Narrative of the Voyages Round the World, Performed by Captain James Cook | Page 2

A. Kippis
as on the present occasion.
This arises from the peculiar nature of the work in which I have now
engaged. A Narrative of the Life and Actions of Captain Cook must
principally consist of the voyages and discoveries he made, and the
difficulties and dangers to which he was exposed. The private incidents
concerning him, though collected with the utmost diligence, can never
compare, either in number or importance, with his public transactions.
His public transactions are the things that mark the man, that display
his mind and his character; and, therefore they are the grand objects to
which the attention of his biographer must be directed. However, the
right conduct of this business is a point of no small difficulty and
embarrassment. The question will frequently arise, How far the detail
should be extended? There is a danger, on the one hand, of being
carried to an undue length, and of enlarging, more than is needful, on
facts which may be thought already sufficiently known; and, on the
other hand, of giving such a jejune account, and such a slight
enumeration of important events, as shall disappoint the wishes and
expectations of the reader. Of the two extremes, the last seems to be
that which should most be avoided; for, unless what Captain Cook
performed, and what he encountered, be related somewhat at large, his
Life and Actions would be imperfectly represented to the world. The
proper medium appears to be, to bring forward the things in which he
was personally concerned, and to pass slightly over other matters. Even
here it is scarcely possible, nor would it be desirable, to avoid the
introduction of some of the most striking circumstances which relate to
the new countries and inhabitants that were visited by our great
navigator, since these constitute a part of the knowledge and benefit
derived from his undertakings. Whether I have been so happy as to
preserve the due medium, I presume not to determine. I have been
anxious to do it, without always being able fully to satisfy my own
mind that I have succeeded; on which account I shall not be surprised if
different opinions should be formed on the subject. In that case, all that
I can offer in my own defence will be, that I have acted to the best of
my judgment. At any rate I flatter myself with the hope of having
presented to the public a work not wholly uninteresting or

unentertaining. Those who are best acquainted with Captain Cook's
expeditions, may be pleased with reviewing them in a more
compendious form, and with having his actions placed in a closer point
of view, in consequence of their being divested of the minute nautical,
and other details, which were essentially necessary in the voyages at
large. As to those persons, if there be any, who have hitherto obtained
but an imperfect knowledge of what was done and discovered by this
illustrious man, they will not be offended with the length of the
following narrative.
In various respects, new information will be found in the present
performance; and other things, which were less perfectly known before,
are set in a clearer and fuller light. This, I trust, will appear in the first,
third, fifth, and seventh chapters. It may be observed, likewise, that the
fresh matter now communicated is of the most authentic kind, and
derived from the most respectable sources. My obligations of this
nature are, indeed, very great, and call for my warmest gratitude. The
dates and facts relative to Captain Cook's different promotions are
taken from the books of the Admiralty, by the directions of the noble
lord who is at the head of that Board, and the favour of Mr. Stephens. I
embrace with pleasure this opportunity of mentioning, that, in the
course of my life, I have experienced, in several instances, Lord Howe's
condescending and favourable attention. To Mr. Stephens I am
indebted for other communications besides those which concern the
times of Captain Cook's preferments, and for his general readiness in
forwarding the design of the present work. The Earl of Sandwich, the
great patron of our navigator, and the principal mover in his mighty
undertakings, has honoured me with some important information
concerning him, especially with regard to the circumstances which
preceded his last voyage. To Sir Hugh Palliser's zeal for the memory of
his friend I stand particularly obliged. From a large communication,
with which he was so good as to favour me, I have derived very
material intelligence, as will appear in the course of the narrative, and
especially in the first chapter. In the same chapter are some facts which
I received from Admiral Graves, through the hands of the Rev. Dr.
Douglas, now Bishop of Carlisle (whose admirable Introduction to the
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