Miscellaneous Poems | Page 9

George Crabbe
cry,--shall gladly meet,?And bid thee welcome to his still retreat;?Much will he wonder, how thou cam'st to find?A man to glory dead, to peace consign'd.?O Fame! he'll cry (for he will call thee Fame),?From thee I fly, from thee conceal my name;?But thou shalt say, though Genius takes his night,?He leaves behind a glorious train of light,?And hides in vain: --yet prudent he that flies?The flatterer's art, and for himself is wise.
"Yes, happy child! I mark th'approaching day,?When warring natures will confess thy sway;?When thou shalt Saturn's golden reign restore,?And vice and folly shall be known no more.
"Pride shall not then in human-kind have place,?Changed by thy skill, to Dignity and Grace;?While Shame, who now betrays the inward sense?Of secret ill, shall be thy Diffidence;?Avarice shall thenceforth prudent Forecast be,?And bloody Vengeance, Magnanimity;?The lavish tongue shall honest truths impart,?The lavish hand shall show the generous heart,?And Indiscretion be, contempt of art;?Folly and Vice shall then, no longer known,?Be, this as Virtue, that as Wisdom, shown.
"Then shall the Robber, as the Hero, rise?To seize the good that churlish law denies;?Throughout the world shall rove the generous band,?And deal the gifts of Heaven from hand to hand.?In thy blest days no tyrant shall be seen,?Thy gracious king shall rule contented men;?In thy blest days shall not a rebel be,?But patriots all and well-approved of thee.
"Such powers are thine, that man by thee shall wrest?The gainful secret from the cautious breast;?Nor then, with all his care, the good retain,?But yield to thee the secret and the gain.?In vain shall much experience guard the heart?Against the charm of thy prevailing art;?Admitted once, so soothing is thy strain,?It comes the sweeter, when it comes again;?And when confess'd as thine, what mind so strong?Forbears the pleasure it indulged so long?
"Softener of every ill! of all our woes?The balmy solace! friend of fiercest foes!?Begin thy reign, and like the morning rise!?Bring joy, bring beauty, to our eager eyes;?Break on the drowsy world like opening day,?While grace and gladness join thy flow'ry way;?While every voice is praise, while every heart is gay.
"From thee all prospects shall new beauties take,?'Tis thine to seek them and 'tis thine to make;?On the cold fen I see thee turn thine eyes,?Its mists recede, its chilling vapour flies;?Th'enraptured Lord th'improving ground surveys,?And for his Eden asks the traveller's praise,?Which yet, unview'd of thee, a bog had been,?Where spungy rushes hide the plashy green.
"I see thee breathing on the barren moor,?That seems to bloom although so bleak before;?There, if beneath the gorse the primrose spring,?Or the pied daisy smile below the ling,?They shall new charms, at thy command disclose,?And none shall miss the myrtle or the rose.?The wiry moss, that whitens all the hill,?Shall live a beauty by thy matchless skill;?Gale from the bog shall yield Arabian balm,?And the gray willow give a golden palm.
"I see thee smiling in the pictured room,?Now breathing beauty, now reviving bloom;?There, each immortal name 'tis thine to give,?To graceless forms, and bid the lumber live.?Should'st thou coarse boors or gloomy martyrs see,?These shall thy Guidos, these thy Teniers be;?There shalt thou Raphael's saints and angels trace,?There make for Rubens and for Reynolds place,?And all the pride of art shall find, in her disgrace.
"Delight of either sex? thy reign commence;?With balmy sweetness soothe the weary sense,?And to the sickening soul thy cheering aid dispense.?Queen of the mind! thy golden age begin;?In mortal bosoms varnish shame and sin;?Let all be fair without, let all be calm within."
The vision fled, the happy mother rose,?Kiss'd the fair infant, smiled at all her foes,?And FLATTERY made her name: --her reign began.?Her own dear sex she ruled, then vanquished man:?A smiling friend, to every class she spoke,?Assumed their manners, and their habits took;?Her, for her humble mien, the modest loved;?Her cheerful looks the light and gay approved:?The just beheld her, firm: the valiant, brave:?Her mirth the free, her silence pleased the grave:?Zeal heard her voice, and, as he preach'd aloud,?Well pleased he caught her whispers from the crowd,?(Those whispers, soothing-sweet to every ear,?Which some refuse to pay, but none to hear):?Shame fled her presence, at her gentle strain,?Care softly smiled, and Guilt forgot its pain:?The wretched thought, the happy found, her true,?The learn'd confess'd that she her merits knew:?The rich--could they a constant friend condemn??The poor believed--for who should flatter them??Thus on her name though all disgrace attend,?In every creature she beholds a friend.
Quid juvat errores, mersa jam puppe, fateri??Quid lacrymae delicta juvant commissa secutae?
CLAUDIAN, in Eutropium.
What avails it, when shipwreck'd, that error appears??Are the crimes we commit wash'd away by our tears?

When all the fiercer passions cease?(The glory and disgrace of youth):?When the deluded soul in peace,?Can listen to the voice of truth:?When we are taught in whom to trust,?And how to spare, to spend, to give,?(Our prudence kind, our
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