Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 | Page 4

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counties of Ohio, which shall be considered coal bearing or coal producing townships, to be included under the regulations as prescribed in section 973 relating to the mapping, drilling and abandonment of oil, gas or test wells. The chief deputy inspector of mines shall allow all matter pertaining to the mapping and drilling of oil and gas wells to be under the direct supervision of the oil and gas well inspector, except when wells are to be drilled, or have been drilled directly adjacent to some mining operation, or in case any arrangement for the drilling of an oil or gas well must necessarily be made in mutual understanding and consideration with some mining operation, or whenever the proper protection of the coal deposits is in question.
The oil and gas well inspector shall supervise the granting of permits to drill or abandon a well, the filing and reprinting of maps of oil, gas or test wells, and see that all the provisions relating to the mapping, drilling, and abandonment of such wells are strictly complied with. In any case where the plugging method as outlined in section 973 cannot be applied, or if applied, would be found ineffective in carrying out the intended protection, which the law is meant to give, the oil and gas well inspector may designate the method of plugging to be used, in all such cases causing the abandonment report to show the manner in which the work was done.
The oil and gas well inspector shall designate the counties or townships thereof which shall compose the different districts of the respective deputy oil and gas well inspectors, or change such districts whenever in his judgment the best interests of the service so demands. He shall issue instructions and regulations for the government of the deputy inspectors as will be consistent with the powers and duties vested in them by law, and secure the proper protection which the law intended. The oil and gas well inspector shall give such personal assistance to the deputy inspectors as they may need and make such personal inspection as he deems necessary throughout all the districts, at any time.
Each deputy oil and gas well inspector shall carry out the instructions of the oil and gas well inspector with reference to the enforcement of the regulations provided in section 973, or other regulations that are deemed necessary to insure the protection which this section intends. Any person, firm or corporation dissatisfied with the ruling of the chief deputy inspector of mines, or the oil and gas well inspector under the provisions of this section shall have the right of appeal to the Industrial Commission of Ohio within ten days from the date of such ruling.
=Chief Inspector of Mines Shall Provide and Maintain Rescue Apparatus.=
Sec. 915. The chief inspector of mines shall provide and maintain, at the expense of the state, one rescue car fully equipped with not less than twelve approved oxygen breathing devices complete, one recharging equipment for recharging oxygen cylinders, twelve extra oxygen cylinders, two resuscitating outfits complete, forty approved safety lamps, one naphtha tank, twenty portable electric lamps complete, with storage batteries, and all necessary instruments and chemical tests, together with all necessary supplies and appliances therefor. The rescue car with its equipment, shall be stationed at such point as may be designated by the chief inspector of mines, and may be transferred, by his direction, at any time to any point within the state for the purpose of facilitating the efficient inspection of mines and conducting rescue work, and to demonstrate the various appliances and instruct persons in their use in first aid and rescue work.
The rescue car with its equipment shall be continuously in charge of one person who shall be appointed by the chief inspector of mines, with the approval of the governor, and who shall receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum, together with all necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties.
The person in charge of said rescue car shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties connected therewith, give a bond to the state in the sum of two thousand dollars with two or more sureties approved by the governor conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Such bond with the approval of the governor and the oath of office endorsed thereon shall be deposited with the secretary of state and kept in his office.
(103 O.L. 467.)
=Five Rescue Stations to be Provided and Maintained; Equipment of Same.=
Sec. 915-1. The industrial commission of Ohio shall provide and maintain at the expense of the state, five rescue stations, each station to be equipped with not less than five approved breathing devices complete, one recharging or refilling pump for recharging oxygen cylinders, five extra oxygen cylinders, one resuscitating
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