I stood in the back of the crowded room. It was packed in here, more so than the rest of the house. I guess it was probably because it was the room set aside as a dance
floor. There were people all around me, grinding and gyrating. I’m not surprised when I feel someone rubbing their ass on me. I turn to see that it’s Junho. He gives me a
big smile as he continues to dance on me.
“Come on Minho! You can’t just stand around in this room! If you’re going to be in here than you have to dance!” he shouts to me. He dances his way around me until
he’s right in front of me. I stare at him, I really didn’t get why people said he looked like Rain. Maybe I’m just missing something, “Minho! Dance!”
“I’m holding drinks,” I say as I lift my arms up. I know it was a lame excuse, but still I had to try it.
“Put them down on the desk right there!”
“They might spill.”
“Geez, Minho quit being so up-tight,” he grabs the cups from my hands and sets them down. He turns back to me and grins before returning to his place in front of me. I
let out a long sigh and turn my attention to where Jonghyun and Taemin are dancing. I guess I should start to enjoy myself. It was the end of the world, might as well
live it up right? Besides, I was going to make sure Taemin and I had a little more one-on-one time before the end of the night.
The Pussycat Dolls ‘Buttons’ starts to blare through the speakers. I’m quite taken aback when Junho starts to sway his hips in a belly dancer style. I didn’t know he had
that kind of range in his hips. He grabs my hands in his and places them on his hips. I start to move with his body. My hips definitely aren’t as fluid as his, but he doesn’t
seem to care. I just let him do most of the dance while I sway along with him.
“That’s more like it Minho! LIVE IT UP! IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!” he turns so his back is facing me and starts to rub his ass on me. Right at that precise moment I
lock eyes with Taemin and he just stares at me. He’s no longer paying attention to dancing, swaying with Jonghyun just like I was swaying with Junho. His eyes seem to
hold a hint of jealousy and displeasure in it.
I watch as Jonghyun turns Taemin’s face to look at him and it seems like I’m forgotten. He’s back to dancing his heart out, putting Junho and his hips to shame. I’m
completely mesmerized by the way they’re moving. I didn’t even realize that I had stopped dancing altogether until Junho hits my arm.
“YAH!” I yell as I rub at the now red spot on my arm.
“I’m the one you’re dancing with Minho. It’s rude not to pay attention to me,” he teases.
“Then dance with someone else.”
“But you’re the hottest one in the room.”
“Whatever Junho,” my eyes drift back to Taemin.
“You’re such a kill joy Minho.”
“I’m not a fucking kill joy!”
“Yeah you are! Instead of just standing here staring at Taemin, go up and pull him away from that dinosaur. Grab what you want. CARPE DIEM! SEIZE THE DAY! Or
rather night in this case. Come on, the whole point of the party is do what you normally wouldn’t do.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“I am. Did you need more liquid courage? Will that get your butt moving?”
“It wouldn’t hurt,” I grab the drinks that I had earlier and down them both. I feel my cheeks getting hot from the sudden alcohol flowing through my body. The affects of
the liquid having yet to work it’s magic on me.
“Here, let’s go take a quick shot and then we’ll come back,” Junho pulls me back to the other room and makes us both Jager bombs, “1, 2 kick off your shoes. 3, 4 SLAM
And with that we both down the shot in one go. The fluid runs down my throat before I can really even taste it. My body is getting warmer as I consume more alcohol. But
I was still pretty sober. A little buzz was starting to begin, but nothing too serious. I had just enough alcohol in me to be more bold.
Junho and I walk back to the dance floor. He hands me one more shot before we head into the crowd, “I’ll take care of dino boy. You grab your target.”
“You’re making it sound like I’m going to kidnap him.”
“If you want to kidnap him, I’ll cover for you.”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Sure. I am. You want to kidnap Taemin.

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