Mr. Edward Arnolds New and Popular Books, December, 1901 | Page 4

Edward Arnold
WILLIAM STRANG, and a cloth cover in
motley by C.R. ASHBEE. 250 copies. £3 3s.
The Psalms of David. This book will be in the new type with a fresh set
of historiated 'bloomers' designed by C.R. ASHBEE. 250 copies.
American Sheaves and English Seed Corn. Essays and Addresses by
The Essex House Song Book will be issued in about 100 folio sheets,
three or four songs coming on to the sheet of four pages. The sheets
will be printed red and black in the new type, with wood-cut
embellishments, and uniform in size with the Essex House
'Shakespeare.' Three hundred copies only will be issued, of which 100
are reserved in the first instance for America. The sheets will be
published in batches of about ten sheets at a time, at a cost of 1s. a
sheet, and over a period of two or three years. Subscriptions can only
be received for the whole work, payable as the sheets are ready for
delivery. Subscribers to the regular series of Essex House Press
Publications will not be expected to subscribe if they do not wish to do
so, but will be given first refusal.
Intending subscribers and persons who desire to receive
announcements of the forthcoming publications are recommended to
enter their names as soon as possible.
The Publications already issued are:
1. Benvenuto Cellini's Treatises on Metal Work and Sculpture. By C.R.
ASHBEE. 600 copies. A few still left. Price 35s. net.
2. The Hymn Of Bardaisan, the first Christian Poem, rendered into
English verse from the original Syriac, by F. CRAWFORD BURKITT,
of Trinity College, Cambridge. 250 copies.

Out of print.
3. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited from the earlier editions by
JANET E. ASHBEE, with a frontispiece by REGINALD SAVAGE.
Vellum cover. 750 copies. Price 30s. net.
4. The Church of Saint Mary Stratford atte Bow. 250 copies.
Out of print.
5. Shelley's Adonais. Vellum series. 50 copies.
Out of print.
6. Shakespeare's Poems. 450 copies.
Out of print.
7. The Eve of St. Agues. By JOHN KEATS. Vellum series. 125 copies.
Price £2 2s. net.
Out of print.
8. The Courtyer of Count Baldesar Castillo, divided into Foure Bookes.
Done into Englyshe by THOMAS HOBY. 200 copies.
Out of print.
9. Gray's Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. The third of the
Vellum Series. 125 copies.
Out of print.
10. Walt Whitman's Hymn on the Death of Lincoln. 125 copies.
Out of print.
11. An Endeavour towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William
Morris. Being an account of the Work and Aims of the Guild of
Handicraft. By C.R. ASHBEE. 250 copies. This is the first book in the
new Essex House type.
Out of print.
12. John Woolman's Journal. 250 copies.
Out of print.
13. Erasmus' Praise of Folly. 250 copies. £3 3s.
14. Perm's Fruits of Solitude. 250 copies.
Out of print.
* * * * *
These volumes are published on behalf of the Essex House Press by Mr.
EDWARD ARNOLD, and can be ordered either from him or from any
* * * * *

This will be a sumptuous edition of the Book of Common Prayer,
which, by gracious permission of His Majesty, will be entitled 'King
Edward the Seventh's Prayer-Book.'
The new Prayer-Book will be hand printed at the Essex House Press,
and whilst conforming to the Authorized Version will rank, as a piece
of typography, with the Great Prayer-Book of Edward VI. It is to be in
new type designed by Mr. C.R. Ashbee, with about one hundred and
fifty woodcuts, and is to be printed in red and black on Batchelor
hand-made paper. There will also probably be a special binding of
green vellum with a gold block design and clasps. The preparation of
the work is expected to occupy about eighteen months.
The Prayer-Book will be published by his Majesty's printers, Messrs.
Eyre and Spottiswoode, acting under the Royal Letters Patent, who will
superintend the work of the Essex House Press.
Exceptional circumstances connected with the Book of Common
Prayer render it essential that this work, in order to be of historic value,
shall be issued with the imprint of the King's printers; but Mr.
EDWARD ARNOLD has arranged to secure for subscribers to the
Essex House Press publications the first offer of copies, and orders
should be sent in before October 31, 1901, after which date such
priority cannot be guaranteed.
The edition will be strictly limited to a total of four hundred copies for
England and America, at a price of Twelve Guineas (£12 12s.) net, and
there will also be five copies on vellum at Forty Pounds (£40) net.
* * * * *

A Reminiscence.
A New Edition. Crown 8vo.,
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