My Pet Recipes, Tried and True | Page 7

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the pickle, then wash off the spices and put in a deep pan, cut small six pounds of suet, put some in the bottom of the pan, the greater part on the top, cover with coarse paste and bake eight hours; when cold take off the paste pour off the gravy, it will keep six months.
Two pounds of raw steak from the round, free from bone, fat or sinew, chopped very fine, six soda biscuits rolled fine, one cup of milk, two eggs beaten in one tablespoon salt, one dessertspoon of pepper, and add a little spice if you like. Butter an earthenware jar as large round the top as the bottom and press the mixture in very lightly. Cover with butter one half inch thick. Cover the jar with a plate and bake in an oven for two hours. Serve whole or cut in slices. Nicer cold.
One half pound of meat, cut up into four inch squares and two or three inches thick, add onion chopped fine, one teaspoon salt, and one half teaspoon pepper, cover with boiling water and place in jar and cook in oven for two hours.
Thin slices of steak cut into squares about the size of hand; make a dressing similar to chicken, bake, then put on the steak and roll, put in the saucepan with some onion and butter in a little water, let it simmer for an hour and a half to two hours.
Half pound cold meat or chicken, one ounce butter, one ounce of flour, one gill white stock, one teaspoon chopped parsley, one half saltspoon grated nutmeg, small teaspoon of salt, saltspoon of pepper, grated rind of half a small lemon. Pass chicken twice through the mincer, then melt the butter, stir into it the flour, get it perfectly smooth and add stock, don't let it brown, stir until it boils and boil two minutes, add the chicken, (when properly cooked will leave the pan clearly) add pepper, salt, nutmeg, parsley and lemon, put it away to cool. In using cold beef, a teaspoon anchovy essence or paste is an improvement, and to mutton a teaspoon mushroom catsup. When the mixture is cold, place some flour on board to prevent sticking and form into rolls with square edges, beat the egg, place breadcrumbs mixed with pepper and salt on paper, put the rolls first in the egg, then in crumbs, have sufficient fat in pan and when the white smoke rises, put the rolls in and fry three minutes, drain on paper. Brown sauce may be served and mashed peas or potatoes placed in the centre.
Quarter of a pound bay salt, ditto of common salt, one ounce saltpetre, four ounces brown sugar, one ounce allspice, four ounces black pepper (whole), the allspice or one ounce of coriander seed must be bruised not ground, one quart of water: boil all together a few minutes and rub on hot. In three weeks the hams will be ready to hang if well rubbed with the pickle everyday. Sufficient pickle for two.
One boned shoulder of mutton, four ounces of bread crumbs, two ounces of suet, rind of half a lemon, bunch of mixed vegetables, one tablespoon chopped parsley, other herbs if liked, one egg, a little milk, one teaspoon of salt, half teaspoon of pepper. Chop suet finely (or fat from mutton will do) add breadcrumbs, parsley, grated lemon rind and salt, moisten with egg and milk. Place mixture in mutton, roll up and tie securely. Slice vegetables and put them with bones in saucepan also two cloves, a bay leaf and peppercorns, pour over them a pint of stock or water, place mutton on top and boil slowly about one and one half hours according to size of meat, then brush it over with glaze or sprinkle with flour, pepper and salt and bake it half an hour. Place on a dish, pour fat from pan and stir in half ounce of flour (browned) add stock in which meat was cooked, also one tablespoon mushroom catsup and one tablespoon Worcester sauce, pepper and salt, boil two minutes and strain around meat. Vegetables in stock can be cut to ornament the dish.
Take the feet and legs of a pig, cut off at the hams, two will be sufficient for a family of eight. Singe off the hair and thoroughly cleanse them, removing the toes by scorching. Cut the legs in pieces suitable for stewing, put down in cold water and cook slowly for three hours. Pare and cut up nine or ten good sized potatoes and add to your stew with salt and pepper, about one
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