its first strides
along the steep path which they themselves are soon to tread. Other
sister communities in the European, African, Asiatic and Australian
continents, some of venerable age, others rich in experience, and
resources, still others tried and tested, by the fires of persecution,
observe with keen anticipation in their hearts and benediction on their
lips, the manner in which this youngest recruit to their ranks will
launch upon its career, the resolution with which it will face its
problems, the spirit which will animate it in its battles and the
stupendousness of the efforts required to win its victories. Above and
beyond them the Spirit of a Master Who nursed it in its infancy and to
Whose Plan it now has consecrated its mature energies, overshadows it
with that self-same solicitude that called it into existence, that
stimulated His tender care in its infancy, that inspired His written
promises, that prompted His lavish praise, that impelled Him to cast the
radiance of His person, in the evening of His life, on its mother city(3),
and induced Him, ere His passing, to bequeath to it so rich a legacy in
what may be regarded as one of the mightiest repositories of His last
wishes. No one, of the galaxy of immortal heroes, now gathered to the
glory of Bahá'u'lláh, can contemplate with greater delight the advances,
which this community has made, or intercede with greater efficacy on
its behalf, than she(4) who has won the peerless title of the Mother of
that community, the initial phase of whose career was signalized by the
founding of the mother community in the European continent, and the
conclusion of which was crowned by a death cementing the spiritual
bonds now indissolubly uniting the North and South American
The Five Year Plan, now set in motion, must under no circumstances
be allowed to lag behind its schedule. A befitting start should be made
in the execution of the Plan in all its aspects. The initial steps should be
relentlessly followed by additional measures designed to hasten the
incorporation of your Assembly, to accelerate the multiplication of
Local Assemblies, groups and isolated centres, throughout the
Provinces of the Dominion, to insure the stability of the outpost of the
Faith which must be established in Newfoundland, and to incorporate a
steadily growing element, representative of both the Indian and Eskimo
races, into the life of the community.
Obstacles, however formidable, will have to be determinedly
surmounted. Any reverses that sooner or later may be suffered should
be met with stoic fortitude, and speedily offset by victories in other
fields. The glorious vision now unveiled to your eyes must never be
dimmed. The illuminating promises enshrined in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets
should not be forgotten for a moment. The quality of the success
already achieved by so small a number, over so extensive a field, in so
brief a period, at so precarious an hour in the destinies of mankind,
should spur on the elected representatives of this now fully-fledged
community to achieve in as short a period, over still more extensive an
area, and despite a severer crisis than any as yet encountered, victories
more abiding in their merit and more conspicuous in their brilliance
than any as yet won in the service and for the glory of the Faith of
Your true brother, SHOGHI.
(Cablegram) May 1949
(Cablegram) May 1949.
Acclaim magnificent victory(5) unique (in the) annals (of) East (and)
West. Glorious events foreshadowed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá Tablets (of)
Divine Plan (at) long last unfolding. National elected representatives
newly fledged highly promising richly blessed community deserve
heartiest congratulations. Appeal its members arise token gratitude
outpouring divine grace bestowed initial stage its independent
development vigorously prosecute plan attain all objectives set
imperishable example sister communities Bahá'í world. Ardently
praying still greater victories.
Letter of June 19, 1949
June 19, 1949.
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada
Your letters to our beloved Guardian ... have been received, with their
enclosures, as well as the material you sent under separate cover.
Your Assembly has much to be congratulated upon for your victories
during the past Bahá'í Year have been memorable. The passing, in both
Houses, of the Bill(6) relating to the official status of your Assembly
was a cause for great rejoicing, as this is the first time in Bahá'í history
that any government has taken such action in relation to our Faith's
status. He would like, if possible, to receive duplicates of the official
Gazette and all publicity given this matter, as the copies you sent were
placed in the Mansion at Bahjí, but he wishes to have these documents
at hand in his personal files
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