Here a sentinel
challenged, calling the corporal of the guard, and in his company I
trudged up the path to the front door. There was a light showing
through a window to the left, although the shade was closely drawn,
and a guard stood within the hall. At the first sound of our approach,
however, a side door was flung open, letting forth a gleam of
illumination, and I perceived the short, slight figure of Hamilton, as he
peered forward to get a better glimpse of my face.
"All right, Corporal," he said tersely, gripping my hand. "Come in,
Major; your promptness would seem to indicate a readiness to get into
service once more."
"I had not yet fallen asleep," I explained, "but we are all eager enough
for action of any description."
He smiled cheerily.
"You will soon be busy, never fear." He closed the door behind us, and,
with a glance, I viewed the room and its occupants. It was a small, low
ceilinged apartment, containing a table, a dozen chairs, and a high
commode. A few coals glowed in the wide fireplace, and the walls
were dingy with smoke. Three candles, already burning low, gave fitful
illumination, revealing four occupants, all known to me. At an open
door to the right stood a sweet-faced woman, glancing back curiously
at my entrance, and I whipped off my hat bowing low. Once before I
had seen her, Mistress Washington, and welcomed the gracious
recognition in her eyes. Colonel Gibbs stood before the fireplace
motionless, but my glance swept past him to the calm, uplifted face
above the pile of papers littering the table. He was not looking at me,
but his eyes were turned toward his wife.
"It is not necessary for you to retire," he said quietly. "We shall not
detain this gentleman except for a few moments."
"It is not because of the Major's coming I withdraw," she replied
pleasantly, "but the hour is late, and I am very tired. Good-night, all."
Washington's eyes were upon the door until it closed; then he turned
slightly, facing me. Before he spoke again, Hamilton broke in:
"This is the officer, sir, recommended by General Maxwell--Major
Lawrence of the Maryland Line."
I bowed silently, and the commander rose to his feet, extending his
"No doubt we have met before," he said slowly. "You have been with
us for some time?"
"My first action was at Harlem, sir."
"You could not have been at Valley Forge during the past winter,
"I was with the Marquis de la Fayette at Albany."
"Ah, yes," his face clouding at the recollection. "A young officer,
Hamilton, but capable, no doubt. You have used him before, you said?"
"Yes, at Long Island, and he entered New York once at my request."
Washington's gray eyes were still on my face.
"Lawrence is a Massachusetts name."
"Not exclusively," I returned, "as our branch are Virginians."
The stern lines about the mouth relaxed into a smile.
"Indeed; from the Eastern shore then. I recall now having once met a
Judge John Lawrence, whose wife was a Lee."
"My father, sir."
His hand rested firm on my shoulder, as his glance turned to Hamilton.
"I require no further commendation, Colonel. You will find the papers
in the second drawer. Please explain all the details carefully to Major
He bowed toward me, and sank back once more into his chair, one hand
shading the eyes that still regarded us. Hamilton opened the drawer
designated, extracted an official document, and addressed me rapidly in
lowered voice.
"This is a simple duty, Major, but may prove a dangerous one. You
have been selected because of previous successful efforts of a similar
nature, but the Commander-in-chief does not order your going; we seek
a volunteer."
"Without asking the nature of the service," I answered sincerely, "I
rejoice at the privilege."
"I knew that, Lawrence," heartily. "That answer accords with your well
earned reputation throughout the army. I will explain briefly the
situation. Early this evening our pickets--or rather some partisan scouts
near Newtown--captured a British officer, in field uniform, on his way
from New York to Sir William Howe in Philadelphia. The prisoner was
brought here, and on examination proved to be Lieutenant Edgar
Fortesque of the 42nd Regiment of Foot. These troops came over with
the last detachment, and arrived in New York less than a month ago.
On searching Fortesque's clothing we found this despatch," holding out
the sealed paper, "which we opened. It is not of any great military
importance, being merely an order for Howe to proceed at once to New
York, taking with him certain officers of his staff, and placing a naval
vessel at his disposal."
He paused, turning the paper over in his hands.
"However," he went

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