New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 | Page 9

Not Available
Drake Detroit, Mich.
Mr. Alan Dredge British Honduras. Mrs. Dredge British Honduras. Mr.
James Dunsmuir Toronto, Canada.
Mr. W.A. Emond Quebec, Can.
Mr. John Fenwick Switzerland * Dr. Howard Fisher New York, N.Y.
Mr. Justin M. Forman New York, N.Y. Mr. Chas. F. Fowles New York,
N.Y. @ Mrs. Fowles New York, N.Y. Mr. Richard R. Freeman Jr.
Boston, Mass. Mr. J. Friedenstein London, Eng. Mr. Edwin W. Friend
Farmington, Ct. @ Mr. Charles Frohman New York, N.Y. @ and valet
(_Wm. Stainton_)
* Mr. Fred. J. Gauntlett New York, N.Y. Mr. Mathew Gibson Glasgow,
Scot. Mr. George A. Gilpin England. Mr. Edgar Gorer London, Eng. *
Mr. Oscar F. Grab New York, N.Y. Mr. Montagu T. Grant Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. Grant Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Frederick S. Hammond Toronto, Canada. * Mrs. F.S. Hammond
Toronto, Canada. * Mr. O.H. Hammond New York, N.Y. Mrs. O.H.
Hammond New York, N.Y. * Mr. C.C. Hardwick New York, N.Y. Mr.
John H. Harper New York, N.Y. * Mr. Dwight C. Harris New York,
N.Y. Mr. F.W. Hawkins Winnipeg, Man. @ Miss Katheryn Hickson
New York, N.Y. * Mr. Charles T. Hill London, Eng. Mr. William S.
Hodges Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Hodges Philadelphia, Pa. @ Master W.S.
Hodges Jr. Philadelphia, Pa. Master Dean W. Hodges Philadelphia, Pa.
* Master W.R.G. Holt Montreal, Can. * Mr. Thomas Home Toronto,
Canada. @ Mr. Albert L. Hopkins New York, N.Y. * Dr. J.T.
Houghton Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Mr. Elbert Hubbard E. Aurora, N.Y.
Mrs. Hubbard E. Aurora, N.Y. Miss P. Hutchinson England.
* Mr. C.T. Jeffery Chicago, Ill. * Mr. Francis B. Jenkins New York,
N.Y. * Miss Rita Jolivet Paris, France. @ Miss Margaret D. Jones
Honolulu, Hawaii.
* Mr. W. Keeble Toronto, Canada. * Mrs. Keeble Toronto, Canada. Mr.
Francis C. Kellett Tuckahoe, N.Y. * Mr. Maitland Kempson Toronto,
Canada. * Dr. Owen Kenan New York, N.Y. Mrs. C. Hickson Kennedy
New York, N.Y. Mr. Harry J. Keser Philadelphia, Pa. @ Mrs. Keser
Philadelphia, Pa. * Mr. Geo. A. Kessler New York, N.Y. @ Mr. Thos.
B. King New York, N.Y. Mr. Charles Klein London, Eng. Mr. C.

Harwood Knight Baltimore, Md. Miss Elaine H. Knight Baltimore, Md.
* Mr. S.M. Knox Philadelphia, Pa.
Sir Hugh Lane England. * Mrs. H.H. Lassetter London, Eng. * Mr. F.
Lassetter London, Eng. * Mr. Charles E. Lauriat Jr. Boston, Mass. Mr.
C.A. Learoyd Sidney, Aus. * Mrs. Learoyd Sidney, Aus. * and maid
(_Marg't Hurley_) * Mr. James Leary New York, N.Y. Mr. Evan A.
Leigh Liverpool, Eng. * Mr. Isaac Lehmann New York, N.Y. * Miss
Dilane Lehmann Booked on Board * Mr. Martin Lehmann Booked on
Board Mr. Joseph Levinson Jr. Canada. Mr. Gerald A. Letts New York,
N.Y. Mr. F. Guy Lewin England. * Mrs. Popham Lobb New York, N.Y.
* Mr. R.R. Lockhart Toronto, Canada. Mr. Allen D. Loney New York,
N.Y. Mrs. Loney New York, N.Y. and maid (_Elise Boutellier_) *
Miss Virginia Loney New York, N.Y. Mrs. A.C. Luck Worcester, Mass.
Master Eldridge C. Luck Worcester, Mass. Master Kenneth T. Luck
Worcester, Mass.
* Mr. John W. McConnel Manchester, Eng. Mr. William McLean
France. Mr. F.E. MacLennan Glasgow, Scot. * Mr. Louis McMurray
Toronto, Canada. Mr. Fred. A. McMurtry New York, N.Y. @ Mrs.
Henry D. Macdona New York, N.Y. * Lady Mackworth Cardiff, Wales.
Mr. Stewart S. Mason Boston, Mass. @ Mrs. Mason Boston, Mass. *
Mr. Arthur T. Mathews Montreal, Can. @ Rev. Basil W. Maturin
Oxford, Eng. Mr. George Maurice London, Eng. Mr. Maurice B.
Medbury New York, N.Y. Capt. J.B. Miller Washington, D.C. Mr.
Charles V. Mills New York, N.Y. Mr. James D. Mitchell England. Mr.
R.T. Moodie Gainesville, Tex. * Mrs. M.S. Morell Toronto, Canada.
Mr. K.J. Morrison Canada. * Mr. G.G. Mosley England. Mrs. C.
Munro Liverpool, Eng. Mr. Herman A. Myers New York, N.Y. * Mr.
Joseph L. Myers New York, N.Y.
@ Mr. F.G. Naumann England. @ Mr. Gustaf Adolf Nyblom Canada.
* Mr. F. Orr-Lewis Montreal, Can. * and manservant (_Geo. Slingsby_)
* Mrs. A.B. Osborne Hamilton, Ont. Mrs. T.O. Osbourne Glasgow,
* Mrs. F. Padley Liverpool, Eng. @ Mr. Frederico G. Padila Liverpool,
Eng. (_Consul Gen'l for Mexico at Liverpool_) Mr. J.H. Page New
York, N.Y. @ Mr. M.N. Pappadopoulo Greece. * Mrs. Pappadopoulo
Greece. * Mr. Frank Partridge New York, N.Y. @ Mr. Charles E.
Paynter Liverpool, Eng. * Miss Irene Paynter Liverpool, Eng. Mr. F.A.

Peardon Toronto, Can. @ Dr. F.S. Pearson New York, N.Y. @ Mrs.
Pearson New York, N.Y. * Major F. Warren Pearl New York, N.Y. *
Mrs. Pearl New York, N.Y. * infant and maid (_Greta Lorenson_) Miss
Amy W.W. Pearl New York, N.Y. Miss Susan W. Pearl New York,
N.Y. * and maid (_Alice Lines_) * Master Stuart Duncan D. Pearl New
York, N.Y. Mr.
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