Mr Pim Passes By | Page 9

A.A. Milne
hands_.) But I don't see what
bearing it has upon Dinah's case.
OLIVIA. Oh, none, except that my father liked Jacob's political
opinions and his views on art. (Moving slowly round L.C. _table to
below stool at foot_.) I expect that that was why he chose him for me.
GEORGE. You seem to think that I wish to choose a husband for
Dinah. I don't at all. Let her choose whom she likes as long as he can
support her and there's a chance of their being happy together. Now,
with regard to this fellow--
OLIVIA. You mean Brian?
GEORGE. Well, he's got no money, and he's been brought up in quite a
different way from Dinah. Dinah may be prepared to believe
that--er--all cows are blue, and that--er--waves are square, but she won't
go on believing it for ever.
OLIVIA. Neither will Brian.
GEORGE (moving to R. end of settee). Well, that's what I keep telling
him, only he won't see it. Just as I keep telling you about those
ridiculous curtains. (_Points to cupboard with pipe in right hand over
his left shoulder_.) It seems to me that I am the only person in the
house with any eyesight left.
OLIVIA. Perhaps you are, darling; but you must let us find out our own
mistakes for ourselves. (Sits on stool L.C.) At any rate, Brian is a
gentleman; he loves Dinah, Dinah loves him; he's earning enough to
support himself, and you are earning enough to support Dinah.
GEORGE (amazed). What?

OLIVIA. I think it's worth risking, George.
GEORGE (stiffly). I can only say the whole question demands much
more anxious thought than you seem to have given it. You say that he
is a gentleman. He knows how to behave, I admit; but if his morals are
as topsy-turvy as his tastes and--er--politics, as I've no doubt they are
(rising and moving to L.), then-er--In short, I do not approve of Brian
Strange as a husband for my niece and ward. (Knocks pipe out down L.)
OLIVIA (looking at him thoughtfully). You are a curious mixture,
George. You were so very unconventional when you married me, and
you're so very conventional when Brian wants to marry Dinah....
George Marden to marry the widow of a convict!
GEORGE (advancing). Convict! What do you mean?
OLIVIA. Jacob Telworthy, convict--I forget his number--surely I told
you all this, dear, when we got engaged?
GEORGE. Never!
OLIVIA. Oh, but I told you how he carelessly put the wrong signature
to a cheque for a thousand pounds in England; how he made a little
mistake about two or three companies he'd promoted in Australia; and
GEORGE. Yes, yes (crossing slowly to C. below OLIVIA), but you
never told me he'd been--er--well--convicted!
OLIVIA. What difference does it make?
GEORGE. My dear Olivia, if you can't see that--a--a--oh, well!
OLIVIA. Oh! A convict! So, you see, we needn't be too particular
about our niece, need we?
GEORGE. I think we had better leave your first husband out of the
conversation altogether. I never wished to refer to him; I never wish to
hear about him again. I certainly had not realized that he was actually--

er--well--convicted for his--er--(_moving to writing-table and picking
up his cap_).
OLIVIA. Mistakes. GEORGE. Well, we needn't go into that. As for
this other matter, I don't for a moment take it seriously. Dinah is an
exceptionally pretty girl, and young. Strange is a good-looking boy.
(Coming down to back of settee L.) If they are attracted to each other, it
is a mere outward attraction which I am convinced will not lead to any
lasting happiness. (OLIVIA is about to protest.) That must be regarded
as my last word in the matter, Olivia. If this Mr.--er--what was his
name, comes, I shall be down at the farm. (GEORGE _goes out by the
staircase up_ R.)
(Left alone, OLIVIA rises, goes up C., _takes up her curtains again and
crossing down L. sits on settee, and gets calmly to work upon them_.)
(DINAH comes in by the windows from up R. and crosses to L.
_window at back, then seeing OLIVIA, beckons to BRIAN and runs
down to back of settee to R. of OLIVIA. BRIAN enters from up R., and
follows down to back of table_ L.C.)
DINAH (over back of settee). Finished?
OLIVIA (startled). Oh, no, I've got all these rings to put on.
DINAH. I meant talking to George.
BRIAN. We walked about outside----
DINAH. Until we heard him not talking to you any more----
BRIAN. And we didn't kiss each other once.
DINAH AND BRIAN (pointing roguishly and with satisfaction at
DINAH. Brian was very George-like. He wouldn't even let me tickle

the back of his neck. (She goes suddenly to OLIVIA and sits
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