to the king-- Answer of the king-The ""--The comtesse and Louis XV--The supper--The court ladies mystified--The comtesse and M. de Sartines
The sieur Ledoux--The --The duc de la Vrilliere-- Madame de Langeac--M. de Maupeou--Louis XV--The comte Jean
The king of Denmark--The courtesans of Paris--The duc de Choiseul and the bishop of Orleans--Witty repartees of the king of Denmark-- His visit to madame du Barry--"The court of king Petaud," a satire-- Letter of the duc d'Aiguillon to Voltaire--The duchesse de Grammont mystified--Unpublished letter of Voltaire's
When is the presentation to take place?--Conversation on this subject with the king--M. de Maupeou and M. de la Vauguyon-- Conversation on the same subject with the king and the duc de Richelieu--M. de la Vrilliere--M. Bertin---Louis XV and the comtesse--The king's promise--The fire-works, an anecdote--The marquise de Castellane--M. de Maupeou at the duc de Choiseul's-- The duchesse de Grammont
A word concerning the duchesse de Choiseul--The apartment of the Comte de Noailles--The Noailles--Intrigues for presentation--The comte de Bearn--M. Morand once more--Visit of the comtesse Bearn to the comtesse du Barry--Conversation--Interested complaisance-- The king and the comtesse du Barry--Dispute and reconciliation
The comtesse de Bearn--The supper--Louis XV--Intrigues against my presentation--M. de Roquelaure--The scalded foot--The comtesse d'Aloigny--The duc d'Aiguillon and madame de Bearn--Anger of the king's daughters--Madame Adelaide and the comtesse du Barry-- Dissatisfaction of the king
Of the presentation--The king and the duc de Richelieu at comtesse du Barry's--M. de la Vauguyon--Conversation--Letter of the duke to the comtesse du Barry--Reply--The countess unites herself with the Jesuit party--Madame Louise--Madame Sophie--M. Bertin--Madame de Bercheny
The princesses consent to the presentation of madame du Barry-- Ingenious artifice employed by the king to offer a present to the duc de la Vauguyon--Madame du Barry's letter respecting it--The duke's reply--The king's letter--The court in despair--Couplets concerning madame du Barry--Her presentation--A change in public opinion--An evening party at the house of the countess--Joy of her partizans--Conversation with the chancellor respecting the lady of the marechal de Mirepoix
The Comte de la Marche, a prince of the blood--Madame de Beauvoir, his mistress--Madame du Barry complains to the prince de Soubise of the princess de Guemenee--The king consoles the countess for this--The duc de Choiseul--The king speaks to him of madame du Barry--Voltaire writes to her--The opinions of Richelieu and the king concerning Voltaire
Unpublished letter of Voltaire to madame du Barry--Reply of the countess--The marechale de Mirepoix--Her first interview with madame du Barry--Anecdote of the diamonds of madame de Mirepoix-- The king pays for them--Singular gratitude of the marechale--The portfolio, and an unpublished letter of the marquise de Pompadour
Conversation of the marechale de Mirepoix with the comtesse du Barry on court friendship--Intrigues of madame de Bearn--Preconcerted meeting with madame de Flaracourt---Rage of madame de Bearn-- Portrait and conversation of madame de Flaracourt with the comtesse du Barry--Insult from the princesse de Guemenee--Her banishment--Explanation of the king and the duc de Choiseul relative to madame du Barry--The comtesse d'Egmont
Intrigue of the comtesse d'Egmont with a shopman--His unhappy fate--The comtesse du Barry protects him--Conduct of Louis XV upon the occasion--The young man quits France--Madame du Barry's letter to the comtesse d'Egmont--Quarrel with the marechal de Richelieu
Madame du Barry separates from madame de Bearn--Letters between these ladies--Portrait of madame de l'Hopital--The ladder--The bell--Conversation with madame de Mirepoix--First visit to Chantilly-- Intrigues to prevent the countess from going thither--The king's Displeasure towards the princesses--The archbishop de Senlis
Unpublished letter of Louis XV--Madame du Barry's cousin, M. de Maupeou--The comtesse du Barry saves the life of a young girl seduced by the arts of the cure of her village--She obtains pardon of the comte and comtesse de Louerne--The king presents her with Lucienne--A second meeting with the youthful prophet--His further predictions--He is sought for--His mysterious letter to the countess
Extraordinary anecdote of Louis XIV and madame de Maintenon-- The comtesse du Barry at Chantilly--Opinion of king and comte de la Marche respecting the "Iron Mask"--Madame du Barry visits madame de Lagarde
The chevalier de la Morliere--Portrait of the duc de Choiseul-- The duc de Choiseul and the comtesse du Barry--No reconciliation effected--Madame du Barry and the duc d'Aiguillon--Madame du Barry and Louis XV
Dorine--Mademoiselle Choin and the marechal d'Uxelles--Zamor-- M. de Maupeou's wig--Henriette--The duc de Villeroi and Sophie-- Letter from the comtesse du Barry to the duc de Villeroi--His reply--The countess writes again--Madame du Barry and Sophie-- Louis XV and the comtesse du Barry
The prince des Deux Ponts--Prince Max--The dauphin and Marie Antoinette--The comtesse du Barry and Bridget Rupert--The countess and Genevieve Mathon--Noel--Fresh amours--Nocturnal adventure-- Conclusion of this intrigue
Madame du Barry succeeds in alienating Louis XV from the due de Choiseul--Letter from madame de Grammont--Louis XV--The chancellor and the countess--Louis XV and the abbe de la Ville--The marechale de Mirepoix and madame du Barry
Baron d'Oigny, general post-master--The

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