably compelled to postpone; and to explain that we are
preparing to carry out such further improvements in our arrangements
as will enable us to find earlier admission for all the communications
with which we are favoured.
One other word. It has been suggested to us that in inviting Notes,
Comments, and Emendations upon the works of Macaulay, Hallam,
and other living authors, we may possibly run a risk of offending those
eminent men. We hope not. We are sure that this outght not to be the
case. Had we not recognised the merits of such works, and the
influence they were destined to exercise over men's minds, we should
not have opened our pages for the purpose of receiving, much less have
invited, corrections of the mistakes into which the most honest and the
most able of literary inquirers must sometimes fall. Only those who
have meddled in historical research can be aware of the extreme
difficulty, the all but impossibility, of ascertaining the exact or the
whole truth, amidst the numerous minute and often apparently
contradictory facts which present themselves to the notice of all
inquirers. In this very number a correspondent comments upon an
inference drawn by Mr. Hallam from a passage in Mabillon. In
inserting such a communication we show the respect we feel for Mr.
Hallam, and our {50} sense of the services which he has rendered to
historical knowledge. Had we believed that if he has fallen into a
mistake in this instance, it had been not merely a mistake, but a
deliberate perversion of the truth, we should have regarded both book
and writer with indifference, not to say with contempt. It is in the
endeavour to furnish corrections of little unavoidable slips in such

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