Never Again! | Page 9

Edward Carpenter
comparison with the massive
imperturbability of the great Chinese Empire itself.
Meanwhile let us remember how important it is for the future of the
world that each nation and people should be free to contribute its

special quality and character to the whole; nor be ridden-over
roughshod by the others;
That each should contribute, in Trade or otherwise, its special gifts or
facilities; and that the Internationalism which already rules in labour
affairs and in Commerce and Science and Fashion and Finance and
Philanthropy and Literature and Art and Music, should at last be
recognized in Politics.
Let us further remember how important it is that every man and woman
should insist on the rights of Personality to preserve sacred his or her
most intimate sense of selfness and duty the very, essence of Freedom.
Though I do not, for instance, think that a refusal to fight under any
condition or circumstance can reasonably be maintained to its logical
conclusion, and though I certainly would not engage myself to refuse to
fight in any and every case. Still, I do honour and respect the genuine
conscientious objectors (of whom there are great numbers) very
Some of them may, be narrow-minded and faddist (as conscience often
is), but let us remember that the great things of History have been
initiated by such folk.
It was they who barred and broke the gladiatorial games at Rome; it
was they, who, steered the "Mayflower" across the Atlantic, and started
the great Republic of the United States;
And it is they, who are possibly sowing the seed a great Movement
which will spread all over Europe, and ultimately by opposing
compulsory military service inaugurate a world-era of Peace. (For
certainly, without Conscription the Continental Powers would never
have become involved in the present war)
Let us recognize the right and the duty of each man to ponder these
world-problems for himself: to play his part and to make his own voice
heard in the solution of them.
Let us recognize the falsity of Science divorced from the Heart, and
begin to-day to create a political, an economic, and a material world
which shall be the true and satisfying expression of the real human
Let us acknowledge even at the last that the War may have been a,
necessary evil to show us by contrast the way, of deliverance;
Let us render, homage to those who have given their lives in it; let us

vow that their great sacrifice shall not be in vain, but shall consecrate
for us a new purpose and a new ideal;
Let us believe that Love, not Hatred, is the power by which in the end
the World will be saved;
And let us pray that a Heroism equal to that, shown to-day in the cause
of Destruction may urge us in the future towards a great and glorious
Constructive era in social life -- and inspire us with a new hope:
Out of purgatory to build a paradise, in which the ugliness, vulgarity,
sordidness and cruelty of the present scheme of things will be repeated.
August 1916

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Never Again!

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