Mother Stories from the New Testament | Page 8

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they saw the man that
had been possessed, clothed and in his right mind, sitting at the feet of
Jesus. And they that had seen it told them by what means the man had
been healed, and they were afraid. The man out of whom the devils had
departed, besought Him that he might stay with Jesus, but He sent him
away, saying, "Return to thy house, and show what great things God
hath done unto thee." And he went his way and published throughout
the city what great things Jesus had done unto him.

Jesus went into Capernaum, followed by a great crowd of people, and
among them was a woman who for twelve years had suffered from a
disease which no doctor could cure, though she had consulted many,
and spent all her wealth upon them. She had said within herself, "If I
could but touch His garment I should be made well." So she pressed
through the crowd, and put out her arm and touched the hem of His
garment, and immediately she was made well.
Then Jesus, turning round to His disciples, said, "Who touched Me?"
But they all denied that they had done so, and Peter and they that were
with him said, "Master, the multitude throng Thee and press Thee, and
yet Thou sayest, Who touched Me!" They were surprised that Jesus
should make such an enquiry, seeing that so many were crowding
round Him, and pressing against Him. But Jesus said, "Somebody hath
touched Me, for I perceive that healing virtue hath gone out of Me."
When the woman saw that Jesus knew what she had done, and that she
could not be hidden in the crowd, she came trembling, and, falling
down before Him, she declared unto Him before all the people why she
had touched Him, and how she had been healed at once. And He said
unto her, "Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee
whole. Go in peace, and be healed of thy illness."

Jesus wishes us to trust in Him. We suffer from a terrible disease--the
disease of sin, which no doctor can cure; but Jesus will heal us and take
away our sin if we trust in Him.

Jairus was one of the rulers of the Jewish church, or synagogue, and he
had a daughter who had been very ill and was now at the point of death.
She was an only daughter, and was twelve years of age. So hearing that
Jesus was near, he came to Him, and, falling down before Him,
implored Jesus to come and see her.
And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did His disciples. Soon
there came running to them a messenger from the ruler's house, who
said to Jairus, "Thy daughter is already dead; do not trouble the
master." But when Jesus heard it He turned to Jairus and said, "Fear not.
Only believe, and she shall be restored to life."
When they came to the ruler's house they saw the minstrels and many
people who were making much noise and lamentation for the dead girl,
as was the custom. Jesus said unto them, "Make way; weep not, for the
maiden is not dead, but sleepeth;" but they laughed Him to scorn,
knowing that she was dead. And He put them all out of the room, all
but Peter and James and John, and the mother and father of the maiden.
Then He took her by the hand, and called to her, saying, "Maid, arise."
And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway; and He
commanded her parents to give her food.
Her parents were astonished when they saw their daughter raised to life
and able to eat, but Jesus charged them that they should tell no man
what He had done. But the fame of the miracle He had wrought went
abroad unto all that land.
[Illustration: JAIRUS' DAUGHTER.]

When Jesus had left the house of the ruler Jairus, there followed Him
two blind men. They called out to Him, "Thou Son of David, have
mercy upon us."
Then Jesus looked at them, and asked if they really believed that He
had power to cure them and give them back their sight. And they said
unto Him, "Yea, Lord." Then He touched their eyes, and said unto them,
"According to your faith, so be it unto you." And immediately they
opened their eyes and were able to see. Jesus charged them to let no
man know what He had done. But when they were departed they spread
His fame abroad over all that country.
Another time Christ and His disciples were coming
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