Negritos of Zambales, by William
Allan Reed
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Title: Negritos of Zambales
Author: William Allan Reed
Release Date: January 10, 2007 [EBook #20329]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Jeroen Hellingman
Negritos of Zambales
William Allan Reed
Manila Bureau of Public Printing 1904
Department of the Interior, The Ethnological Survey,
Manila, March 3, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit a study of the Negritos of Zambales
Province made by Mr. William Allan Reed, of The Ethnological
Survey, during the year 1903. It is transmitted with the
recommendation that it be published as
Part I of Volume II of a series of scientific
studies to be published by this Survey.
Chief of the Ethnological Survey.
Hon. Dean C. Worcester,
Secretary of the Interior, Manila, P. I.
Department of the Interior, The Ethnological Survey,
Manila, March 1, 1904.
SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith my report on the Negritos of
Very respectfully,
William Allan Reed.
Dr. Albert Ernest Jenks,
Chief of The Ethnological Survey, Manila, P. I.
Letter of Transmittal Letter of Submittal Illustrations Preface
Chapter 1
: Distribution of Negritos Present Distribution in the Philippines In
Luzon In the Southern Islands Conclusion
Chapter 2
: The Province of Zambales Geographical Features Historical Sketch
Habitat of the Negritos
Chapter 3
: Negritos of Zambales Physical Features Permanent Adornment
Clothing and Dress
Chapter 4
: Industrial Life Home Life Agriculture Manufacture and Trade
Hunting and Fishing
Chapter 5
: Amusements Games Music Dancing The Potato Dance, or Piña
Camote The Bee Dance, or Piña Pa-ni-lan The Torture Dance The
Lovers' Dance The Duel Dance
Chapter 6
: General Social Life The Child Marriage Rice Ceremony Head
Ceremony "Leput," or Home Coming Polygamy and Divorce Burial
Morals Slavery Intellectual Life + Superstitions
Chapter 7
: Spanish Attempts to Organize Negritos
Anthropometric Measurements Vocabularies Plates
I. Outline map of the Philippine Islands, showing distribution of
Negritos. 18 II. Outline map of Zambales, showing distribution of
Negritos. 30 III. Negrito women of Bataan on a rock in a stream. 30 IV.
Negrito man from Nangsol, near Subig, Zambales. 30 V. Negrito man
from Aglao, Zambales. 30 VI. Negrito woman of Zambales. 30 VII.
View near Santa Fé, Zambales. 30 VIII. Capitán of Villar. 30 IX.
Negrito man of Zambales. 30 X. Showing the relative height of
American, mixed blood and pure Negrito. 30 XI. Group of Negritos
and Constabulary at Cabayan, Zambales. 30 XII. Old man of Zambales,
pure Negrito. 30 XIII. Old man of Zambales, pure Negrito, showing
hair on face and chest. 30 XIV. Negrito of Zambales, showing hair on
the chin and skin disease on the arm. 30 XV. Pure Negrito of Zambales,
showing hair on the chin. 30 XVI. Negrito Man of Zambales, showing
hair on the face. 30 XVII. Negrito girls of Zambales, one with hair
clipped behind to eradicate vermin. 30 XVIII. Negrito man of
Zambales, pure blood. 30 XIX. Negrito man of Zambales, mixed blood.
44 XX. Negrito man of Zambales, pure blood. 44 XXI. Negrito man of
Zambales, mixed blood. 44 XXII. Negrito girl of Zambales, pure blood.
44 XXIII. Negrito woman of Zambales, mixed blood. 44 XXIV. Old
Negrito woman of Zambales, pure blood. 44 XXV. Negrito man of
Zambales, pure blood. 44 XXVI. Negrito man of Negros, mixed blood.
44 XXVII. Negrito man of Zambales. 44 XXVIII. Negritos (emigrants
from Panay) of Maao, Occidental Negros; mixed bloods. 44 XXIX.
Group of Negrito men at Santa Fé, Zambales. 44 XXX. Principal men
of Tagiltil, Zambales; pure Zambal and mixed Negrito. 44 XXXI.
Negritos of Zambales, mixed bloods. 44 XXXII. Group of people
called Aburlin; non-Christian Zambal and Negrito mixed bloods. 44
XXXIII. Negrito women of Zambales. 44 XXXIV. Group of Negrito
women at Santa Fé, Zambales, showing dress. 44 XXXV. Negrito girls
of Zambales, one wearing necklace of dried berries. 58 XXXVI. Combs
worn by Negritos of Zambales. 58 XXXVII. Ornaments worn by
Negritos of Zambales. 58 XXXVIII. Negrito man, wife, and hut,
Bataan. 58 XXXIX. Better class of Negrito hut, Zambales. 58 XL.
Negrito man of Bataan making fire with bamboo. 58 XLI. Negrito men
of Bataan making fire with bamboo. 58 XLII. Bows and arrows used by
Negritos of Zambales. 58 XLIII. Position taken by Negritos of
Zambales in shooting. 58 XLIV. Negrito man of Bataan drawing

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