Mistress and Maid | Page 6

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Miss Leaf; but though every one knew that Hilary was his particular
friend in the whole family, he did not write to Hilary. He had departed

rather suddenly, on account of some plan which he said, affected his
future very considerably; but which, though he was in the habit of
telling them his affairs, he did not further explain. Still Johanna knew
he was a good man, and though no man could be quite good enough for
her darling, she liked him, she trusted him.
What Hilary felt none knew. But she was very girlish in some things;
and her life was all before her, full of infinite hope. By-and-by her
color returned, and her merry voice and laugh were heard about the
house just as usual.
This being the position of affairs, it was not surprising that after
Ascott's last speech Hilary's mind wandered from Dido and Æneas to
vague listening, as the lad began talking of his grand future--the future
of a medical student, all expenses being paid by his godfather, Mr.
Ascott, the merchant, of Russell Square, once a shop boy of Stowbury.
Nor was it unnatural that all Ascott's anticipations of London resolved
themselves, in his aunt's eyes, into the one fact that he would "see Mr.
But in telling thus much about her mistresses, I have for the time being
lost sight of Elizabeth Hand.
Left to herself, the girl stood for a minute or two looking around her in
a confused manner, then, rousing her faculties, began mechanically to
obey the order with which her mistress had quitted the kitchen, and to
wash up the tea-things. She did it in a fashion that, if seen, would have
made Miss Leaf thankful that the ware was only the common set, and
not the cherished china belonging to former days: still she did it, noisily
it is true, but actively, as if her heart were in her work. Then she took a
candle and peered about her new domains.
These were small enough; at least they would have seemed so to other
eyes than Elizabeth's; for, until the school-room and box-closet above
had been kindly added by the landlord, who would have done any thing
to show his respect for the Misses Leaf, it had been merely a
six-roomed cottage--parlor kitchen, back kitchen, and three upper

chambers. It was a very cozy house notwithstanding, and it seemed to
Elizabeth's eyes a perfect palace.
For several minutes more she stood and contemplated her kitchen, with
the fire shining on the round oaken stand in the centre, and the large
wooden-bottomed chairs, and the loud-ticking clock, with its tall case,
the inside of which, with its pendulum and weights, had been a
perpetual mystery and delight, first to Hilary's and then to Ascott's
childhood. Then there was the sofa, large and ugly, but, oh! so
comfortable, with its faded, flowered chintz, washed and worn for
certainly twenty years. And, overall, Elizabeth's keen observation was
attracted by a queer machine apparently made of thin rope and bits of
wood, which hung up to the hooks on the ceiling--an old-fashioned
baby's swing. Finally, her eye dwelt with content on the blue and red
diamond tiled floor, so easily swept and mopped, and (only Elizabeth
did not think of that, for her hard childhood had been all work and no
play) so beautiful to whip tops upon! Hilary and Ascott, condoling
together over the new servant, congratulated themselves that their
delight in this occupation had somewhat failed, though it was really not
so many years ago since one of the former's pupils, coming suddenly
out of the school-room, had caught her in the act of whipping a
meditative top round this same kitchen floor.
Meantime Elizabeth penetrated farther, investigating the back kitchen,
with its various conveniences; especially the pantry, every shelf of
which was so neatly arranged and beautifully clean. Apparently this
neatness impressed the girl with a sense of novelty and curiosity; and
though she could hardly be said to meditate--her mind was not
sufficiently awakened for that--still, as she stood at the kitchen fire, a
slight thoughtfulness deepened the expression of her face, and made it
less dull and heavy than it had at first appeared.
"I wonder which on 'em does it all. They must work pretty hard, I
reckon; and two o' them's such little uns."
She stood a while longer; for sitting down appeared to be to Elizabeth
as new a proceeding as thinking; then she went up stairs, still literally
obeying orders, to shut windows and pull down blinds at nightfall. The

bedrooms were small, and insufficiently, nay, shabbily furnished; but
the floors were spotless--ah! poor Johanna!--and the sheets, though
patched and darned to the last extremity, were white and whole.
Nothing was dirty, nothing untidy.
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