Mercadet | Page 9

Honoré de Balzac
back) Paying me back! In full!
Mercadet It was a close shave.
Violette What was?
Mercadet Imagine, my dear fellow, that there exists a most brilliant opportunity, a most magnificent speculation, the most sublime discovery--an affair which appeals to the interest of every one, which will draw upon all the exchanges, and for the realization of which a stupid banker has refused me the miserable sum of a thousand crowns-- when there is more than a million in sight.
Violette A million!
Mercadet Yes, a million, from the start. Afterwards no one can calculate where the rage for protective pavement will stop.
Violette Pavement?
Mercadet Protective pavement. A pavement on which no barricade can be raised.
Violette Really?
Mercadet You see, that from henceforth all governments interested in the preservation of order will become our chief shareholders--Ministers, princes and kings will be our chief partners. Next come the gods of finance, the great bankers, those of independent income in commerce and speculation; even the socialists, seeing that their industry is ruined, will be forced to buy stocks for a living from me!
Violette Yes, it is fine! It is grand!
Mercadet It is sublime and philanthropic! And to think I have been refused four thousand francs, wherewith to send out advertisements and launch my prospectus!
Violette Four thousand francs! I thought it was only--
Mercadet Four thousand francs, no more! And I was to give away for the loan a half interest in the enterprise--that is to say a fortune! Ten fortunes!
Violette Listen--I will see--I will speak to some one--
Mercadet Speak to no one! Keep it to yourself! The idea would at once be snatched up--or perhaps they wouldn't understand it so well as you have immediately done. These money dealers are so stupid. Besides, I am expecting Verdelin here--
Violette Verdelin--but--we might perhaps--
Mercadet 'Twill be lucky for Verdelin, if he has the brains to risk six thousand francs in it.
Violette But you said four thousand just now.
Mercadet It was four thousand that they refused me, but I need six thousand! Six thousand francs, and Verdelin, whom I have already made a millionaire once, is likely to become so three, four, five times over! But he will deserve it, for he is a clever fellow, is Verdelin.
Violette Mercadet, I will find you the money.
Mercadet No, no, don't think of it. Besides, he will be here in a moment, and if I am to send him away without concluding the business with him, it will be necessary to have it settled with some one else before Verdelin comes--and, as that is impossible--good-bye--and good luck--I shall certainly be able to pay you your thirty thousand francs.
Violette But say--why couldn't I--?
Mme. Mercadet (entering) M. Verdelin has come, my dear.
Mercadet (aside) Good, good! (Aloud) Just detain him a minute. (Mme. Mercadet goes out.) Well, good-bye, dear old Violette--
Violette (pulling out a greasy pocketbook) Wait a moment--here, I have the money with me--and will give it you beforehand.
Mercadet You! Six thousand francs!
Violette A friend asked me to invest it for him, and--
Mercadet And you couldn't find a better opening. We'll sign the contract presently! (He takes the bills.) This closes the deal--and so much the worse for Verdelin--he has missed a gold mine!
Violette Well, I'll see you later.
Mercadet Yes--see you later! You can get out through my study.
(Mercadet shows Violette the way out. Mme. Mercadet enters.)
Mme. Mercadet Mercadet!
Mercadet (reappearing) Ah! my dear! I am an unfortunate man! I ought to blow my brains out.
Mme. Mercadet Good heavens! What is the matter?
Mercadet The matter is that a moment ago I asked this sham bankrupt Violette for six thousand francs.
Mme. Mercadet And he refused to give them to you?
Mercadet On the contrary, he handed them over.
Mme. Mercadet What, then, do you mean?
Mercadet I am an unlucky man, as I told you, because he gave them so quickly that I could have gotten ten thousand if I had only known it.
Mme. Mercadet What a man you are! I suppose you know that Verdelin is waiting for you.
Mercadet Beg him to come in. At last I have Julie's trousseau; and we now need only enough money for your dresses and for household expenses until the marriage. Send in Verdelin.
Mme. Mercadet Yes, he is your friend, and of course you will gain your end with him.
(Exit Mme. Mercadet.)
Mercadet (alone) Yes, he is my friend! And he has all the pride that comes with fortune; but he has never had a Godeau (looking round to see if he is alone). After all, Godeau! I really believe that Godeau has brought me in more money than he has taken from me.

Mercadet and Verdelin.
Verdelin Good-day, Mercadet. What is doing now? Tell me quickly for I was stopped here on my way up-stairs to Bredif's apartment.
Mercadet Oh, he can wait! How is it that you are going to see a man like Bredif?
Verdelin (laughing) My dear friend,
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