your fellow man, naturally the Martian will smile, they are great people for smiling, they are one of the kindliest people I have ever been permitted to see.
Now if you will read, many have been reading, and if you will continue to read, you will begin to assimilate the news that is passed out to you, even though you get only a tiny bit of what you should get, you are going to read between the lines, and you are going to see great changes made. You have been seeing changes among your leaders and teachers.
Some people will say, "Well, that's good, but what are they going to do about it?" Assume that the majority of the leaders and teachers have motives that are not right, are evil, what are the Martians going to do about it. All people who have reached a point where they might call themselves human beings have reached the point of free will. They can choose what they want to do. But these Martians are very intelligent people, they know so much, and they know just how to go about these things. You might have questions about" this, questions I had, and I asked the question, "How are you going to and what are you going to do with the people themselves, how ,are you going to change the people?" They are not going to do anything to the ones who are evil. There are plenty people who do have the right motives, and you will find them in all walks of life. You will find them in every conceivable kind of a society or community. Those people can work constructively. The Martians will give those people every aid and every assistance to do whatever they should do to bring about this great love of your fellow creature here on Earth, this is the thing that must take place first before these other things take place.
When the expedition of the Martians finally reached Earth, I was one citizen who was not frightened or agitated in the least. "Flying Saucers," "Flying Discs," sure I should know, I rode in them. They were the small craft sent out from the huge mother craft hovering 10,000 miles above the Earth's atmosphere. The apparent rain of meteors, flashes of light, and other strange things that happened at that time (1947) were the expanded elements the Martians were releasing in the Earth's atmosphere. In my laboratory at that time there was a hundred percent increase in the expansion of the water I was working with, which to me was absolute proof of the expanded elements the Martians released at the time of the visit of the "Flying Discs" to the planet Earth.
There is a big event, a tremendous event, something we all want to participate in, I am sure, it's going to take place in the year 1956.
Now in retrospect let's go back to Khauga. This great being who had engineered everything. I found out he was the one who had me in tow ever since July the 9th, 1938. I had often wondered, until the past few years, what special entity had been guiding my hands and consciousness in my work. Since the time of meeting personally with Khauga, it has all been made clear and concise to me. What a revelation to know that you have been working under the guidance of one of the greatest Uniphysicists in our Solar System.
Because of the interest of the Martians in our own development, or in the Earth's development, Khauga had made it a point to use Mars as the proper place where the message they had, and the message he had, could be relayed and given to the people of the Planet Earth.
To all fellow Earthmen, I can assure you we are now in a wonderful development period in our Earth's history. We have entered the expansion phase of our development, and as a result, all things will become new and finer for the enjoyment and happiness for each and every being.
As Khauga told me, we Earthmen as a whole have not had vision, but that phase in our development is past. Since March 7, 1947 we have entered into that era of the expansion of matter in particular. The whole universe is expanding, and our part in that expansion is inevitable,
If we can cause man to stop thinking that that which he cannot personally conceive of is not impossible, then we will have entered into the realm of possibilities where all things man can imagine are POSSIBLE.
So to the future of the human race on the Planet Earth, and to all of those who are progressing according to Cosmic Law, will eventuate in PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS.
William Ferguson
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