Government and Great Britain and Germany, respectively, relative to
the declaration of a war zone by the German Admiralty, and the use of
neutral flags by the British merchant vessels, this Government ventures
to express the hope that the two belligerent Governments may, through
reciprocal concessions, find a basis for agreement which will relieve
neutral ships engaged in peaceful commerce from the great dangers
which they will incur in the high seas adjacent to the coasts of the
The Government of the United States respectfully suggests that an
agreement in terms like the following might be entered into. This
suggestion is not to be regarded as in any sense a proposal made by this
Government, for it of course fully recognizes that it is not its privilege
to propose terms of agreement between Great Britain and Germany,
even though the matter be one in which it and the people of the United
States are directly and deeply interested. It is merely venturing to take
the liberty, which it hopes may be accorded a sincere friend desirous of
embarrassing neither nation involved, and of serving, if it may, the
common interests of humanity. The course outlined is offered in the
hope that it may draw forth the views and elicit the suggestions of the
British and German Governments on a matter of capital interest to the
whole world.
Germany and Great Britain to agree:
First--That neither will sow any floating mines, whether upon the high
seas or in territorial waters; that neither will plant on the high seas
anchored mines, except within cannon range of harbors for defensive
purposes only; and that all mines shall bear the stamp of the
Government planting them, and be so constructed as to become
harmless if separated from their moorings.
Second--That neither will use submarines to attack merchant vessels of
any nationality, except to enforce the right of visit and search.
Third---That each will require their respective merchant vessels not to
use neutral flags for the purpose of disguise or ruse de guerre.
Germany to agree: That all importations of food or foodstuffs from the
United States (and from such other neutral countries as may ask it) into
Germany shall be consigned to agencies to be designated by the United
States Government; that these American agencies shall have entire
charge and control without interference on the part of German
Government of the receipt and distribution of such importations, and
shall distribute them solely to retail dealers bearing licenses from the
German Government entitling them to receive and furnish such food
and foodstuffs to non-combatants only; that any violation of the terms
of the retailers' licenses shall work a forfeiture of their rights to receive
such food and foodstuffs for this purpose, and that such food and
foodstuffs will not be requisitioned by the German Government for any
purpose whatsoever, or be diverted to the use of the armed forces of
Great Britain to agree: That food and foodstuffs will not be placed upon
the absolute contraband list, and that shipments of such commodities
will not be interfered with or detained by British authorities, if
consigned to agencies designated by the United States Government in
Germany for the receipt and distribution of such cargoes to licensed
German retailers for distribution solely to the non-combatant
In submitting this proposed basis of agreement this Government does
not wish to be understood as admitting or denying any belligerent or
neutral right established by the principles of international law, but
would consider the agreement, if acceptable to the interested powers, a
modus vivendi based upon expediency rather than legal right, and as
not binding upon the United States either in its present form or in a
modified form until accepted by this Government.
The German reply, handed to the American Ambassador at Berlin,
BERLIN, March 1, 1915.
The undersigned has the honor to inform his Excellency, Mr. James W.
Gerard, Ambassador of the United States of America, in reply to the
note of the 22d inst., that the Imperial German Government have taken
note with great interest of the suggestion of the American Government
that certain principles for the conduct of maritime war on the part of
Germany and England be agreed upon for the protection of neutral
shipping. They see therein new evidence of the friendly feelings of the
American Government toward the German Government, which are
fully reciprocated by Germany.
It is in accordance with Germany's wishes also to have maritime war
conducted according to rules, which, without discriminatingly
restricting one or the other of the belligerent powers in the use of their
means of warfare, are equally considerate of the interests of neutrals
and the dictates of humanity. Consequently it was intimated in the
German note of the 16th inst. that observation

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