My Doggie and I | Page 2

Robert Michael Ballantyne
I observed a peculiar leer on the man's face, which I could not account for. He appeared, however, to have been affected by my threats, for he ceased to scowl, and assumed a deferential air as he replied, "Vell, sir, it do seem raither 'ard that a cove should be blowed up for kindness."
"Kindness!" I exclaimed, in surprise.
"Ay, kindness, sir. That there hanimal loves me, it do, like a brother, an the love is mootooal. Ve've lived together now--off an' on--for the matter o' six months. Vell, I gits employment in a factory about fifteen miles from here, in which no dogs is allowed. In coorse, I can't throw up my sitivation, sir, can I? Neither can my doggie give up his master wot he's so fond of, so I'm obleeged to leave 'im in charge of a friend, with stric' orders to keep 'im locked up till I'm fairly gone. Vell, off I goes, but he manages to escape, an' runs arter me. Now, wot can a feller do but drive 'im 'ome with sticks an' stones, though it do go to my 'eart to do it? but if he goes to the factory he's sure to be shot, or scragged, or drownded, or somethink; so you see, sir, it's out o' pure kindness I'm a peltin' of 'im."
Confess that I felt somewhat doubtful of the truth of this story; but, in order to prevent any expression of my face betraying me, I stooped and patted the dog while the man spoke. It received my attentions with evident delight. A thought suddenly flashed on me:--
"Will you sell your little dog?" I asked.
"Vy, sir," he replied, with some hesitation, "I don't quite like to do that. He's such a pure breed, and--and he's so fond o' me."
"But have you not told me that you are obliged to part with him?"
I thought the man looked puzzled for a moment, but only for a moment. Turning to me with a bland smile, he said, "Ah, sir I that's just where it is. I am obleeged to part with him, but I ain't obleeged to sell him. If I on'y part with 'im, my friend keeps 'im for me, and we may meet again, but if I sell 'im, he's gone for ever! Don't you see? Hows'ever, if you wants 'im wery bad, I'll do it on one consideration."
"And that is?"
"That you'll be good to 'im."
I began to think I had misjudged the man. "What's his name?" I asked.
Again for one moment there was that strange, puzzled look in the man's face, but it passed, and he turned with another of his bland smiles.
"His name, sir? Ah, his name? He ain't got no name, sir!"
"No name!" I exclaimed, in surprise.
"No, sir; I object to givin' dogs names on principle. It's too much like treatin' them as if they wos Christians; and, you know, they couldn't be Christians if they wanted to ever so much. Besides, wotever name you gives 'em, there must be so many other dogs with the same name, that you stand a chance o' the wrong dog comin' to 'e ven you calls."
"That's a strange reason. How then do you call him to you?"
"Vy, w'en I wants 'im I shouts `Hi,' or `Hallo,' or I vistles."
"Indeed," said I, somewhat amused by the humour of the fellow; "and what do you ask for him?"
"Fi' pun ten, an' he's dirt cheap at that," was the quick reply.
"Come, come, my man, you know the dog is not worth that."
"Not worth it, sir!" he replied, with an injured look; "I tell you he's cheap at that. Look at his breedin', and then think of his affectionate natur'. Is the affections to count for nuffin'?"
Admitted that the affections were worth money, though it was generally understood that they could not be purchased, but still objected to the price, until the man said in a confidential tone--
"Vell, come, sir, since you do express such a deal o' love for 'im, and promise to be so good to 'im, I'll make a sacrifice and let you 'ave 'im for three pun ten--come!"
Gave in, and walked off, with my purchase leaping joyfully at my heels.
The man chuckled a good deal after receiving the money, but I took no notice of that at the time, though I thought a good deal about it afterwards.
Ah! little did I think, as Dumps and I walked home that day, of the depth of the attachment that was to spring up between us, the varied experiences of life we were destined to have together, and the important influence he was to exercise on my career.
Forgot to mention that my name is Mellon--John Mellon. Dumps knows my name as well as he knows his own.
On reaching home, Dumps displayed an evidence of good breeding,
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