Myths and Legends of All Nations | Page 6

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price, the great deliverer,
Death. And we know that he kept his word.
When Hercules from the pursuit of the other Centaurs returned to the
dwelling of Pholus he found him also dead. He had drawn the deadly
arrow from the lifeless body of one Centaur, and while he was
wondering how so small a thing could do such great damage, the
poisoned arrow slipped through his fingers and pierced his foot, killing
him instantly. Hercules was very sad, and buried his body reverently
beneath the mountain, which from that day was called Pholoë.
Then Hercules continued his hunt for the boar, drove him with cries out
of the thick of the woods, pursued him into a deep snow field, bound
the exhausted animal, and brought him, as he had been commanded,
alive to Mycene.
Thereupon King Eurystheus sent him upon the fifth labor, which was

one little worthy of a hero. It was to clean the stables of Augeas in a
single day.
Augeas was king in Elis and had great herds of cattle. These herds were
kept, according to the custom, in a great inclosure before the palace.
Three thousand cattle were housed there, and as the stables had not
been cleaned for many years, so much manure had accumulated that it
seemed an insult to ask Hercules to clean them in one day.
When the hero stepped before King Augeas and without telling him
anything of the demands of Eurystheus, pledged himself to the task, the
latter measured the noble form in the lion-skin and could hardly refrain
from laughing when he thought of so worthy a warrior undertaking so
menial a work. But he said to himself: "Necessity has driven many a
brave man; perhaps this one wishes to enrich himself through me. That
will help him little. I can promise him a large reward if he cleans out
the stables, for he can in one day clear little enough." Then he spoke
"Listen, O stranger. If you clean all of my stables in one day, I will give
over to you the tenth part of all my possessions in cattle."
Hercules accepted the offer, and the king expected to see him begin to
shovel. But Hercules, after he had called the son of Augeas to witness
the agreement, tore the foundations away from one side of the stables;
directed to it by means of a canal the streams of Alpheus and Peneus
that flowed near by; and let the waters carry away the filth through
another opening. So he accomplished the menial work without stooping
to anything unworthy of an immortal.
When Augeas learned that this work had been done in the service of
Eurystheus, he refused the reward and said that he had not promised it;
but he declared himself ready to have the question settled in court.
When the judges were assembled, Phyleus, commanded by Hercules to
appear, testified against his father, and explained how he had agreed to
offer Hercules a reward. Augeas did not wait for the decision; he grew
angry and commanded his son as well as the stranger to leave his
kingdom instantly.

Hercules now returned with new adventures to Eurystheus; but the
latter would not give him credit for the task because Hercules had
demanded a reward for his labor. He sent the hero forth upon a sixth
adventure, commanding him to drive away the Stymphalides. These
were monster birds of prey, as large as cranes, with iron feathers, beaks
and claws. They lived on the banks of Lake Stymphalus in Arcadia, and
had the power of using their feathers as arrows and piercing with their
beaks even bronze coats of mail. Thus they brought destruction to both
animals and men in all the surrounding country.
After a short journey Hercules, accustomed to wandering, arrived at the
lake, which was thickly shaded by a wood. Into this wood a great flock
of the birds had flown for fear of being robbed by wolves. The hero
stood undecided when he saw the frightful crowd, not knowing how he
could become master over so many enemies. Then he felt a light touch
on his shoulder, and glancing behind him saw the tall figure of the
goddess Minerva, who gave into his hands two mighty brass rattles
made by Vulcan. Telling him to use these to drive away the
Stymphalides, she disappeared.
Hercules mounted a hill near the lake, and began frightening the birds
by the noise of the rattles. The Stymphalides could not endure the
awful noise and flew, terrified, out of the forest. Then Hercules seized
his bow and sent arrow after arrow in pursuit of them, shooting many
as they flew. Those who were not killed
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