Never Almost Had You | Page 7


in their right mind wouldn’t want to do him. I’m lucky and actually got the chance to. I just never thought our first time would be on the roof of some
house in the country. But then again, there was something about our first time being under the light of the stars and moon that made it seem perfect.
I look down at his now sleeping form. He looked even more angelic now, soft light of the moon hitting his face at just the right angle to give him a
little bit of a glow. I brush the hair out of his face before letting my hand trail down to his face. I gently stroke his cheek with my thumb.
I glance at my watch and see that we didn’t have long before it was time for the countdown to the new year. I would let him sleep until then though. I
didn’t have the heart to wake him when he looked this peaceful. I wrap the comforter tighter around us as the wind starts to pick up. Hopefully our
clothes won’t go flying away and just as I think that I see my boxers get picked up by the wind. I watch as it mockingly dances around in front of me
before being pulled away to god knows where by the wind. I knew I shouldn’t have bought them. I probably could have gotten up and grabbed them
before it happened, but I didn’t want to let go of the man in my arms. I was afraid that if I did, this would all end up being a dream. So I guess I was
going commando for the rest of the night. Good thing I decided on my broken in pair of jeans instead of the new skinnies I bought last month.
I start to absent-mindedly stroke his hair, I wasn’t tired, not in the slightest. If anything I was even more energized than before. Images of what just
happened start to play in my mind as I stare up at the stars. Could this night get any better? I was here with the guy I’ve loved for the past few years
and we just had the most amazing, mind-blowing sex ever. But then again, I wasn’t sure how Taemin felt about me. Does this mean he loves me too?
I mean we didn’t say it to each other, hell we didn’t even admit to liking each other. Shit, what if this was all just casual sex to him. How can I such
an idiot?

No, I’m not going to think about things like that now. It didn’t matter, not now at least. I’d deal with it later. What mattered was the person who was
currently snuggling into my body. That’s all that mattered. Tonight wasn’t the night to overanalyze and nit pick at everything. Tonight was the end of
the world and I had the person I wanted beside me.
Time flashes by quickly as I continue to just lay there and hug him. Even the party was still going full swing and I knew that people were still arriving
by the sounds of cars pulling up. It was five minutes to midnight before I knew it. We should probably go down and get ready to greet the new year
with everyone else. I didn’t want to, I wanted to keep him all to myself, but I knew people will be looking for us if we didn’t.
I look down at him and brush his cheek with the back of my hand. He scrunches his nose and groans. I let out a silent laugh as I start to brush my
finger on different parts of his face, paying close attention to the way he reacted to my touch. I could tell that he was slowly starting to wake up.
“Hyung,” he mumbles as he buries his head into my chest, “Stop it.”
“But it’s time to wake up Minnie,” I kiss the crown of his head.
“Five more minutes.”
“No, in five minutes it will be the new year.”
“Wakey wakey,” I kiss his forehead and then both of his cheeks.
“Don’t make me pull out the big guns to wake you.”
He just let’s out a sigh and is sleeping again.
“You asked for it Minnie,” I let my lips just barely graze over his, my tongue slipping out to ghost over his bottom lip.
“Minho,” he moans.
“Don’t tease.”
“I’m not teasing.”

“Yeah you are. If you’re going to kiss me, than just do it already.”
“Nope. No kisses.”
“What?” his eyes shoot open, “What do you mean no kisses? You just kissed me.”
“No I didn’t. Our lips didn’t touch.”
“Yeah they did.”
“No they didn’t.”
“Fine, then kiss me now hyung.”
“Nope,” I wiggle free of his grip on me and walk over to our pile of clothes.
“Why do you keep saying no? You know you want me,” I
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