Northern Nut Growers Association Annual Report, 1917 | Page 3

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Clyde Trumbull, R. S., Agricultural Agent, El Paso & S. W. System, Morenci Southern R. R. Co., El Paso
VIRGINIA Crockett, E. B., Monroe Lee, Lawrence R., Leesburg Smith, Dr. J. Russell, Roundhill
WEST VIRGINIA Cather, L. A., 215 Murry St., Fairmont Hartzell, B. F., Shepherdstown Cannaday, Dr. John Egerton, Charleston, Box 693
~* Life Member.~

Name. This society shall be known as the NORTHERN NUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION.
Object. Its object shall be the promotion of interest in nut-bearing plants, their products and their culture.
Membership. Membership in the society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the rules and regulations of the committee on membership.
Officers. There shall be a president, a vice-president and a secretary-treasurer, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting; and an executive committee of five persons, of which the president, two last retiring presidents, vice-president and secretary-treasurer shall be members. There shall be a state vice-president from each state, dependency, or country represented in the membership of the association, who shall be appointed by the president.
Election of Officers. A committee of five members shall be elected at the annual meeting for the purpose of nominating officers for the following year.
Meetings. The place and time of the annual meeting shall be selected by the membership in session or, in the event of no selection being made at this time, the executive committee shall choose the place and time for the holding of the annual convention. Such other meetings as may seem desirable may be called by the president and executive committee.
Quorum. Ten members of the association shall constitute a quorum, but must include a majority of the executive committee or two of the three elected officers.
Amendments. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, notice of such amendment having been read at the previous annual meeting, or a copy of the proposed amendment having been mailed by any member to each member thirty days before the date of the annual meeting.

Committees. The association shall appoint standing committees as follows: On membership, on finance, on programme, on press and publication, on nomenclature, on promising seedlings, on hybrids, and an auditing committee. The committee on membership may make recommendations to the association as to the discipline or expulsion of any member.
Fees. The fees shall be of two kinds, annual and life. The former shall be two dollars, the latter twenty dollars.
Membership. All annual memberships shall begin with the first day of the calendar quarter following the date of joining the association.
Amendments. By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any annual meeting.

Northern Nut Growers' Association
The eighth annual meeting of the Northern Nut Growers' Association was called to order at the Hotel Davenport, Stamford, Connecticut, at 9.30 A. M., the Vice-President, Prof. W. N. Hutt, presiding in the absence of the President, Mr. W. C. Reed.
The meeting opened without formalities with a short business session.
The report of the Secretary was read and adopted as follows:
Balance on hand date of last report $ 21.45
Receipts: Dues 255.00 Advertisements 36.00 Contributions 15.00 Sale of reports. 26.65 Contributions for prizes 46.75 Miscellaneous .89 ------- $401.74
Expenses: Printing report $158.60 Miscellaneous printing 19.00 Postage and stationery 45.91 Stenographer 40.30 Prizes 57.00 Litchfield Savings Society 65.00 ------- $385.81 ------- Balance on hand $15.93
Total receipts were a little greater than the year before, receipts from dues a little less. There are several new life members, ten in all now, and the secretary has followed the course adopted some time ago of depositing receipts from life memberships in a savings bank as a contingent fund.
There are 138 paid up members, compared with 154 last year. Fifty members have not paid their dues and there seems to be no other course but to drop them, after repeated notice, though some are old friends.
Four members have resigned and there has been one death, that of Mrs. Charles Miller, of Waterbury, Connecticut.
We have added but 28 new members during the year, while we have lost 55.
There have been 358 members since organization, of whom we still have 138, 220 having dropped out.
Mr. T. P. Littlepage, as chairman of the Committee on Incorporation, reported at some length on the advisability and the possibilities.
On motion of Mr. R. T. Olcott, the question of incorporation was left in the hands of the committee with power.
The following Nominating Committee was elected: Col. Van Duzee, Mr. Weber, Mr. Bixby, Mr. Smith, Mr. Ridgeway.
The following Committee on Resolutions was appointed by the Chair: Dr. Morris, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Olcott.
Moved by Mr. Littlepage: That the association request the Secretary of Agriculture to
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