My War Experiences in Two Continents | Page 2

Sarah Macnaughtan

original theories and ideas of a woman who never allowed anyone else
to do her thinking for her. A striking sermon or book may be criticised
or discussed, the pros and cons of some measure of social reform
weighed in the balance; and the actual daily chronicle of her busy life,
of her travels, her various experiences and adventures, makes a most
interesting and fascinating tale.
So much of the material was obviously intended to form the basis for
an autobiography that the executors came to the conclusion that it
would be a thousand pities to withhold it from the public, and at some
future date it is very much hoped to produce a complete life of Miss
Macnaughtan as narrated in her diaries. Meanwhile, however, the
publisher considers that Miss Macnaughtan's war experiences are of
immediate interest to her many friends and admirers, and I have been
asked to edit those volumes which refer to her work in Belgium, at
home, in Russia, and on the Persian front.
Except for an occasional word where the meaning was obscure, I have
added nothing to the diaries. I have, of course, omitted such passages as
appeared to be private or of family interest only; but otherwise I have

contented myself with a slight rearrangement of some of the paragraphs,
and I have inserted a few letters and extracts from letters, which give a
more interesting or detailed account of some incident than is found in
the corresponding entry in the diary. With these exceptions the book is
published as Miss Macnaughtan wrote it. I feel sure that her own story
of her experiences would lose much of its charm if I interfered with it,
and for this reason I have preserved the actual diary form in which it
was written.
To many readers of Miss Macnaughtan's books her diaries of the war
may come as a slight surprise. There is a note of depression and
sadness, and perhaps even of criticism, running through them, which is
lacking in all her earlier writings. I would remind people that this book
is the work of a dying woman; during the whole of the period covered
by it, the author was seriously ill, and the horror and misery of the war,
and the burden of a great deal of personal sorrow, have left their mark
on her account of her experiences.
I should like to thank those relations and friends of Miss Macnaughtan
who have allowed me to read and publish the letters incorporated in
this book, and I gratefully acknowledge the help and advice I have
received in my task from my mother, from my husband, and from Miss
Hilda Powell, Mr. Stenning, and Mr. R. Sommerville. I desire also to
express my gratitude to Mr. John Murray for many valuable hints and
suggestions about the book, and for the trouble he has so kindly taken
to help me to prepare it for the press.
BERKSHIRE, October, 1918.



On September 20th, 1914, I left London for Antwerp. At the station I
found I had forgotten my passport and Mary had to tear back for it.
Great perturbation, but kept this dark from the rest of the staff, for they
are all rather serious and I am head of the orderlies. We got under way
at 4 a.m. next morning. All instantly began to be sick. I think I was the
worst and alarmed everybody within hearing distance. One more
voyage I hope--home--then dry land for me.
We arrived at Antwerp on the 22nd, twenty-four hours late. The British
Consul sent carriages, etc., to meet us. Drove to the large Philharmonic
Hall, which has been given us as a hospital. Immediately after breakfast
we began to unpack beds, etc., and our enormous store of medical
things; all feeling remarkably empty and queer, but put on heroic
smiles and worked like mad. Some of the staff is housed in a convent
and the rest in rooms over the Philharmonic Hall.
23 September.--Began to get things into order and to allot each person
her task. Our unit consists of Mrs. St. Clair Stobart, its head; Doctors
Rose Turner, F. Stoney, Watts, Morris, Hanson and Ramsey (all
women); orderlies--me, Miss Randell (interpreter), Miss Perry, Dick,
Stanley, Benjamin, Godfrey,{2} Donnisthorpe, Cunliffe, and Mr. Glade.
Everyone very zealous and inclined to do anybody's work except their
own. Keen competition for everyone else's tools, brooms, dusters, etc.
Great roaming about. All mean well.
25 September.--Forty wounded men were brought into our hospital
yesterday. Fortunately we had everything ready, but it took a bit of

doing. We are all dead tired, and not so keen as we were about doing
other people's work.
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